Pre-Service Clinical Teaching I (TCED 4378)

Pre-Service Clinical Teaching I Qualifications  

All students must meet the following requirements for admission to Pre-Service Clinical Teaching I:

  • Formal admission to the Teacher Education Program (TEP) .
  • The required 3000 level WRIT course for student's assigned major must be completed with C+ or higher.
  • You may have a maximum of 6 credit hours of Field Experience or Methods coursework concurrent with Clinical Teaching I.
  • You may take a maximum of 12 credit hours in your Clinical Teaching I semester.
  • A maximum of 6 credit hours can be approved to complete with Pre-Service Clinical Teaching II.
  • Any Wednesday course taken concurrently Pre-Service Clinical Teaching I cannot be scheduled earlier than 6 p.m.
  • Upon acceptance into TCED 4378, students will be placed on the district's substitute list. As required by Texas Senate Bill 9, the district will conduct a TEA criminal history background check on each student. In order for the criminal background check to be conducted, each student will be required to complete all required documentation. Part of the documentation will require that each student provide their social security number and driver's license number. If a student does not have a driver's license number, the state identification number must be provided.

Admission to Pre-Service Clinical Teaching I is contingent upon eligibility for entering Pre-Service Clinical Teaching II the following consecutive long semester. In the event that the student has not passed the required state certification exams prior to the following consecutive long semester, the student will enter Clinical Teaching II the following semester after the required state certification exams have been passed. Students will be informed of their public school district Clinical Teaching assignments before Pre-Service Clinical Teaching I begins.

UHCL TExES Exam Benchmark Policy

In order to participate in Clinical Teaching II, All Clinical Teaching I students must have all TExES exams passed by the dates provided below and in the Benchmark Document:

  • June 1 to participate in the fall semester.
  • January 1 to participate in spring semester.

Clinical Teaching I Application and Process

Pre-Service Clinical Teaching I Program

TCED 4378 & TCED 4978 At-A-Glance

Paraprofessional TCED 4378 & TCED 4978 At-A-Glance

During Pre-Service Clinical Teaching I, the student teachers will spend all day each Wednesday of the public school semester in a supervised field experience at one of the designated professional school campuses. NOTE: Courses offered at 4 p.m. on Wednesdays may not be taken during Clinical Teaching I, as they may interfere with Clinical Teaching I’s course requirements. The student teacher will be under the supervision of an Clinical Teaching Team consisting of: Center for Professional Development of Teachers, the PDS personnel, the Field Supervisor, and mentor teacher in cooperation of the campus principal. The Field Supervisor is the teacher of record for this course. This experience will consist of, but is not limited to:

  • Attending Clinical Teaching I Orientation.
  • Adhering to attendance requirements and following the mentor teacher’s daily and weekly schedule.
  • Meet requirements to be eligible for placement on the assigned district’s substitute list.
  • Become familiar with and adhere to the Code of Ethics and Standard Practices for Texas Educators, and the UHCL Student Code of Conduct.
  • Demonstrating the professional attributes and dispositions stated in the COE Professional Attributes and COE Disposition Policy.
  • Becoming familiar with, and adhering to school and district protocol, rules and policies.
  • Attend in-services, faculty meetings, team meetings and seminars, both at PDS and UHCL, as scheduled.
  • Experience a variety of classroom settings through required observations.
  • Planning and implementing lesson plans with assigned classroom students.
  • Tutoring small groups or individual students.
  • Technology training.
  • Classroom Management training and implementation.

Suggestions for Success From Former Clinical Teaching I Candidates

  1. Take a light course schedule.
  2. Calm down and chill out, don’t panic.
  3. Collaborate.
  4. Be active in the classroom. Don't sit in the back of the class and "veg" out.
  5. Attend the first day of school. You will need to see rules and procedures being taught.
  6. Establish with the students that you are a teacher.
  7. Travel with your students to music, P.E., library — you will see another aspect of them.
  8. Be realistic about your expectations in the classroom.
  9. Never throw away or delete anything (especially your stuff from your methods classes).


  • Center for Professional Development of Teachers

    Phone: 281-283-3612
    Bayou Building 1231
    2700 Bay Area Blvd, Box 517
    Houston, TX 77058-1002