FCPS Cares - June 2021

  • By Department of Human Resources
  • FCPS Cares
  • June 03, 2021

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To recognize an employee with an FCPS Cares, please visit our  submission page .

To view past submissions, please visit our previous submissions page

FCPS CARES of the Month Recipients

Central Office

Mark Hyer – Information Technology – Sprague Center 

"Mark Hyer is a kind, caring, compassionate, collaborative, considerate, and selfless individual! The FCPS Honors event that was held on June 9, 2021, at Jiffy Lube Live to recognize over 740 employees, including 74 finalists and 13 winners in 12 different categories is a huge event with lots of moving parts. This year, due to Covid, we had a venue change and knew that we might need additional logistical support. When I reached out to Mark and asked if he could assist that afternoon and evening, he didn’t hesitate and said absolutely! He was in constant communication and the day prior to the event, when we realized not everything would fit into our vehicles, he came and picked up a huge load. On the day of the event, again he was in constant communication and even came to my house to help me load my vehicle with all the awards and other items. At the venue, he unloaded vehicle after vehicle full of items all with a smile. Because of his attitude and kindness towards others, we were able to use additional items from the venue to assist with the process. Fast forward to set up and there was Mark with 'How can I help?' or 'What can I do?'. He helped move heavy boxes and tables to check-in, assisted with setting up backdrops, moving chairs and tables on the stage, and so much more. When we hit a huge snag in the most important part of the evening at the last minute, Mark came to the rescue. We assessed the situation, came up with what we hoped was a solution, and off Mark went to Lowes to hopefully find and purchase materials. When he got back with what we needed, he immediately went to work on repairs. The program began on time, and nobody was aware that Mark was working behind the nomadic to fix the problems during the program. All problems were solved with time to spare. After the event, Mark helped with the breakdown, cleanup, and the loading of vehicles. At approximately 11 pm, we pulled into my driveway with both vehicles and he helped me organize and unload what needed to go into the house before going back to Sprague and then home. Other words to describe Mark would be dedication, inspiration, value, respect, honest, flexible, hard-working, supportive, inclusive, and patient just to name a few. Mark doesn’t do ordinary he does extraordinary. His support was invaluable, and words can’t express how grateful we all are for his support last night and again the next morning."

- Shelli Wayland, Gatehouse Admin Center

"The FCPS Honors ceremony was held at Jiffy Lube Live this year. While the logistics were different than the norm due to the sweltering heat and humidity in a very large outdoor arena, the event went off without a hitch. Kudos to the team who put the event together as well as those who joined in on the fun. This event is a team effort, but I really want to recognize Mark Hyer for the unbelievable help he gave us. While Mark had other duties for the event, he helped me tremendously in my piece of the event. It started with Mark helping to set up the tables and tablecloths that house the awards during the ceremony. He joined in the unboxing and checking the awards. He ran around getting supplies, water, snacks and anything else needed for the stage set-up. He moved the backdrop and tables, as well as marked the stage for the finalists to stand for the optimum photo spot. When unwrapping the winner’s trophies we noticed a few needed some adjustments, an hour before the ceremony was to begin. Mark ran out to a home improvement center and came back with the right size accessories and used the tools on hand from the venue and was able to get the trophies in stellar condition just minutes before the event started… saved the day! Mark’s willingness to help and can-do attitude makes him a great resource for FCPS. He is amazing to work with."

- Mimi Lai Mayoral, Gatehouse Admin Center

Region 1

Eric Fishman and Scott Aldridge, Thoreau MS - View a feature !

