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There are other attractions of cherry blossoms... Extra edition Part 1

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So far, I've introduced 2016 Top10 attractions of cherry blossoms in Kyoto.

However, there are so many other attractions of them in Kyoto.

So, I will introduce some attractions of them should visit, if you have time to spare.

This time, I introduce higashiyama-area and the city center of Kyoto city.

#kyoto #fullbloom #konkaikomyoji #cherryblossom
First of all, this is Konkaik?my?-ji Temple which is a big temple near from Nanzen-ji Temple.

These cherry blossoms near the big main gate are the highlight of this temple.

#konkaikomyoji #kyoto #fullbloom #cherryblossom
#konkaikomyoji #fullbloom #kyoto #cherryblossom
Around the graveyard and triple tower is also quite impressive view.

Entrance fee : free

#maruyamapark #kyoto #lightup #fullbloom #cherryblossom
Next, is Maruyama Park which is on the back of Yasaka Shrine.

Here, the viewing cherry blossoms at night is so great.

屋台の数が半端ないです。#maruyamapark #kyoto #lightup #fullbloom #cherryblossom
In the evening, here is very crowded because so many stalls are opened.

Please enjoy here at night by all means.

Entrance fee : free

#takasegawa #fullbloom #kyoto #cherryblossom
Next is Takasegawa riverside which is the best cherry blossoms attraction in the city center of Kyoto.

#takasegawa #kyoto #fullbloom #cherryblossom #lightup
The beauty of cherry blossoms at night is so great, but spectators are too many.

#ichino-funairi #cherryblossom #kyoto #fullbloom
The image above is Ichino-Funairi near Oike Street.

In this area, crowds become to decrease slightly.

So I recommend to enjoy cherry blossom viewing in this area.

#kiyomizudera #lightup #fullbloom #kyoto #cherryblossom
This is Kiyomizu-dera Temple.

Always crowded with a large amount of tourists.

Entrance fee
High school students or older : 400 yen
Elementary school or middle school students : 200 yen

#kyoto #sannenzaka #cherryblossom
Actually, the best recommendation in the vicinity of Kiyomizu-dera is this weeping cherry tree in Sannen-zaka Walk.

#kyoto #fullbloom #sannenzaka #cherryblossom
... very attractive.








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