Dustin Kogler

Professional amateur movie watcher. Dustin is a laid-back nerd who loves discussing pop culture. He loves listening to 80s music, playing video games and watching netflix all day. He's pretty sarcastic and if you tell him your favorite movie he can tell you why you're wrong.

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Movie Review: Cleopatra Entertainment’s Lion-Girl – Sex, Gore, and Samurais

Movie Review: Cleopatra Entertainment’s <em>Lion-Girl</em> - Sex, Gore, and Samurais 1

Genre: Action Director: Kurando Mitsutake Cast: Tori Griffith, Damian Raven, Derek Nears, Joey Iwanga, and Shelby Lee Parks Studio: Cleopatra Entertainment Runtime: 122 minutes Rated: Not RatedRelease Date: On Digital and Blu-Ray November 7th, 2023 Rating In the not-too-distant future, after meteorites destroyed most of the planet, survivors live in Neo-Nippon under the totalitarian rule …

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Movie Review: Cinedigm’s The Outwaters – Found Footage Horror Will Shock You

Movie Review: Cinedigm’s <em>The Outwaters</em> - Found Footage Horror Will Shock You 2

Banfitch purposefully attempts to fool the audience into the safety of traditional ‘found-footage’ horror film tropes; however, he successfully takes us on a stomach-churning roller coaster of cosmic insanity that will shock you as the end credits begin to roll.

Movie Review: Blumhouse’s The Deep House – Aquatic Ghost Flick Hits Murky Waters

The Deep House movie poster - EPiX and Paramount Home Entertainment

Despite the creative premise and a pretty harrowing first half, The Deep House’s fantastic build-up fizzles to a disappointing end.

Movie Review: Glass House Distribution’s Cerebrum – Forgettable Sci-Fi Flick

Cerebrum - Glasshouse Distribution - Key Art

Cerebrum has a high-concept plot with noticeable ambition in its writing, yet it often feels as though the momentum is held back by bland direction and paper-thin story development.

Movie Review: Global Digital Releasing’s To Whom It May Concern – Decent Indie Drama

To Whom It May Concern movie poster - Dawn Olivieri, Wilmer Valderrama - Global Digital Releasing (large)

Coming out of the other side of To Whom It May Concern, I found the film to be a tasteful, surprisingly solid little indie film but felt a bit lacking in some areas.

Movie Review: Dark Star Pictures’s Dementer – Backwoods Cult Horror Offers Creeps And Little Else

Dementer Keyart - Dark Star Pictures

Dementer does feature some great performances and disturbing imagery; it’s applauded for casting actual special needs adults; however, it’s padded out length and lack of any deep characterization make for a viewing that ends up feeling shallow and, at times, boring experience.

Movie Review:Dark Sky Films’ Reunion – Slow Burn Cerebral Experience

Reunion - movie poster - Julia Ormond - Dark Sky Films

Dark Sky Films’ REUNION, Starring Julia Ormond and Emma Draper, is a rewarding psychological character study that will disturb and unnerve you.

Movie Review:Unstable Ground’s Clapboard Jungle – Informative Filmmaking Doc Lacks Human Touch

Clapboard Jungle_Movie Poster 2_(featured)_Gravitas Ventures - Indiecan Entertainment - Kamikaze Dogfight

There are moments of inspiration and solid takeaways for anyone wanting to pursue a career in filmmaking; however, Clapboard Jungle can be a chore to watch due to its dry execution.

The Simpsons’ Treehouse of Horror –Top 5 Picks

<em>The Simpsons’ Treehouse of Horror –Top 5 Picks</em> 3

I could go on endlessly about my deep love and appreciation for The Simpsons. It’s been said countless times that the show’s golden age, usually considered to be seasons 2-8, features probably the best comedy writing of all time. They contain some of the smartest joke-writing and satire, without sacrificing character, heart, and storytelling. The …

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Movie Review: WildEye Releasing’s Monster Force Zero – Charming But Messy Sci-Fi Flick

Movie Review: WildEye Releasing’s <em>Monster Force Zero</em> - Charming But Messy Sci-Fi Flick 4

I’m more disappointed at how much the film is marred by a variety of technical issues and script plot-holes which leads to the whole movie never quite being greater than the sum of its parts.

Movie Review: Uncork’d Entertainment’s Monstrous – Promising Monster Flick Disappoints

Monstrous movie key art - Uncork'd Entertainment (featured)

If you’re a horror buff and want to see some fun gory moments, and don’t mind sitting through some filler, I’d say rent it the next time you have a free lazy afternoon.