"A HUGE thank you to Mr. Fishman and Mr. Aldridge! We are very fortunate to have had these two caring, professional, and hardworking counselors support our son while he was at Thoreau Middle School. Each in their own way, they knew how to relate to our son, help him with stress and other issues that arose, and teach him coping and wellness strategies to use on his own. These counselors are great listeners who then work with the student to assess their feelings, think through different perspectives for a situation, and create a plan for the next time a challenge or roadblock is encountered. They work hard to build skills and resiliency tools in students, which is empowering for the student. They utilize a wide array of tools to assist middle schoolers, ranging from therapeutic techniques and working with families to breathing, meditation apps, and index card strategies. In addition to individual meetings, the Thoreau counselors organize and run small groups to bring students together to share, learn, and support each other. Their counseling techniques cover the student’s emotional, psychological, and social well-being. From the big ways that they helped, such as guiding my son to greater resiliency and assisting him during panic attacks, to the smaller things, such as a high five or a joke in the hallway, the Thoreau counseling team had such a powerful impact on my son’s middle school experience. At his most anxious or lowest times, my son always knew that the counseling office was a safe space. Pandemic was extremely challenging and the counseling team took it up another notch to provide support virtually through this difficult time. My son really struggled when the school switched to virtual and he had ready access to counseling support to help him get through it. Mental health and wellness are so critical and FCPS is very fortunate to have Mr. Fishman and Mr. Aldridge working with our students and families. They are so caring, patient, and positive; very knowledgeable in the field, and understand how students react and cope. They have the right blend of compassion and a practical approach, which is a lifeline for students. Throughout it all, our counselors amazingly retain a great sense of humor! Mr. Fishman and Mr. Aldridge go above and beyond to ensure the wellness and safety of students. We are deeply grateful. Thank you! - Thoreau Parents"

- Thoreau MS parents

Region 2

Kirsten Wiley, Falls Church HS - View a feature !

"Kirsten went above an beyond for an ill student on her caseload - although due to cancer Kirsten had yet to even meet them. Because the student could not make it to graduation, Kirsten brought graduation (and a birthday celebration) to their home! There was a small orchestra, yard signs, balloons. It was a momentous occasion and incredibly thoughtful."

- Randi Fortier, Herndon HS

Region 3

Cynthia Powell-Sparks, Washington Mill ES - View a feature !

"Throughout the 2020 school year, which was characterized by the state's response to the pandemic, Mrs. Powell really went way above and beyond what a parent could reasonably expect a teacher to do. Mrs. Powell was the teacher for my daughter's first grade class. At least once a week she brought class materials by our house, including notebooks, printed out assignments, and school supplies, most of which she obtained at her own expense. And it isn't that she did this just for our child, but every student in the class! This required considerable personal time and entailed personal risk to her own health (based on what we believed to be true about COVID at that time). After a fairly short period, Mrs. Powell was able to adapt her class and teaching style to the challenges of remote learning. She was able to develop customized learning plans for each child in the class so every student was presented the right level of challenge throughout the year. Once in-person class resumed, Mrs. Powell again adapted her teaching style to keep everyone engaged and learning. Our daughter looked forward to going to school every day because she knew Mrs. Powell would be there. I can't say enough about all the great work she did this past year, and if we could have Mrs. Powell again for the next year we would be delighted for her to teach our daughter again!"

-  a Washington Mill ES parent

Region 4

Mary Ann Barry, Fairview ES, and Katie Cheneler, Oak View ES -  View a feature !

"There is an older country song where the country singer sings 'I sure could hear a little good news today.' Here is a story that is good new worthy about a group of neighborhood heroes that should be recognized.

I received a call this evening at home to find out a former nonverbal special needs student who used to attend our school climbed out of a window in her house and ran from her home in the early evening. It just so happened that our former counselor, Mary Ann Barry was driving down the road after dropping her daughter off at soccer practice. She pulled over and tried to help this child when she spotted her running down the middle of Sideburn Road. Two police officers, Officer Hughes and Officer Gibbons joined her to assist.

Another community member who has an adult child with special needs pulled over to lend a hand. They were able to coerce the child out of the street and get her safely to the side of the road. The child was in distress and clearly agitated. They were able to contact the parent. The parent had no means of transportation and the child was insistent to get into the school building.

The team stayed with the parent and child seeking ways to de-escalate the situation. Mary Ann Barry contacted school administration, who was able to connect the team with the child’s former special education teacher, Katie Cheneler. She immediately responded and met the team at the school. Ms. Cheneler and Ms. Barry diffused the situation and were able to communicate with this student and reunite her with her mother.

