Columbia Staff Spotlight - Ms. Boudart

October 31, 2023

This week's spotlight is on Sarah Boudart. Ms. Boudart is our amazing Assistant Principal!

We love having Ms. Boudart with us at Columbia! Let's learn more about her...

Number of years at Columbia: This is my first year at Columbia!

Number of years in Education: 12 years

Why you love working at Columbia:I love how friendly everyone is! Every person I have met, whether it be a staff member, parent, or student has made me feel welcomed as a new Columbia Cougar.

What's your favorite thing about teaching?I love to see the “lightbulb” go off when a student finally understands a concept after persevering through a task. I also love how every day is different!

Favorite vacation spot or place to travel:I enjoy going to my grandparents’ lake house in West Virginia.

Hobbies/Interests:Reading, cooking, and playing with my dog, Albert

Fun fact:I was once chased by a wild turkey!