About Facebook Ads
Why you see a particular ad
Our ad system prioritizes what ad to show you based on what advertisers tell us their desired audience is, and we then match it to people who might be interested in that ad. This means we can show you relevant and useful ads without advertisers learning who you are. We don't sell any individual data that could identify you, like your name.
When an advertiser wants to reach...
We show their ad to people like...
Bike enthusiasts
Facebook user
Between 18 - 35 years old
30 years old
Within 20 miles of my store
Menlo Park, CA
Interested in bicycling
Interested in bicycling , movies, cooking
Mobile users
iPhone user , car shopper, gamer
Get an inside look at how we show you ads
Protecting people's privacy is central to how we've designed our ad system. Let's take a look how you see ads.
Advertiser chooses a business goal
Advertisers chooses a goal, such as selling a product or increasing awareness of their brand name.
Advertiser identifies desired audience
Advertisers tell us their desired audience based on who they think will be the most interested.
Advertiser creates ad
The advertiser creates ads to show on Facebook, Instagram and other websites and mobile apps, and then uploads them using our ad management tools.
Facebook then shows you the ad
We take the advertiser's goal, desired audience and ad to show you ads that we think might be relevant to you, without advertisers knowing who you are - or selling your data to the advertiser.
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