
Policy, Guidance, and Procedures

Introduction to the CPHS

Research Conflict of Interest

Click Here for the Process at Dartmouth College   Click Here for the Policy at Dartmouth College

Research Participant Payment Policy

How to pay Research Participants

Dartmouth College Investigator Transfer Guidelines  (from Dartmouth College to another Institution)
All items on this checklist should be reviewed and completed PRIOR to departing Dartmouth College.

Single IRB of Record Requirement

determining the IRB of Record for a Multi-Site Study:

If you are the PI of a project involving sites outside of Dartmouth College and would like to request that CPHS provide review for any external site, please contact the CPHS office to discuss a plan prior to your submission for review. If your grant proposal requires a single IRB plan, please contact us prior to submission of the plan.

Please complete this form and send to the CPHS office via email . CPHS will consider each request individually, depending on the specific needs of the study.

CPHS General Information

Data Safety Monitoring and Reporting of Adverse Events to CPHS For Clinical Trials This memo is an update to the requirements for reporting Adverse Events to the CPHS, and also clarifies the importance of rigorous data and safety monitoring in clinical trials involving human subjects.

Reporting Flowchart

Protocol Deviation and Eligibility Exception Memo

Classroom Activities and Independent Student Projects
This memo clarifies institutional procedures related to CPHS review of student projects.

Guidance regarding Certificates of Confidentiality

Research Enrolling Geisel School of Medicine Students

Projects specifically recruiting Geisel School of Medicine students as potential subjects because of their student status must be reviewed by the Medical Education Institutional Review Committee (MEIRC). Please contact Sonia Nagy Chimienti, MD FIDSA , Senior Associate Dean for Medical Education, for more information.