After hours of assistance, this team of heroes was able to get the parent and the child safely home. Words cannot do justice to the amount of patience, compassion, and concern that each of these members contributed to the safety of this child. The police officers were compassionate and took precautionary measures to ensure that the child would not put herself at risk by guarding the street and protecting the child from eloping back into traffic.

During the past year, our community has been exposed to many different obstacles of hurt and strife. We have experienced many challenges. We have battled a pandemic and we have witnessed others being mistreated. And this is what we see as part of our headlines each night on the news. Please understand, I am not trying to discredit the importance of this awareness.

And the heroic stories such as these often go unnoticed and unreported.

This story has a happy ending. The child is safe. Caring members of our community came together. They  recognized a need, reacted immediately, and used their skills and their talents to ensure that a child and her parent were reunited and taken care of.

I am proud to report that today my heroes were public servants and true members of our community. I am proud to recognize the heroes and heroines in our community: Mary Ann Barry, School Counselor, Katie Cheneler, Special Education Teacher, Officer Gibbons, West Springfield Station, Officer Hughes, West Springfield Station, Unknown Community Member and Mother of a Child with Special Needs."

- Lora Adams, Oak View ES

Region 5

Erin Ferguson, Canterbury Woods ES

"Not all superheroes wear capes! And this past year has been so telling how so. Ms. Ferguson is one such hero who has consistently demonstrated going above and beyond, to care for and nurture her kids throughout this past school year despite an ever-changing landscape and posed with new challenges almost on a weekly basis. She often talks about having a growth mindset with her kids. My son has on multiple occasions, made it a point to talk about it and applying it in everyday things he does, for example, when trying to decide to stay virtual versus going in person when the opportunity presented itself or when dealing with a technical issue during the school day. Through him, I’m reminded to be resilient and open to change and have that growth mindset. Ms. Ferguson’s interactions with her kids show their mutual love for each other. She is funny, engaging, ever listening and attentive, and all that a teacher should be! She will be truly missed as this year winds down but there is plenty my son has learned this year to carry forward to next. Thanks, Ms. Ferguson for being the awesome teacher/person/superhero that you are."

- Canterbury Woods ES parents

"Ms. Ferguson was an amazing virtual teacher - engaging students, providing interesting a challenging digital assignments, making sure her third-graders still practiced penmanship despite the mostly digital environment and fostering a sense of classroom community among a group that had largely never met each other. When the transition to hybrid concurrent learning happened, she actively requested to take on that challenge. Virtual students barely noticed a change, except that the classroom was now one camera box on screen. When hybrid students were in school they felt noticed. When they were home they still felt noticed. Everyone continued to learn and be engaged. When students transitioned to 4 days in person from 2, Ms. Ferguson re-arranged her class, figured out how kids could store more stuff in the classroom, and even moved tables herself to get everyone who wanted to be in-person 4 days in-person. As a parent, I have been astounded by how well Ms. Ferguson has gotten to know my student. She has been a strong proponent of a growth mindset for everyone in her class, and nobody has embodied the same mindset more than she has. She noticed where my child needed to apply a growth mindset, and the change in a single year has been enormous. My child is far more ready to tackle challenges than she was this time last year thanks to Ms. Ferguson's example and instruction. Her organization also helped my child further hone her executive function skills. As much as my child will absolutely benefit from the concrete knowledge of simplifying fractions, ancient civilizations, and earth cycles, she'll benefit even more from these other skills. She also benefited from feeling connected with her teacher in a year that was full of so much loneliness. I don't think we can ever thank Ms. Ferguson enough."

