5G Cell Radiation Hazards

Learn about the mechanism of how electromagnetic fields harm people’s health and contribute to chronic diseases. EMF's cause excess calcium in cells which causes various health problems including cancer.  5G Cell EMF's impact the cells of our bodies via Voltage-Gated Calcium Channel (VGCC) Activation.

Find out why Wi-Fi is so harmful. 5G Wi-Fi in your home or office will transmit EMF signals at 60 Gig. You need to become aware of this health hazard before it affects your health and the health of your family.

Don't use Wi-Fi in your home or office. Hardwire your connections to help avoid harmful radiation from Wi-Fi.

Knowledge about the dangers of 5G, cell towers, cell phones, wi-fi transmitters and microwave ovens is vital to protecting you and your family's health.

Your best hope of avoiding the hidden danger of RF radiation which is all around us is to become aware of the hidden dangers of EMF/RF Radiation.

Install the FREE Roku Channel   5G Cell Kill Grid using this code.  2HTKXMH    Watch the videos and become aware of the 5G Kill Grid!


The research on microwave ovens reveals the following…

  • Microwaving prepared meats to ensure sanitary ingestion was found to provoke the formation of
    d-Nitrosodienthanolamines, a well-known carcinogen .
  • Microwaving milk and cereal grains was found to convert some of their amino acids into carcinogenic substances.
  • Swiss clinical trials have found that microwaving food increases cholesterol levels. It was also found to decrease red and white blood cell counts while decreasing hemoglobin and producing radiolytic compounds.
  • Thawing frozen fruits was found to convert their glucoside and galactoside containing fractions into carcinogens.
  • Even very short exposure of raw, cooked, or frozen vegetables to microwaves was found to convert their plant alkaloids into carcinogens.
  • Russian and Japanese studies have shown how food can lose nearly 60% to 90% of its food value when cooked or heated in a microwave oven. Significant portions of Vitamins B, C, E, and essential minerals have been found to be lost.
  • Food cooked in a microwave oven with a little water can lose up to 97% of its beneficial antioxidants.
  • Another issue with microwave ovens is that many people cook food in plastic and paper containers. Carcinogenic toxins can leach out of this packaging into your food. Studies have shown that chemicals such as polyethylene terpthalate (PET), benzene, toluene, and xylene can leach from the packaging of common microwavable foods such as pizzas, fries, and popcorn.

There’s no doubt the food we eat affects our health, but already the foods we eat contain more toxins such as gmo corn and soybeans etc and are nutritionally poorer than they were only a few decades ago. If you use a microwave oven, not only are you diminishing the nutritional value of food which is already less nutritional than it was previously, you are also exposing yourself to potential harmful electromagnetic fields which are known carcinogens.

Are microwaves safe? The resounding answer is NO. Do yourself and your family a favor and remove them from your home and take steps to limit your exposure at work and other areas where they’re used.

Microwave ovens’ cables and motor also give off high magnetic fields, often over 10 milligauss. Exposures of just 4 milligauss have been firmly linked to leukemia. Not surprisingly these magnetic fields have also been categorized as carcinogenic.

EMF Microwave Radiation, when used to transfer data from Point-A to Point-B, is comprised of micro-second pulses of electrical power sprayed through the atmosphere . Microwave radiation either penetrates or reflects off of anything or anyone in its path. The data transferred are electrical impulses or “bullets” traveling at the speed of light, about 670 million miles per hour . These pulses of data transmission  cause harm living organisms, including humans. EMF travels at 186,000 miles a second.

