

rob O1 of O2 : O1からO2を奪う

rob O1 of O2 : O1からO2を奪う
take property unlawfully from (a person or place) by force or threat of force.

AI can rob people of the oppotunity to learn.

delude (他動詞)を惑わせる、を欺く

delude (他動詞)を惑わせる、を欺く

delude oneself (with, by) (~で)思い違いをする。

Don't be deluded by the appearances.

mundane 日常の、ありふれた、つまらない

mundane 日常の、ありふれた、つまらない

lacking interest or ecitement dull

You are fed up with mundane life.


devote O1 to O2 :O2 にO1をささげる。

devote O1 to O2 :O2 にO1をささげる。

give all or most of one's time or resources to (a person or activity).

I devoted my time to studying for the exam when I was university student.

dedicate O1 to O2 : O1をO2に捧げる

dedicate O1 to O2 : O1をO2に捧げる

devote (time or effort) to a particular task or purpose.

I dedicated herself to a cheer leading club activity in her university student time.

be used to doing : ~に慣れている。/ used to do : かつて~していた。

be used to doing : ~に慣れている。/ used to do : かつて~していた。

I am used to talking with women.

I used to be shy.


gut 消化管

gut 消化管

The lower alimentary canal or a part of this; The intestine

Human being has long gut.

赤身 lean

赤身 lean

(of meat) containing little fat

I like lean tuna.

It does not necessarily mean ~ それは必ずしも~というわけではない

It does not necessarily mean ~ それは必ずしも~というわけではない。

Beutiful woman does not necessarily means attracting men.


explicit (形容詞)明白な、明示的な

explicit (形容詞)明白な、明示的な
stated clearly and in detaill, leaving no room for confusion or doubt.

The explicit reason is necessary to scold the others.

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