- a Canterbury Woods ES parent

"I want to take the opportunity to thanks, Mrs. Ferguson, for her devotion to the children this year. This past year has been extremely difficult for all involved, but especially our teachers. My daughter LOVED being in Mrs. Ferguson's class. Even in a virtual environment my daughter thrived and loved each and every day in her class. Mrs. Ferguson adapted and thrived this year under the worst of circumstances. I truly believe she should receive a medal for her outstanding instruction and sincere love for my child and all children in her class. I am so grateful for her and the deep impact she has had on my daughter this year. I can't say enough. Thank you Mrs. Ferguson for your tenacity and grace this year. You put your students first and I can only imagine the sacrifice it required. You are greatly appreciated."

- a Canterbury Woods ES parent

"Erin Ferguson has been an absolutely incredible teacher this entire school year. I can't even imagine the amount of work that she had to put in to make this year so successful. She did a great job bringing all the students together as well as making sure the virtual students did not feel excluded when she started teaching concurrently."

- a Canterbury Woods ES parent

"Mrs. Ferguson has been an amazing teacher for my child in 3rd grade! She has gone above and beyond to teach our students each and every day AND done so concurrently (which is next to impossible) and has given each child time and attention. She spends countless hours outside of her contract time and is an asset to Canterbury Woods and FCPS! Thank you, Mrs. Ferguson! She truly cares about her students and educates the whole child."

- a Canterbury Woods ES parent

"My daughter is in Ms. Ferguson’s class and over the course of this crazy, tumultuous year, she has gone above and beyond to make sure that her students are cared for. Before my daughter even entered the physical classroom in April, a strong connection was formed; Ms. Ferguson knows my kid as well as or better than any teacher she’s ever had, despite only ever seeing her in person until the fourth quarter. She looks out for her students’ academic and social-emotional needs and does whatever she can to ensure their well-being and success."

- a Canterbury Woods ES parent

Other FCPS Cares of the Month Recipients

Susan Ellis, Sprague Technology Center

"I needed assistance with Summer SIS and teacher access this morning. Susan took the time to explain the what and why as she processed my request. I'm so grateful she took the time. Unbelievable customer service!"

-  Emily Phelan, Chantilly HS

Shavonne Noble and Reginald Bridgeman, Pulley Center

"My husband and I can never thank Ms. Noble and Mr. Bridgeman enough for making our son very comfortable his first year at Pulley Career Center. Our son was online the whole year due to the pandemic and he had a great year because of them. Our son looked forward to going online every day to see his friends and teachers. Thank you again, Ms. Noble and Mr. Bridgeman."

-  Pulley Center parents

Becky Clonts, Chantilly HS

"Ms. Funk-Clonts is a professional counselor. Seven years ago, during my senior year of high school, I was struggling in my Cisco class due to personal reasons beyond my control. My mother emailed Ms. Funk-Clonts the Thursday preceding Thanksgiving in the evening and within 24 hours, Ms. Geiger and Ms. Funk-Clonts called an IEP Addendum to amend my IEP. I was able to transfer to WAT class without any penalty or negative impact on graduation. She deserves a raise, and we need more caring people like her."

-  a former Chantilly HS student

John Greenwood, Sprague Technology Center

"John is an amazing TSSpec!  His patience and flexibility are endless while supporting our staff and community. This has been especially apparent during this past year of virtual and concurrent learning and the roll out of FCPSon. He always willing to help with a smile. Thank you!"

-  Laura Reed, Frost MS

Denise Forrest, Willow Oaks Admin Center

"Denise Forrest is a leader who exemplifies what it means to be a team player who knocks down the proverbial silos. As a coordinator in the Office of Special Education Instruction, she does not let the scope of her programs (the identification and provision of special education services to children ages 2-5) limit the support she provides to others in the Department of Special Services. Denise is always the first to ask what she can do to help; often behind the scenes, where others may not see the support she is providing. While her support is always appreciated, I am writing this FCPS Cares because this weekend Denise has gone above and beyond. After working together on Saturday for a couple of hours, I found myself calling her mid-day Sunday to ask if she could help a colleague. Denise did not hesitate before answering ‘yes’.  Before I could contact the colleague to say Denise would be calling, they were already working together on the phone. Thank you, Denise, for all of your support!"

