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Why is learning English so hard for us Japanese?

Learning English can be challenging for Japanese speakers due to several reasons:

1. Different Language Families: Japanese and English belong to different language families, making their grammar, syntax, and phonetics quite distinct.

2. Writing Systems: English uses an alphabet, while Japanese uses a combination of kanji and kana, which are very different systems.

3. Phonetic Differences: Sounds in English, like "l" and "r", don't exist in Japanese, making pronunciation difficult.

4. Cultural Context: Language learning is also influenced by cultural contexts and communication styles, which are different in Japan and English-speaking countries.

5. Lack of Immersive Environment: In Japan, opportunities to practice English in everyday situations might be limited compared to an English-speaking country.

Despite these challenges, with consistent practice and exposure, many Japanese speakers become proficient in English.
posted by Yosuke at 16:02| Comment(0) | TrackBack(0) | philosophy


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