Graduate Capstones

Capstone Options for Graduate Students in the College of Human Sciences and Humanities

As part of their degree requirements, graduate students in the College of Human Sciences and Humanities will complete a capstone experience. The following five master’s-level capstone options are available:

  • Thesis
  • Project
  • Extended coursework and comprehensive examination
  • Internship
  • Exhibition

Doctoral-level students complete a dissertation, the guidelines for which are provided to students by the program director.

Choosing a Capstone

Consult with your program-level advisor or the program director in the semester prior to beginning a capstone to determine which capstone best complements your educational and professional goals. You can also learn more about program-specific expectations, timelines, milestones, and more.

Coursework + Comp Exam

Enrolling in a Capstone

Enrollment in a capstone is automatic from one long semester (fall to spring, spring to fall) to the next from the time the student first enrolls in a capstone until the time the capstone has been completed and approved. Summer enrollment is not automatic. In the unusual event that the instructor of record changes from one semester to another, a new master's course option form will need to be completed and signed by the student, signed by the new instructor of record, and submitted to the associate dean. 

Registering for a Graduate Capstone

To register for a graduate capstone, students should complete the online graduate course option form which will be routed to the instructor of record for review and approval.

Library Resources

Due dates, templates, and guidelines from UHCL's Neumann Library are available.

Thesis/Project Format Guide


  • HSH Dean's Office

    Phone: 281-283-3300
    Bayou Building 1529
    2700 Bay Area Blvd., Box 416
    Houston, TX 77058-1002

    HSH Office of Academic Advising

    Phone: 281-283-3333
    Bayou Building 1615

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