-  Ellie Stack, Willow Oaks Admin Center

Jennifer Laun, Saratoga ES

"Mrs. Jennifer Laun is an incredible and awesome teacher. She worked with my son during school, was always accommodating, and also brought the best teaching skills."

-  a Saratoga ES parent

Mary Beth Fleming, Instructional Programs Support Center

"Mary Beth came to help me support ESY staff by providing a customized communication training for a student with complex needs. She spent an hour and a half explaining the communication system, answering questions, and helping with implementation planning. She also offered to help create data sheets and send adapted materials. I really appreciate her support!"

-  Mollie Kropp, Instructional Programs Support Center

Kenny Carter and Audrey Breeden, Instructional Programs Support Center 

"Kenny, Audrey, and the IPSC staff inventoried, processed, and delivered almost 78,000 new novels and non-fiction texts for use in all middle schools. The Secondary Language Arts team and middle ELA school teachers cannot begin the thank our friends for helping us to update middle school ELA bookrooms!"

-  Paige Whitlock, Willow Oaks Admin Center

Ivonne Estrada, Daniels Run ES

"My wife and I wanted to write to you to express our appreciation and gratitude to one of your staff. Our son had the privilege of having Mrs. Estrada as his 3rd Grade teacher last academic year. We can't say enough good things about Mrs. Estrada. Virtual learning had its challenges, but through it all she did a wonderful job. She took her time to give our son one on one help if he needed it and always answered his questions, and the way she made him feel empowered to learn you could tell she really cared. He really thought very highly of her. We also appreciate the time she spent keeping us informed of his overall progress throughout the year. We don't know if this can be placed in her file as a positive reference but at the very least we wanted you to know how we all felt about her."

-  Daniels Run ES parents

Sue Kalbaugh, Gatehouse Admin Center

"When I need help with a problem in Great Plains or FOCUS, I know I can always count on Sue Kalbaugh to be there with her expertise in both programs. Sue is knowledgeable, patient, and most of all, kind. She is never judgmental, critical, or negative. She will work with you until the problem is solved. She always has the “we can figure this out together" spirit. Sue has a tireless attention to detail, and is committed to helping navigate through the system to figure out the correct answer to any financial issue. She truly goes above and beyond. Her help is invaluable, and I wholeheartedly appreciate her!"

-  Debbie Richards, Bryant HS

Sarah Maria Young, Sprague Technology Center

"Sarah was extremely helpful in helping our office today with Destiny in garnering a much needed specific data collection report. Truly appreciate and value all she does!!!"

-  Rita Berlin, Dunn Loring Center

Heidi Parsons, Gatehouse Admin Center

"Thank you, Heidi, for helping me figure out another great plains problem. Heidi is always there on the other end of the phone with the answers to all my great plains questions, especially when I’m anxious about a mistake that I’ve made. She always has the answers. She is never judgmental, and is always kind and caring. She explains everything in simple easy to understand terms. I truly appreciate all that Heidi does, especially during this crazy busy time of year even when her plate is full. I wholeheartedly appreciate you and all you do to support not only me but all the FCPS Finance Technicians. Your help is invaluable."

-  Debbie Richards, Bryant HS

Tangy Millard, West Potomac HS

"We must recognize Principal Millard because the West Potomac graduation ceremony was absolutely perfect. We were very pleased that the ceremony took place at the high school. It was very well organized and thoughtfully done. We are especially grateful that the only speakers were Ms. Millard and a couple of students, who kept the tone upbeat and the length short! My parents were in attendance, and they were relieved that they didn't have to sit through any long speeches. Bleacher seats are uncomfortable for senior citizens! Ms. Millard made sure that the pace of the graduation was expedient without rushing. Every student was made to feel special. It was just a great day after a tough year. Way to go, Ms. Millard!"

-  a West Potomac HS parent

Debora Yoon, West Potomac HS

"When my son broke his elbow and had to go school in person, Ms. Yoon was waiting for him at the front door of the school every day. She was happy to help my son carry his backpack from room to room."

