Third Grade participates in the Emerging Visions Program with Tephra Institute of Contemporary Art

October 17, 2023

This year, 3rd graders at Columbia Elementary School are participating in the Emerging Visions program with Tephra Institute of Contemporary Art (Tephra ICA). In October, the 3rd graders took a field trip to Tephra ICA to see the Choosing to Portage exhibition, interact with the Buoyant Force sculpture, and participate in an artmaking experience.

After the field trip, the 3rd graders had a visit from Noelle Garcia, one of the artists featured in Choosing to Portage . Garcia shared her own artwork with the students and led them in a drawing activity. In this activity, the students created drawings inspired by Garcia's artwork and her experiences as an artist.

Next, the students will create their own artwork in response to their gallery visit and their visit from Garcia during art class, inspired by the themes, concepts, and materials that the students encountered during their field trip and artist visit.

In the late spring or early summer, some students may have the opportunity to have their artwork included in the Emerging Visions exhibition at Tephra ICA.