Facility Rentals

Bayou Theater, nestled at the center of the University of Houston-Clear Lake campus, is the perfect place to host your next event. Whether a meeting, performance, wedding or dance recital, Bayou Theater is ready to help wow your guests while making it an enjoyable experience for you. Fully equipped with lighting, sound, dressing rooms, and back stage facilities, we can make your most theatrical dreams come true!

Theater Rental and Tours

Please read the  Bayou Theater Booking Policy and Procedures before inquiring about your rental. By submitting your inquiry, you acknowledge that you have read and agree to all terms in the booking policy and procedure. 

In your rental inquiry, please include the following:

  1. Date(s) of the Event
  2. Type of Event:
    1. Play
    2. Dance
    3. Lecture
    4. Concert
    5. Movie
    6. Conference
    7. Musical
    8. Other
  3. Your affiliation with UHCL:
    1. UHCL faculty/staff member
    2. UHCL student
    3. UHCL student organization
    4. Community member
    5. Other
  4. Responsible organization or department
  5. First and last name
  6. Phone number
  7. Email address
  8. Billing address
  9. Time you will need access to the theater
  10. Event start time
  11. Event end time
  12. Time you will be completely done with the theater, post event (*billing ends after we close the doors after your event)
  13. Number of guests you expect to attend the event
  14. Number of people who will be onstage or back stage
  15. Are tickets required to attend your event?

You can contact the Bayou Theater directly at 281-283-3024 or BayouTheater@uhcl.edu  with any questions. 


  • Bayou Theater

    Phone: 281-283-3024
    Email:  bayoutheater@uhcl.edu
    Bayou Building
    2700 Bay Area Blvd
    Houston, TX 77058-1002