5G Cell Radiation Hazards

Learn about the mechanism of how electromagnetic fields harm people’s health and contribute to chronic diseases. EMF's cause excess calcium in cells which causes various health problems including cancer.  5G Cell EMF's impact the cells of our bodies via Voltage-Gated Calcium Channel (VGCC) Activation.

Find out why Wi-Fi is so harmful. 5G Wi-Fi in your home or office will transmit EMF signals at 60 Gig. You need to become aware of this health hazard before it affects your health and the health of your family.

Don't use Wi-Fi in your home or office. Hardwire your connections to help avoid harmful radiation from Wi-Fi.

Knowledge about the dangers of 5G, cell towers, cell phones, wi-fi transmitters and mocrowave ovens is vital to protecting you and your family's health.

Find out about how the mechanism of  electromagnetic fields harm people’s health and contribute to chronic diseases. EMF's cause excess calcium in cells which causes various health problems including cancer. 

EMF's impact the cells of our bodies via Voltage-Gated Calcium Channel (VGCC) Activation.

5G activates the voltage-gated calcium channel in the cells of our bodies causing various symptoms and causes of illness.  The 5G Cell Phone Grid is a slow killer about to be deployed nationwide.

Learn about it and how to avoid 5G  deadly radiation when possible.

Install the 5G Cell Kill Grid using this code.  2HTKXMH

Click  this link   this link to go to roku.com and install the FREE 5G Cell Kill Grid Roku Channel

Learn about the nationwide hazards of 5G and how to protect yourself and your family.

5G Cell Radiation Information    (This is a must read about 5G Cell towers, 5G wi-fi and 5G Cell phone hazards.

Find Out About 5G Cell Hazards



DNA Is A Fractal Antenna: This Is Why Your DNA And Health Is Susceptible to EMF

Research suggests that the DNA structure is optimized to receive large amounts of EMF radiation. The reason for this is because DNA acts as a fractal antenna, attracting EMF radiation.

What are fractal antennas?

Two properties of DNA combined — electron conduction and self-symmetry — are the reasons why DNA acts as a fractal antenna. As a result, DNA is able to absorb EMF radiation at multiple frequency ranges (a characteristic of fractal antennas). In fact, the design of DNA means it is optimized to act as antenna.

In effect, DNA is an electrically-charge sponge. So, DNA naturally absorbs EMF radiation.

You who body has billions of fractal DNA antennas that will naturally absorb EMF radiation!

DNA is incredibly susceptible to even extremely low levels of EMF radiation.

This is why even extremely low levels of EMF radiation exposure can result in irreparable DNA strand breaks and damage. Sometimes, DNA breaks can occur on one strand, on both, or between the DNA itself.

Protect Yourself By Educating Yourself

One thing’s for certain: you can’t change the structure, nature, and function of your DNA, nor the fact that DNA acts as a fractal antenna because of its natural properties.

However, you can learn ways to protect yourself from EMF radiation — especially from those objects you interact with on a daily basis. And guess which object that is?

Cell Phones.

Smartphones are great in so many ways but, like many technologies, they’re a double-edged sword. The downside? We’re becoming so reliant on them that both our physical and mental health is suffering. We now face a situation where both cell phone addiction and EMF exposure are constantly increasing.

5G is sparking some serious health concerns. 

A group consisting of 170 scientists from around the globe recently flagged a number of health concerns associated with the technology to the European Union and requested a review.

This is even more of a concern given the close proximity of the 5G infrastructure to so many people in their homes, offices and schools, as well as the constant explosion in the number of cellular connected devices— all of which add up to much more exposure to EMF radiation

People often do not realize that they have a mini cell tower in their homes and office. These mini cell towers are called WiFi routers, which emit high levels of RF radiation. A WiFi router emits radiation at full power at all times, or as long as it is turned on. 

The range of this device includes your entire home and beyond. This radiation is the same type of RF radiation emitted by a cell tower or your microwave used for cooking food.

The roll out of 5G means thousands of towers and stations in each city, as well as a bevy of mini cells placed in very close proximity to homes, making it difficult or impossible to avoid harmful exposure. 

However, a few things can be done to protect ourselves from RF radiation. 

