Sexual Misconduct

The Dean of Students Office is committed to providing an educational, working and living environment where all members of the UHCL community are free from sexual misconduct. If you or someone you know has experienced sexual misconduct, we are here to help.

Reporting Sexual Misconduct

If you or someone you know has experienced sexual misconduct, you may report Sexual Misconduct online, in-person, or over the phone. Once a report is made, the Office of Title IX and Equal Opportunity Services will follow up accordingly and appropriately.

Reporting Title IX Resources Sexual Misconduct Policy

How to respond to someone who may have experienced Sexual Misconduct

At University of Houston-Clear Lake, ours is a community that cares. If you see someone in need, you should help them. With that said, because you are a member of this community, you may find yourself in the position of responding to a direct disclosure of sexual misconduct from another member. And, if that happens, here is how you can help them.

Care for that Person

Listen with empathy.

Listening is the single most important thing that you can do. No one deserves to be a victim of violence, regardless of the circumstances. Let the victim know they are not to blame for the assault. Avoid asking questions that imply fault, such as "How much were you drinking?" or "Why didn't you call the police?" Instead, say something simple and kind, like: "I'm sorry that this happened to you." or "Thank you for telling me."

Provide Non-Judgmental Support and Respect Their Decisions.

One of the most important ways to provide support is to listen without judging or blaming. Remember that no matter the circumstances, no one deserves to be subjected to sexual misconduct. Allow the victim to talk about their experience. The person may not know what to call what happened; do not define the experience for them. Follow their lead; do not take control of the situation or try and do something to "fix" it.

Having experienced sexual misconduct can cause the person to feel a loss of control; let the victim make their own decisions, and support their decisions. Also understand that everyone responds uniquely to sexual misconduct. Some common reactions may include shock, fear, embarrassment, guilt, anger, depression, and/or feeling overwhelmed. This is okay.

Remember, you are not an investigator; you are someone the victim trusts. Avoid telling the victim what they "should" or "must" do. One of the most important things you can do is help the victim take back the power that they have lost. Try phrases like: "What kind of help do you need?" or "When you are ready, there is help available."

Get them Help

Ensuring they are safe.

If there is immediate danger, contact the UHCL Police Department  (281-283-2222). Remember, it is always the victim's choice whether or not to report to the police.

Connecting the Victim with Resources.

If the reporter is a victim of sexual misconduct, you should provide the victim with additional information for contacting on-and-off campus resources. You could start by making them aware of this website if they are not aware of it already.

Contact Your Title IX Coordinator

The Office of Title IX and Equal Opportunity Services oversees efforts to comply with and implement the Sexual Misconduct Policy (PDF) . The Office of Title IX and Equal Opportunity Services conducts administrative investigations of reports of sexual misconduct and is available to discuss options, provide support, explain policies and procedures, and provide education on Title IX .

David D. Brittain, Jr.
Title IX Coordinator and Equal Opportunity Officer
Phone: (281) 283-2305

Devon Fan
Title IX Investigator
Phone: (281) 283-2308


  • Dean of Students

    Phone: 281-283-2567

    SSCB 1201
    2700 Bay Area Blvd, Box 195
    Houston, TX 77058-1002

    Office hours:
    Mon. - Fri., 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.

    Please call aheadduring holidays and semester breaks.