
To login to any of these websites, you will need to access their passwords in FCPS 24/7 Learning (Blackboard) or you can ask a librarian to give you a password sheet. For your convenience, password sheets are available at the Circulation Desk.

Britannica Online

Britannica  has long been a name synonymous with encyclopedia, and with this website you can access all their excellent encyclopedias from any computer hooked up to the Internet. If you are seeking some background information of something unfamiliar to you—whether it be a historical event like the Civil War, a scientific theory like Newton's Law of Universal Gravitation, or a people or nation such as the Maori of New Zealand—then this is an excellent place to look. Think of Britannica Online as a better version of Wikipedia, since Britannica's articles are written by experts on the topic and cannot be edited by just any member of the public.

World Book

The  World Book Encyclopaedia  is a good starting point for general, credible information in a variety of formats (print, visual, and audio). This resource provides subject based timelines or create your own timelines.