Tips for building ad revenue | Meta Audience Network

Monetization basics

Learn how revenue from the ads you show is calculated, understand your role in driving advertiser success and get to know the parts of an Audience Network ad.

How revenue from bidding is calculated:

Daily Ad Revenue ÷ Daily Active Users = ARPDAU



Average Revenue per Daily Active Users (ARPDAU) measures the overall fill rate and revenue to more accurately determine the impact of bidding on your revenue.


In bidding, revenue per ad network will fluctuate, since different networks compete in each auction. That’s why overall business revenue per user is important when measuring bidding performance.

How revenue from Audience Network ads is calculated:

eCPM x Impressions = Revenue



This is the effective cost per 1,000 impressions. CPMs for each placement on your app or game will vary, and are influenced by factors such as user location and ad format.

CPM measures performance by ad network, but because bidding calls many more ad networks, CPMs will vary.


Impressions are the total number of times an ad is seen. This differs from fill rate, the number of ads returned compared to ads requested. Publishers make money based on impressions.

What advertiser value means, and why it matters to you.

When audiences interact with ads on your app or game, you’re helping advertisers to reach their goals. Some advertiser objectives include:

Brand awareness




App installs

Video views


Catalog sales

Once ads start driving real outcomes (e.g., purchases, sign-ups and other post-click events) you can achieve higher CPMs.

There are ways to achieve higher revenue beyond impressions. Because Audience Network ads are more relevant to your audience, you can show fewer, more valuable ads.

The parts of an
Audience Network ad.

The creative assets of every Audience Network ad are broken into several components familiar to Meta advertisers. These components include:

Sponsored label

This label distinguishes ads from your other content.


This is usually the company logo. While we recommend you include them, thumbnails are not required in Audience Network placements.


This is typically the name of the advertiser.


This is copy associated with the campaign.

Image or video

This is the main visual component of an ad.

CTA button

Call-to-action buttons (e.g., Learn More or Play Now) are required, as it directs users to take a specific action.

Engage your audience with the right
format for higher revenue.

Try testing a range of different ad formats to maximize performance while getting the flexibility to make placement decisions. Click through to learn more about the ad formats available on Audience Network.

Actions you should take.

If you’re already using one ad format, such as banners, try adding a new one to see how it performs.

To ensure your ads can be correctly implemented, be sure they are meeting these requirements .

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Meta Audience Network empowers app developers and publishers to deliver a great user experience while growing a sustainable business. With Facebook demand from millions of diverse global advertisers, publishers can expand their app’s reach, keep users engaged, and monetize globally.

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