FBE Developer Panel - Meta Business Extension - Documentation - Meta for Developers

Meta Business Extension Developer Panel

The Meta Business Extension Developer Panel is a product available in your App Dashboard . This section explains how to set up and validate your Meta Business Extension integration through it.

Access the Meta Business Extension Developer Panel

  1. Navigate to the Apps dashboard and click the name of the app you'd like to configure to load the App Dashboard. Or, if you haven’t yet, create a Meta app selecting Business as the type.
  2. Once in the App Dashboard, click on Add Product .
  3. In the list of products, find Meta Business Extension (you may need to click See More Products ).
  4. On the product card, click Set Up .
  5. Now the MBE Developer Panel has been added to the left column of your App dashboard. By navigating the tabs, you should see a checklist of action items and setup steps that need to be completed completing the requirements , setting up catalog , selecting features , and so on.
  6. Start the Pre-Work steps and then click the Setup tab (accessible from the menu on the left) to fill out the rest of your information.
  7. Submit your integration for review: Use the Integration Review tab in the MBE Developer Panel. Once your integration is approved, you can access the Launch Status tab, where you will be able to launch your application to public users. Learn more about the Integration Review process.

Unable to Find Meta Business Extension on the Products List?

  • If you don't find Meta Business Extensionon the list of products because your app requires the manage_business_extension private permission, contact your Meta partner to add your app to the allow list and let you know when granted.
  • Your app must be Business app type to get access to Meta Business ExtensionDeveloper Panel.

Overview Tab

The checklist on the Overview tabhas all the items you need to complete, build, and validate as part of your MBE integration before you can submit it to our team for review.

It's meant to be an easy-to-follow guide to make sure you don't miss any required steps. Items in the checklist are automatically marked as “Incomplete”, “Optional”, “With Errors”, or “Complete” as you fill out steps in the Setuptab .

Setup Tab

The Setuptab is where you should configure and validate most of your integration. Before starting, think about the use cases, authentication tools, and features your app will offer to your businesses. Doing so ensures that you're setting up the right configuration and building the right tools.

  • What use cases (verticals) does my app serve? For example: Appointments, Commerce, Restaurant Reservation, and so on. See a full list of MBE supported use cases here .
  • What features do I want my app to enable for my businesses? For example: Instagram CTA, Messenger Chat, and so on.

Each of the different sections in this tab provides validations that will help you to understand if there are any errors on your current integration that you have to fix before opening it to your businesses. For example, when building Business Login or Authentication URL, if any of the config values you use are not valid (unsupported currency, malformed extras, incomplete feature configs, and so on), errors will surface when clicking the Savebutton and the card will be marked as “With Errors”.



Use the Webhooks card to set up and make modifications to the webhooks configuration. The system will test and validate the Callback URL and Verify Token entered in here. Once validated, the fbe_install webhook will be automatically subscribed - however, the subscription state may be toggled using the switch at the bottom of the card.

Wildcard Domains

Use the developer panel wildcard domains to run general validations on the pixel. We also use these validations to identify potential businesses who would benefit from MBE. We ask you to add all possible formats that a business’ URL in your platform could look like.


  • https://www.example.com
  • https://www.example.com/*
  • If businesses can have custom subdomains:
    • https://www.*.example.com
  • If you require businesses to have mandatory paths:
    • https://www.example.com/some_mandatory_path/*
    • https://www.example.com/*/some_mandatory_path/*

Pixel Questionnaire

Please use the Pixel Questionnaireto think through your pixel implementation. The questionnaire can be found in the Configure Pixelcard in the Setup tab. Click on the configure button to start the questionnaire. During Integration Review , we will use the answers provided in the questionnaire to help us understand your pixel firing implementation.

Integration Review Tab

You can kick off the integration review process in this tab. You will be able to submit your integration for review as soon as all required checklist items from Overview tabare completed.

Launch Status Tab

Once your integration is approved, you will be able to access this tab, here you will be able to launch your application to public users by clicking the Launch Appbutton.

Debugger Tab

In this tab you can find two tools that you can use after your launch, once you start onboarding your businesses and need to know details about their FBE connection and solve issues affecting their onboarding.

We recommend that you use the debugger tools as your first step when trying to help your businesses onboard (for example, if they report to your customer support team that they are unable to connect or that the expected features are not working as intended). The tools can help you figure out if the issues are on your side and you can fix them in a self-serve manner.

App Misconfiguration Errors

This lists the different types of installation errors blocking your businesses from onboarding due to misconfiguration issues on your MBE integration. For each error type, you will find the number of businesses affected by it as “Total Count”.

Use the dropdown on the right to see the errors list over a specified time frame (last month, week, day).


How to Solve Surfaced Errors

All the errors listed in this dashboard are caused by misconfiguration on the extras object you have to pass to Facebook when businesses onboard using your Business Login and Authentication URL.

Getting them fixed requires identifying what part of the extras object is missed/malformed or using invalid values. Each error type listed mentions the cause, so you can validate the values your integration is sending against the FBE Reference for extras.

Some common examples include:

  • The currency field in setup is not formatted correctly- This means that for some businesses the value for currency you are sending on the extras object is not supported by Facebook.

  • The ig_cta field in business_config contains invalid values- This means that the fields or values used to enable Instagram CTA are not the expected ones for the ig_cta object.

Meta Business Extension Debugger

This tool allows you to get the status and details of a specific business. By providing their external_business_id , you can confirm if they are currently connected to MBE or not. For connected businesses, you will get details about the connected assets (for example: Page, Instagram, Catalog, pixel, and so on) and also the list of MBE features that were enabled by the connection.

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