Keep their own exposure to radiation to a minimum when making calls or surfing the internet. They also advised consumers to use a landline as much as possible instead of their smartphone. However, if using a smartphone is necessary:

  • Consumers should keep their smartphone calls as short as possible; 
  • Communicate via text messages; and 
  • Avoid making phone calls whenever the reception is poor.

Weaker connections to communication towers result in more intensive electromagnetic fields as your phone works near you.

Closer proximity to cells and other 5G infrastructure will result in increases exposure to high frequencies and radiation, which poses significant health risks.

The technology is being rolled out too fast, long before extensive studies can alleviate these concerns. Increased awareness is one of the most powerful tools we have to cope with the 5g rollout.

Increase your awareness of 5G and EMF Radiation by installing the FREE 5G Kill Grid   Roku Channel.

Blank og Goodman (2011) DNA i s a fractal antenna in electromagnetic fields. Since DNA can interact with EMF over a wide range of frequencies, and does not appear to be limited to an optimal frequency, it has the functional properties of a fractal antenna.

LEGAL OPINION on whether it would be in contravention of human rights and environmental law to establish the 5G-system in Denmark   PDF 75 Pages

I recently talked with a corporate lawyer who had also worked as a defense lawyer in civil cases.

I asked him several questions about the 5th generation cell grid now being forced on all of us without any testing.

One of my questions was about suing in court for damages caused by the 5g kill grid, wifi, microwave ovens etc.

His answer was  peer reviewed studies that prove EMF is dangerous to individuals were needed for court cases where an individual was taking a cell phone provider to court over their sickness due to RF-EMF radiation caused by the 5G kill grid or other EMF radiation causes.

I suggest any lawyer wanting to litigate a case for the damages to an individual should read the above PDF information link about peer reviewed studies that have shown EMF RF damages the human body.

It is a known fact that RF damages DNA.  Our body is a sponge that soaks up RF and EMF radiation of all types.

This is known.  If you are a lawyer why not use this information and litigate to compensate individuals who have, are and will be damaged by telecommunications manufacturers and cell phone companies?

You also are one of the victims.

2g,3g,4g and 5g are the modern day equivalent of cigarettes.

It took about 20 years for cancer cases to be brought against cigarette manufactures because it took 15-20-25-30 or so years for people to develop cancer from cigarettes.

It will be similar for 2g,3g,4g, and the 5G Kill Grid and or wifi, microwave ovens etc.

Don't wait 15 years or so before people begin to die from cell phone and wifi radiation.

Go to court now so people will become more aware of the dangers of the pulsed radiation of 5G and how it will cause much more DNA damage, disease and cancer. 5G is different.

 It is constant pulsed RF radiation that causes DNA damage!

Physicians’ Health Initiative for Radiation and Environment (PHIRE)

Prof. Martin Pall - Cellular Effects of Wi-fi and 5G via VGCC

EMFs act by activating channels in the membrane that surrounds each of our cells, called voltage - gated calcium channe ls (VGCCs). The EMFs put forces on the voltage sensor that controls the VGCCs of about 7.2 million times greater than the forces on other charged groups in our cells . This is why weak EMFs have such large biological effects on the cells of our bo dies!

This is also peer reviewed solid information a lawyer could use in court to support a case against a telecommunications company.

Take it this to court if you are a lawyer. Here is something you can use to litigate a case for someone who has been damaged by constant EMF radiation.

There is a reason those big orange cables are being buried every where near roads. These orange cables will connect 5G cell towers every 1,000 feet. The closer you get to one of these 5G Cell Towers the higher dose of dangerous EMF radiation you will get. 5G is much more dangerous than 4G. Also there will be deployed a 60G wi-fi kill grid of 1024 antennas everywhere to connect home and office wi-fi to the 5G kill grid.

These wi-fi antenna arrays of 1024 antennas will be installed in locations in a hidden manner and out in the open./p>

5G cell towers will also be installed in locations in a hidden manner and out in the open.

EMF Microwave Radiation, when used to transfer data from Point-A to Point-B, is comprised of micro-second pulses of electrical power sprayed through the atmosphere . Microwave radiation either penetrates or reflects off of anything or anyone in its path. The data transferred are electrical impulses or “bullets” traveling at the speed of light, about 670 million miles per hour . These pulses of data transmission  cause harm living organisms, including humans. EMF travels at 186,000 miles a second.