Video Game Review: Playstation’s The Last of Us: Part II – Bigger and Messier Sequel

Video Game Review: Playstation’s <em>The Last of Us: Part II</em> – Bigger and Messier Sequel 5

It’s difficult to recommend THE LAST OF US: PART II but it’s also a game you can’t completely ignore.

Movie Review: Hewes Pictures’ Jack & Yaya – LGBTQ+ Documentary Will Win Your Heart

Movie Review: Hewes Pictures’ <em>Jack & Yaya</em> – LGBTQ+ Documentary Will Win Your Heart 6

By the end, I was completely won over, and my heart fully melted from this wholesome and delightful documentary.

Movie Review: Merland Productions’ The Departure – Love Gets Put to the Test In Passable Drama

The Departure 2020 movie poster (featured)

Writer-Director Merland Hoxha, Merland Productions Presents – THE DEPARTURE. Despite the small praise, I don’t see myself watching The Departure a second time. Available On Demand June 12.

Movie Review: Uncork’d Entertainment’s The Dinner Party – Main Course Lacks Flavor

Movie Review: Uncork’d Entertainment’s <i>The Dinner Party</i> – Main Course Lacks Flavor 7

While not as nuanced or hard-hitting as I would like, The Dinner Party is a solid choice for horror fans, if you can forgive the stumbles. Uncork’d Entertainment Presents THE DINNER PARTY – available on VOD June 5.

Movie Review: High Octane Pictures’ Atomic Apocalypse – Sci-Fi Film Has Charm But Not Much Else

Movie Review: High Octane Pictures’ <em>Atomic Apocalypse</em> - Sci-Fi Film Has Charm But Not Much Else 8

High Octane Pictures’ ATOMIC APOCALYPSE – The sci-fi adventure film, written and directed by Martin Gooch, is set about two years after a catastrophic nuclear event. I believe the production on filming Atomic Apocalypse could possibly be compared to my high school teacher grading my AP Stats final. So, do I recommend Atomic Apocalypse? It’s pretty hard to.

Movie Review: Uncork’d Entertainment A Perfect Host – A Fitness-Horror That Breaks the Mold

Movie Review: Uncork’d Entertainment <em>A Perfect Host</em> - A Fitness-Horror That Breaks the Mold 9

Yes, there are flaws; however, overall, A Perfect Host is a complete surprise and a B-Movie blast.

Movie Review: Goalie – Starring Kevin Pollack and Mark O’Brien. A Solid Yet Uneven Biopic

Goalie movie poster - Dark Star Pictures

It’s a solid film with some captivating performances to keep you hooked, but those less interested in learning about the lives of sports players will probably find themselves getting bored.

Movie Review: Nekrotronic – A Perfectly Fine Horror-Comedy.

Nekrotronic movie key art - Momentum Pictures (featured)

While there’s plenty of action to whet your appetite within Nekrotronic, the entirety of the movie never feels greater than the sum of its parts.

Movie Review: Midsommar – A Technicolor Nightmare

Movie Review: <em> Midsommar</em> - A Technicolor Nightmare 10

Midsommar is a truly and deeply unsettling ride that’ll shock you to your core.

Interview with Division 19 Writer/Director S.A. Halewood

Interview with <em>Division 19</em> Writer/Director S.A. Halewood 11

Division 19 is a sci-film, written and directed by S.A. Halewood. During my online interview, I learned what inspired her, how she approaches directing, and what she has planned next. Division 19 opens in theaters April 5, 2019. To know my full thoughts on the film, check out the review here. Where did the idea …

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Movie Review: Division 19 – Flawed Dystopian Sci-Fi Thriller

Movie Review: <em>Division 19</em> – Flawed Dystopian Sci-Fi Thriller 12

Division 19 takes quite a few (obvious) inspirations from other sci-fi films, such as Robocop or Blade Runner to name a few. I had initial concerns that I would be viewing another low-budget ‘mock-buster’ movie; however, I was pleasantly surprised.

Movie Review: The 6th Friend – A Frustrating Horror Experience

Movie Review: <em>The 6th Friend</em> – A Frustrating Horror Experience 13

While The 6th Friend has all the makings of an entertaining slasher film perfect for a Halloween night, and shows potential for something deeper than the usual horror movie fare, the film is unfortunately a dull and frustrating experience.

Movie Review: Ugly Sweater Party – A Campy Fun Time

Movie Review: <em>Ugly Sweater Party</em> - A Campy Fun Time 14

However, is Ugly Sweater Party a fun time? Yes, it certainly is.

Movie Review: The Toybox – Haunted RV Flick is a Misfire.

Movie Review: <em>The Toybox</em> - Haunted RV Flick is a Misfire. 15

It’s difficult to recommend The Toybox to anyone outside of the most hardcore of horror fans and gore-hounds.

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