-  a West Potomac HS parent

Loreal Crumbley and Amena Aldacushion, Gatehouse Admin Center

"Ms. Aldacushion and Ms. Crumbley's professionalism, integrity, sensitivity and expertise made all the difference for me in supporting a difficult situation this spring. I am truly inspired by the way they live out Caring Culture in FCPS. Thank you both for the kindness and intentionality with which you serve the employees in FCPS. Please receive my sincere gratitude!"

-  Laura Thieman, Willow Oaks Admin Center

Judy Duprey, Tina Wilkerson, and Debbie Lorenzo, Willow Oaks Admin Center

"When help was needed to meet a critical deadline and the traditional lead for this work was unavailable due to competing demands, these amazing DSS team members stepped up and took charge even though leading this unexpected project would cause them to work beyond their contract time and over the holiday weekend. Many thanks to my amazing colleagues for doing what was needed to get the work done and keeping the main thing, the main thing. Thanks to your selfless leadership, the work you led was completed as were the other tasks occurring during the same timeframe which prevented the traditional lead from being involved in this work. Thank you!"

-  Ellie Stack, Willow Oaks Admin Center

Anjali Sharma, Lorton Center

"I am not sure the date but for the last two months or so Anjali has been the only Bus Driver Supervisor for Team 25. She has worked tirelessly to attend to more than 60 Bus Drivers and Attendants. She has eagerly answered questions and provided solutions to problems presented to her. When it was suggested that drivers and attendants give her a break, she replied that it was not a burden to reach out and help."

-  Kris Tedford, Lorton Center

Amanda Purvis, Gatehouse Admin Center

"A Lake Anne Splash to Amanda, as she was most helpful working with my co-worker and logged into the career portal to accept her contract for a summer position. She was thoughtful and patient when explaining what needed to be done! Thank you, Amanda!"

-  Yolanda Maldonado, Lake Anne ES

Kathleen Cole, Clearview ES

"Ms. Cole is a wonderful 5th grade teacher!  There are so many things that we could nominate her for, but we really want to mention one awesome thing she did for her students on the last day of school. Our school did not have a yearbook this year, so Ms. Cole took it upon herself to make a class yearbook for all of her students. It is such a wonderful memento for her students to remember this crazy year. She included memories and quotes from the students, their art work, and an incredible letter to her students. While the students were virtual, Ms. Cole always encouraged the students with pets at home to share them with the class. These animals became the "class pets".  So of course, Ms. Cole thought to include a class pets page in the yearbook with pictures and names of the pets!  Lastly, but most importantly, her letter to the students was moving, thoughtful, inspiring, and touching. It was from the heart and showed how deeply she cared about her students. Clearview is very lucky to have such a wonderful teacher!"

-  Clearview ES parents

Terry Kellogg, Gatehouse Admin Center

"The date 6/15/21 only indicates my latest positive interaction with Terry. Since I retired, I have experienced some unique challenges with my benefits, as well as those of my chronically ill sister who is a retired FCPS teacher. Terry is always incredibly knowledgeable, helpful and responsive. If she cannot personally help, she always connects me with someone who can. Terry is a true Human Resources professional, takes pride in her work and a great example of FCPS Cares!"

-  an FCPS retiree

Alice Gunas, Cooper MS

"This year was a challenging year and Schoology was difficult to navigate for both the students and the parents. Ms. Gunas labeled her assignments in a clear and organized way. She helped the kids keep up with lessons and didn’t allow them to fall behind in the virtual environment. She was super responsive to parents and showed that she cared about her student’s growth and learning. She pushed the kids to do their best. We appreciate her extra efforts this difficult school year."

-  a Cooper MS parent

Christy Jenkins-Dietz, Westfield HS

"Ms. Jenkins-Dietz was ready to help with laptop collection! She asked when and made arrangements without waiting to be asked. She was a super helpful part of our team, wrapping cords, managing the line and more!  Thank you for seeing a need and jumping right in!"