Frequencies/Wavelengths in a 4g/5g World

  • 5g: 600 MHz = waves 20 inches long
  • 4g: 700 MHz = waves 17 inches long
  • 3g/4g: 800 MHz = waves 15 inches long
  • 3g/4g: 900 MHz = waves 13 inches long
  • 3g/4g: 1800 MHz = waves 7 inches long
  • 3g/4g: 2100 MHz = waves 6 inches long
  • Wi-Fi: 2450 MHz = waves 5 inches long (unlicensed)
  • 5g: 3100 MHz to 3550 MHz = waves 3.8 to 3.3 inches long
  • 5g: 3550 MHz to 3700 MHz = waves 3.3 to 3.2 inches long
  • 5g: 3700 MHz to 4200 MHz = waves 3.2 to 2.8 inches long
  • 5g: 4200 to 4900 MHz = waves 2.8 to 2.4 inches long
  • Wi-Fi: 5800 MHz = waves 2.0 inches long (unlicensed)
  • 5g: 24,250 to 24,450 MHz = waves 0.5 inch long
  • 5g: 25,050 to 25,250 MHz = waves 0.5 inch long
  • 5g: 25,250 to 27,500 MHz = waves 0.4 inch long
  • 5g: 27,500 to 29,500 MHz = waves 0.4 inch long
  • 5g: 31,800 to 33,400 MHz = waves 0.4 inch long
  • 5g: 37,000 to 40,000 MHz = waves 0.3 inch long
  • 5g: 42,000 to 42,500 MHz = waves 0.3 inch long
  • 5g: 57,000 to 64,500 MHz = waves 0.3 inch long (unlicensed)
  • 5g: 64,000 to 71,000 MHz = waves 0.2 inch long
  • 5g: 71,000 to 76,000 MHz = waves 0.2 inch long
  • 5g: 81,000 to 86,000 MHz = waves 0.1 inch long

All of the waves listed above are examples of both Microwaves and Radio waves, therefore, scientists use the term Radio-Frequency Microwave Radiation (RF/MW radiation) to describe this entire range of wavelengths/frequencies.

  • Radio wavesare from 1 mm to 100,000,000 meters (frequency of 300,000 MHz down to 3 Hz)
  • Microwavesare from 1 mm to 1 meter (frequency of 300,000 MHz down to 300 MHz)

Microwave radiation can have different properties, depending on its wavelength. The longer waves (20″ down to 5″) travel further and penetrate deeper into buildings and living tissue. The shorter waves (0.5″ down to 0.1″) are called millimeter waves (mm-waves) because they measure from 10 mm (at 30,000 MHz), down to 1 mm (at 300,000 MHz).

The mm-waves are not as efficient because they don’t travel as far, tend to reflect off of buildings, and deposit mainly into the eyes and skins of living organisms.

The FCC has not tested the effects of microwave radiation of 5g. The living tissue reference above includes your brain and every cell in your body!


  • 700 million to 2.1 billionmicrowaves per second for 2G/3G/4G mobile data sent to cell phones
  • 2.4 billion to 5.8 billionmicrowaves per second for Wi-Fi data to tablets/laptops

In the second-half of 2017, if Verizon, AT&T, and other wireless carriers have their way, we will be radiated with the following pulsed microwave radiation in 10-15 targets cities –  24 billion to 90 billionmicrowaves per second for 5g services and for navigation-assisted cars.

This is why 5G is called a KILL GRID.

By encouraging the construction of four or five competing wireless networks to provide 10+ Gbps wireless data transfers, the US government has created a serious problem as this scheme is energy-inefficient, ludicrously redundant, and extremely hazardous to wildlife and to us.

The 5G KILL GRID is being deployed now almost everywhere.

Install the 5G Cell Kill Grid Roku Channel and become aware of the danger all around you in the form of microwave radiation that damages the cells in your body.

Some people are like a frog in a pot of water that is slowly being heated up. The frog will be cooked by the heat unaware of any danger.

People using 5G cell phones and wi-fi will not be aware that their body cells are being damaged until they become sick and develop various health problems because of EMF radiation.

Think of yourself as a frog in an EMF radiation cell pot being slowly killed by 5G cell and wi-fi radiation affecting your body cells via voltage gated calcium channel (VGCC) activation.

Prof. Martin Pall - Cellular Effects of Wi-fi and 5G via VGCC

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