Handle Errors - Graph API - Documentation - Meta for Developers

Handling Errors

Requests made to our APIs can result in several different error responses. The following document describes the recovery tactics and provides a list of error values with a map to the most common recovery tactic to use.

Error Responses

The following represents a common error response resulting from a failed API request:

  "error": {
    "message": "Message describing the error", 
    "type": "OAuthException", 
    "code": 190,
    "error_subcode": 460,
    "error_user_title": "A title",
    "error_user_msg": "A message",
    "fbtrace_id": "EJplcsCHuLu"
  • message : A human-readable description of the error.
  • code : An error code. Common values are listed below, along with common recovery tactics.
  • error_subcode : Additional information about the error. Common values are listed below.
  • error_user_msg : The message to display to the user. The language of the message is based on the locale of the API request.
  • error_user_title : The title of the dialog, if shown. The language of the message is based on the locale of the API request.
  • fbtrace_id : Internal support identifier. When reporting a bug related to a Graph API call, include the fbtrace_id to help us find log data for debugging. However, this ID will expire shortly. To help the support team reproduce your issue, please attach a saved graph explorer session .

Error Codes

Code or Type Name What To Do


If no subcode is present, the login status or access token has expired, been revoked, or is otherwise invalid. Get a new access token .

If a subcode is present, see the subcode.


API Session

If no subcode is present, the login status or access token has expired, been revoked, or is otherwise invalid. Get a new access token .

If a subcode is present, see the subcode.


API Unknown

Possibly a temporary issue due to downtime. Wait and retry the operation. If it occurs again, check that you are requesting an existing API.


API Service

Temporary issue due to downtime. Wait and retry the operation.


API Method

Capability or permissions issue. Make sure your app has the necessary capability or permissions to make this call.


API Too Many Calls

Temporary issue due to throttling. Wait and retry the operation, or examine your API request volume.


API User Too Many Calls

Temporary issue due to throttling. Wait and retry the operation, or examine your API request volume.


API Permission Denied

Permission is either not granted or has been removed. Handle the missing permissions .


Access token has expired

Get a new access token .


API Permission (Multiple values depending on permission)

Permission is either not granted or has been removed. Handle the missing permissions .


Application limit reached

Temporary issue due to downtime or throttling. Wait and retry the operation, or examine your API request volume.


Temporarily blocked for policies violations

Wait and retry the operation.


Duplicate Post

Duplicate posts cannot be published consecutively. Change the content of the post and try again.


Error Posting Link

There was a problem scraping data from the provided link. Check the URL and try again.

Authentication Error Subcodes

Code Name What To Do


App Not Installed

The User has not logged into your app. Reauthenticate the User.


User Checkpointed

The User needs to log in at https://www.facebook.com or https://m.facebook.com to correct an issue.


Password Changed

On iOS 6 and above, if the person logged in using the OS-integrated flow, direct them to Facebook OS settings on the device to update their password. Otherwise, they must log in to the app again.



Login status or access token has expired, been revoked, or is otherwise invalid. Handle expired access tokens .


Unconfirmed User

The User needs to log in at https://www.facebook.com or https://m.facebook.com to correct an issue.


Invalid Access Token

Access token has expired, been revoked, or is otherwise invalid. Handle expired access tokens .


Invalid Session

User associated with the Page access token does not have an appropriate role on the Page.

Rate Limiting Error Codes

Visit the Graph API Rate Limits guide for more information about Rate Limiting Error Codes.

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