-  Margaret Sisler, Westfield HS

Sarah Padilla and Eric Eichelberger, Lake Braddock SS

"It has been a breath of fresh air working with Sarah and Eric, in their roles of Co-Sosa's for the last few weeks of school. Their experience with the school's teachers and students made their transition feel seamless. On more than one occasion, I observed them interacting with students to calm down an intense situation in the cafeteria. In addition, their attention to detail and following up with me regarding students that they might help reach out to for attendance a grading concerns was incredibly helpful. I look forward to working with them in the future to help our kids reach their potential."

-  Josh Miles, Lake Braddock SS

Jamie Meier, Mike King and Kate Beckner, Clearview ES

"Clearview’s Acting Principal, Mr. Meier, and Assistant Principals, Mr. King and Ms. Beckner, were phenomenal leaders at the school during a very difficult year. Mr. Meier came in to help last fall and ended up staying the entire school year. The students love Mr. Meier and the parents appreciate the way he jumped right in and immersed himself into the Clearview community. These three exceptional leaders are a tremendous asset to Clearview.  We appreciate their calm and caring, but strong, leadership, especially this past year. Thank you for everything you’ve done to help our students and families !"

-  Clearview ES parents

Leo Colgan, Oakton HS

"To be clear - Leo is always a kind and helpful colleague, but he went above and beyond on 6/14/21 by helping me with a grading scale question. In an effort to implement more equitable grading practices, my school is moving to a 4.0 grading scale. I had heard that Leo had experience with creating conversion scales and not only did he share his conversion tool with me, he modified it for our school's specific need. This is a particularly busy time for everyone, but Leo did not hesitate to help me and the teachers at my school."

-  Janet Babic, West Potomac HS

Dawn Ruffner, Stonecroft Transportation Center

"Never underestimate the importance of bus drivers! They are the first people to greet our students at the beginning of the day and the last ones they see before they go home. We would like to extend huge kudos and appreciation to all our bus drivers. In this FCPS cares we would like to give special recognition to Dawn Ruffner, driver of Providence Bus #9. Dawn recently went above and beyond her role to bring happiness to some of her students. One day, she noticed a child looking at a friend's yearbook. Dawn told the student not to lean across the aisle but instead to look at their own yearbook. The student informed her that they did not have a yearbook. When questioned further the child admitted that their family did not know how to get one. When the student was given the information, they told Dawn that their family could not afford a yearbook. This situation touched Dawn's heart and she asked the bus rider if they would be willing to share the yearbook with their sibling and the child agreed. The situation continued to be on Dawn's heart, and she relayed the story to her fiancée. Her fiancée immediately told her to buy not one but two yearbooks so the kids would each have their own. He said he remembered growing up and everyone else having something and his family not being able to afford it. So, the students on Dawn's bus were each presented with their own yearbook. Dawn's desire to bring happiness to others is a true example of FCPS CARES. We appreciate you Dawn, and we are thankful for YOU and the students whose lives you touch every day. Thank you for caring and bringing joy to an FCPS family. You may drive bus #9 but we give you a 10 out of 10!!"

-  Stacy Greene and Janice Suitte, Providence ES

Thanh Chung, Judy Dixon, Ena Guerrero, Ana Mata, Long Nguyen, Dien Van Trang, Providence ES

"I would like to give a huge round of applause to the custodial staff at Providence Elementary School. In an unprecedented time of a global pandemic they persevered. The challenges of the 2020-21 school year were many yet the custodians caught everything thrown at them and went above and beyond to ensure that Providence students and staff were safe. They were literally on the front lines as they worked to clean and disinfect the school so that everyone could safely return to the building. They always work hard and during the global pandemic, many new safety/cleaning protocols were put into place whereupon they found themselves working twice as hard. Their dedication and efforts were rewarded when the year ended with masked, healthy students and staff waving to each other as the last busses/cars pulled out of the PES bus/Kiss & ride loops. Judy, Thanh, Ena, Ana, Long, and Dien. Thank you for taking such great care of our students, our staff, and our building! You all never let up. Every day we would see you walking in the hallways and disinfecting doorknobs and everything else in sight. You worked diligently every day and in addition to working hard, you always had a smile and/or kind word for every child or staff member you encountered. Thank you all for caring. We are so grateful to have all of you at PES and all of your dedication and hard work has been seen and appreciated."

