

寿命 lifespan

寿命 lifespan

The length of time for which a person or animal lives or a thing functions

Recently the lifespan of human being is being extended.

shrinkage (noun) 縮小、減少、縮み、縮小量

shrinkage (noun) 縮小、減少、縮み、縮小量

The process, fact, or amount of shrinking,

If I use dry laundry, my swater will meet shrinkage.

adapt (他動詞) SVO1 to O2 O1をO2に適合させる。SVO1 for O2 O1をO2に合うように改造する。SV to O Oに(努力して)順応する。

adapt (他動詞) SVO1 to O2 O1をO2に適合させる。SVO1 for O2 O1をO2に合うように改造する。SV to O Oに(努力して)順応する。

make (something) suitable for a new use or purpose; modify, become adjusted to new conditions, alter (a text) to make it suitable for filming, broadcasting or the stage.

He adapted her fighting style to kick boxing.

be accustomed to doing ~に慣れている。

be accustomed to doing ~に慣れている。

used to do 以前〜していた。

be used to doing ~に慣れている。

I am accustomed to doing stoic training.

hassle(名詞) 苦心、苦闘、わずらわしいこと、面倒、困難 (他動詞)〜を困らせる、悩ます

hassle(名詞) 苦心、苦闘、わずらわしいこと、面倒、困難 (他動詞)〜を困らせる、悩ます

irritating inconvenience, deliberate harassment

(verb) harass, pester

I had experienced a lot of hassles. I do not want to face such hassle.

hassle(名詞) 苦心、苦闘、わずらわしいこと、面倒、困難 (他動詞)〜を困らせる、悩ます

hassle(名詞) 苦心、苦闘、わずらわしいこと、面倒、困難 (他動詞)〜を困らせる、悩ます

irritating inconvenience, deliberate harassment

(verb) harass, pester

I had experienced a lot of hassles. I do not want to face such hassle.

applause (noun) 拍手、拍手喝采

applause (noun) 拍手、拍手喝采

approval or praise expressed by clapping

I received a lot of applauses.

applaud (自動詞)拍手する(他動詞)に拍手を送る、を賞賛する

applaud (自動詞)拍手する(他動詞)に拍手を送る、を賞賛する

(verb) show approval or praise by clapping, show strong approval or (a person or action) praise

I applaud her.


酵素 enzyme

酵素 enzyme

a substance produced by a living organism which acts as a catalyst to bring about a specific biochemical reaction

I keep in mind to intake enzyme before I eat meat and carbohydrate.

troublesome (adjective) やっかいな、面倒な、うるさい

troublesome (adjective) やっかいな、面倒な、うるさい

causing difficulty or annoyance

The troublesome matter is that someone annoys us.
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