Frequencies/Wavelengths in a 4g/5g World

  • 5g: 600 MHz = waves 20 inches long
  • 4g: 700 MHz = waves 17 inches long
  • 3g/4g: 800 MHz = waves 15 inches long
  • 3g/4g: 900 MHz = waves 13 inches long
  • 3g/4g: 1800 MHz = waves 7 inches long
  • 3g/4g: 2100 MHz = waves 6 inches long
  • Wi-Fi: 2450 MHz = waves 5 inches long (unlicensed)  also Microwave Oven Frequency
  • 5g: 3100 MHz to 3550 MHz = waves 3.8 to 3.3 inches long
  • 5g: 3550 MHz to 3700 MHz = waves 3.3 to 3.2 inches long
  • 5g: 3700 MHz to 4200 MHz = waves 3.2 to 2.8 inches long
  • 5g: 4200 to 4900 MHz = waves 2.8 to 2.4 inches long
  • Wi-Fi: 5800 MHz = waves 2.0 inches long (unlicensed)
  • 5g: 24,250 to 24,450 MHz = waves 0.5 inch long
  • 5g: 25,050 to 25,250 MHz = waves 0.5 inch long
  • 5g: 25,250 to 27,500 MHz = waves 0.4 inch long
  • 5g: 27,500 to 29,500 MHz = waves 0.4 inch long
  • 5g: 31,800 to 33,400 MHz = waves 0.4 inch long
  • 5g: 37,000 to 40,000 MHz = waves 0.3 inch long
  • 5g: 42,000 to 42,500 MHz = waves 0.3 inch long
  • 5g: 57,000 to 64,500 MHz = waves 0.3 inch long (unlicensed)
  • 5g: 64,000 to 71,000 MHz = waves 0.2 inch long
  • 5g: 71,000 to 76,000 MHz = waves 0.2 inch long
  • 5g: 81,000 to 86,000 MHz = waves 0.1 inch long

All of the waves listed above are examples of both Microwaves and Radio waves, therefore, scientists use the term Radio-Frequency Microwave Radiation (RF/MW radiation) to describe this entire range of wavelengths/frequencies.

Microwave radiation can have different properties, depending on its wavelength. The longer waves (20″ down to 5″) travel further and penetrate deeper into buildings and living tissue.

Wi-Fi: 2450 MHz = waves 5 inches long (unlicensed by FCC)  also Microwave Oven Frequency

Note that a 2.45 GHZ wifi wave WILL penetrate deeper into you and the potato in your microwave oven.

Wi-Fi: 5800 MHz = waves 2.0 inches long (unlicensed by FCC)

Most wifi is radiated omnidirectionally, whereas point-to-point radio links try to aim their energy as tightly as possible.

Power - your wifi router puts out about 0.1 - 1.0 W maybe,  your microwave oven puts out 1000W.

Many wifi vendors don't publish any signal strength related measurements at all.

FCC Maximum power output of wifi is 1 Watt (1000 mW).

The FCC allows wifi manufactures to output 1 million microwatts of power or 1 Watt.

Convert Micowatt To Watts

Your home wifi router can transmit up to 1 mile at the FCC maximum power of 1000mW or 1 Watt.

With little over 100mW of concentrated power you can set things on fire.

The FCC allows up to 1000 mW or 1 Watt of power output from your home wifi router!

The closer you get to your home wifi router the more it penetrates your body.

>1mW/cm squared or 10,000mW/m squared is NOT recommended for long time stay.

>100mW/cm squared or 1,000,000mW/m squared  you should AVOID long time stay in that area.

Your wifi router can output 10 times the max safe level allowed by the FCC?

FCC allows 1000 microwatts output from any wifi router.

My own wifi router puts out peaks of 500 or more microwatts per meter squared.

Thats 1/2 of a watt every square meter or 1/2 watt

1 Square Meter =
10.763910 Square Feet

Every 10.7 Sq Ft of space in my home is being blasted with 1/2 watt of RF power from my wifi router.

Keep in mind a safe level of Radiation from an RF source is BELOW <1mW/cm squared or 10,000mW/m squared which is .01 of a Watt.

My wifi is putting out .5 watts every 10.7 square ft in my home.

This is 500 times more than the recommended safe RF level exposure!!

This amount will vary as you move around your room or house. You will see if you take the time to use the GQ EMF-390 to measure the RF your wifi router is transmitting.

How is the radiation measured?

Microwave radiation is measured as 'power density' in units of milliwatts per square centimetre (mW/cm 2 ) which is essentially the rate of energy present in one square centimetre.

 The shorter waves (0.5″ down to 0.1″) are called millimeter waves (mm-waves) because they measure from 10 mm (at 30,000 MHz), down to 1 mm (at 300,000 MHz).

The mm-waves are not as efficient because they don’t travel as far, tend to reflect off of buildings, and deposit mainly into the eyes and skins of living organisms.

The FCC has not tested the effects of microwave radiation of 5g. The living tissue reference above includes your brain and every cell in your body!

