NativeAppCallAttachmentStore - Documentation - Meta for Developers
This class is no longer available in the most recent version of the SDK.
A more recent version of this class is available. Check out  the latest version.

This class works in conjunction with NativeAppCallContentProvider to allow apps to attach binary attachments (e.g., images) to native dialogs launched via the FacebookDialog class. It stores attachments in temporary files and allows the Facebook application to retrieve them via the content provider.

Callers are generally not expected to need to use this class directly; see OpenGraphActionDialogBuilder.setImageAttachmentsForObject.setImageAttachmentsForObject(String, java.util.List) for an example of a function that will accept attachments, attach them to the native dialog call, and add them to the content provider automatically.

Extends: Object
Implements: AttachmentDataSource
Package: facebook
public NativeAppCallAttachmentStore()
Instance Methods
addAttachmentsForCall(Context, UUID, Map)

Adds a number of bitmap attachments associated with a native app call. The attachments will be served via openFile.openFile(android.net.Uri, String).

public void addAttachmentsForCall( Context context , UUID callId , Map imageAttachments )
Parameter Description
context The Context the call is being made from
callId The unique ID of the call
imageAttachments A Map of attachment names to Bitmaps; the attachment names will be part of the URI processed by openFile
addAttachmentFilesForCall(Context, UUID, Map)

Adds a number of bitmap attachment files associated with a native app call. The attachments will be served via openFile.openFile(android.net.Uri, String).

public void addAttachmentFilesForCall( Context context , UUID callId , Map imageAttachmentFiles )
Parameter Description
context The Context the call is being made from
callId The unique ID of the call
cleanupAttachmentsForCall(Context, UUID)

Removes any temporary files associated with a particular native app call.

public void cleanupAttachmentsForCall( Context context , UUID callId )
Parameter Description
context The Context the call is being made from
callId The unique ID of the call
openAttachment(UUID, String)
public File openAttachment( UUID callId , String attachmentName )
Parameter Description
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