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Valid Informed Consent Education Program

Giving research participants a VoICE

A team at Dartmouth created the VoICEProgram as a resource for research team members responsible for obtaining consent.  Obtaining valid informed consent is a necessary component of the research process.  The program promotes enhancing communication between the researcher and potential subject using the teach-back method. The teach-back method has been shown to improve communication and patient outcomes in the clinical setting. The VoICEProgram includes: An overview of the elements of consent, a discussion of health literacy, and advocates the use of the teach-back method.

Contact Elizabeth Bankert for more information or to schedule a VoICE presentation: Liz.Bankert@dartmouth.edu

Teach-back is:

  • A way to make sure you—the researcher—explained information clearly.
  • It is not a test or quiz of potential subjects.
  • Asking a potential subject (or family member) to explain in their own words what they need to know or do, in a caring way.
  • A way to check for understanding and, if needed, re-explain and check again.
  • A research-based health literacy intervention that improves communication 1. Schillinger, 2003

Resources for Teach-back:

10 Elements of Competence for Using Teach-back Effectively

What is Teach-back? http://www.teachbacktraining.org/

Coaching to Always Use Teach-back http://www.teachbacktraining.org/coaching-to-always-use-teach-back

What Do I Need To Know Before Being In A Research Study?

AHRQ Health Literacy Universal Precautions Toolkit

Health literacy and patient safety: Help patients understand http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BgTuD7l7LG8

Physician Experience about Learning Teach-back http://vimeo.com/50438603

"Back to School: Patient Education"published by Georgetown University