  • 700 million to 2.1 billionmicrowaves per second for 2G/3G/4G mobile data sent to cell phones
  • 2.4 billion to 5.8 billionmicrowaves per second for Wi-Fi data to tablets/laptops

5G cell towers are more dangerous than other cell towers for two main reasons. First, compared to earlier versions, 5G is ultra high frequency and ultra high intensity. Second, since the shorter length millimeter waves (MMV) used in 5G do not travel as far (or through objects), with our current number of cell towers the cell signal will not be reliable. To compensate many more mini cell towers must be installed. It is estimated that they will need a mini cell tower every 2 to 8 houses. This will greatly increase our RF Radiation exposure.

1G, 2G, 3G and 4G use between 1 to 6 gigahertz frequency. According to Kevin Mottus from the California Brain Tumor Association, 5G will use between 24 to 90 gigahertz frequency. Within the RF Radiation portion of the electromagnetic spectrum, the higher the frequency the more dangerous it is to living organisms. 

With RF Radiation, how close the source is to our physical bodies, is more important than the power level (or wattage) of the radiation. RF Radiation dissipates with distance. In other words, a low powered exposure right next to someone, is more dangerous than a more powerful exposure a long ways away. Also the longer the exposure time is, the more dangerous it is. 5G will be the worst of both worlds. We will have more sources around us, and closer to us. And they will be more powerful and continuous emissions. 

Your best hope of avoiding the hidden danger of RF radiation which is all around us is to become aware of the hidden dangers of EMF/RF Radiation.

Install the FREE Roku Channel   5G Cell Kill Grid using this code.  2HTKXMH    Watch the videos and become aware of the 5G Kill Grid!


How Did Our Government Respond to the “Partial Findings” of the NTP Study

In May of 2016, scientists at the US National Toxicology Program released “partial findings” from a $25 million study on cellphone radiation, that found that both hyperplasias (abnormal increases in volume of a tissue or organ caused by the formation and growth of new normal cells) and tumors occur at significantly higher rates in the presence of continuous radio frequency/microwave radiation,

Disregarding these findings, six short weeks later, the FCC approved a move to 5g, and the wireless industry got to work installing Distributed Antenna Systems (a network of small cells) on utility poles around the country just as quickly as they possibly could.

 Some antennas have been placed as close as 20 feet from second story bedroom windows and will spray 4g or 5g radio frequency/microwave radiation 24/7/365 on the unfortunate person who unknowingly sleeps there. Cancer clusters have been documented for people living closer than 2,000 feet to mobile communications base stations, so a ntennas for mobile communications base stations should never be lower than 200 feet, and no closer than 2,000 feet to people and other living organisms.

Massive electromagnetic pollution is spiraling out of control, with both Industry and Government denying the scientific proof of harm from microwave radiation . Our Government and the Wireless Industry should not transmit digital data wirelessly, using the data-dense modulation schemes : Orthogonal Frequency-Division Multiplexing ( OFDM / OFDMA ) used in Wi-Fi, 4g/LTE and 5g — because the US Government has already proven that the data-sparse 2G modulation is hazardous. We must, instead, transmit data from Point A to Point B to every business, every home, every school and farm with far superior fiber optic cables .

The 5G KILL GRID is being deployed now almost everywhere.

Install the 5G Cell Kill Grid Roku Channel and become aware of the danger all around you in the form of microwave radiation that damages the cells in your body.

Your best hope of avoiding the hidden danger of RF radiation which is all around us is to become aware of the hidden dangers of EMF/RF Radiation.

Install the FREE Roku Channel   5G Cell Kill Grid using this code.  2HTKXMH    Watch the videos and become aware of the 5G Kill Grid!

Some people are like a frog in a pot of water that is slowly being heated up. The frog will be cooked by the heat unaware of any danger.

People using 5G cell phones and wi-fi will not be aware that their body cells are being damaged until they become sick and develop various health problems because of EMF radiation.

Think of yourself as a frog in an EMF radiation cell pot being slowly killed by 5G cell and wi-fi radiation affecting your body cells via voltage gated calcium channel (VGCC) activation.

Prof. Martin Pall - Cellular Effects of Wi-fi and 5G via VGCC

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