-  Stacy Greene, Providence ES

Dawn Montovio, Key MS

"Dawn came to Key a little bit later into the school and hit the ground running. She quickly got acclimated to the school and built long-lasting relationships. Dawn always had a smile on her face and was eager to help every student and staff member she came in contact with. Dawn thank you for all your support and making Key an even better place to be!"

-  Danielle Tillman, Key MS

Marilyn Breedlove, Key MS

"Marilyn comes to Key every day with a smile on her face and ready to support our students. Since day 1 Marilyn has made it her mission to find out what our students like to eat and make it available. If a student was not eating lunch she would go right up to them and ask what they would like. She would do everything she could to make sure that food item was available ASAP! Marilyn, thank you for all you do! Key Middle School appreciates you!"

-  Danielle Tillman, Key MS

Sarah Pevner, Lake Braddock SS

"Sarah has been an amazing thought partner and colleague. She is always up for anything in terms of helping teachers and staff members. She is a true treasure for the library and LBSS as a whole."

-  Carin Frank, Lake Braddock SS

Malalay Khalid, Justice HS

"I haven't worked with Ms. Khalid much this year, but she came through in an incredibly clutch moment for me this morning. She realized a few weeks ago that she speaks the same language as one of my students. We had been trying to reach the student's mom to discuss the importance of summer school and on time graduation. Ms. Khalid was able to reach mom and have a conference call to discuss this with success! Thank you so much, Ms. Khalid for all you do for our students. Enjoy your summer!"

-  Shari Winston, Justice HS

Helen Bowden and Missy Witt, Rocky Run MS

"RRMS was having an end of year in person event for students that my both my son and daughter very much wanted to attend since they were both virtual all year. I was concerned that my son, who has special needs, would need some extra assistance during the program since he wasn't very familiar with the building and can become easily overwhelmed. I reached out to Mrs. Witt who immediately replied that she would find a solution and who in turn was able to find a volunteer, Mrs. Bowden, to stay with my son for the duration of the event. This allowed my daughter to enjoy the event without having to be responsible for her brother which was very much appreciated. Not only that, but Mrs. Bowden met my son before he went into the building to allow him to avoid becoming overwhelmed (he did fine!), introduced him to all of his teachers in person, and prearranged with the librarian for him to see the library (his happy place) and check out books that were of particular interest to him (movies, history)!  She sent photos of his time at the school and met me at the car at the end of the event. I cannot put into words how much this meant to me and to both my children. THANK YOU to Mrs. Witt and Mrs. Bowden.  You are wonderful examples of how FCPS Cares."

-  a Rocky Run MS parent

Amy Smith, Hunt Valley ES

"I can't let the school year end without acknowledging Mrs. Smith! She was truly incredible. Virtual learning was tough, and it felt like we were one big family when Mrs. Smith logged on. My son looked forward to seeing her each day. He actually worked harder in hopes of getting a glimpse of her pets! Mrs. Smith was compassionate, flexible, funny, and just plain fun! We don't know what we would have done without her. Mrs. Smith rocks!"

-  a Hunt Valley ES parent

Stephanie Curb Hunt Valley ES

"I simply can't let this year go by without acknowledging how incredible Mrs. Curb was!  I truly don't know what we would have done without her! She is, in my opinion, one of the best teachers out there! She's flexible, compassionate, holds high expectations, and has incredible instincts. She was really able to reach my son, which is often quite challenging for any of us. Mrs. Curb made virtual learning fun and meaningful. You could tell just looking through the screen how much she cares. We are SO LUCKY to have worked with Mrs. Curb this year!!!"

-  a Hunt Valley ES parent

Mark Greenfelder, Bill Curran, and Sara Masluk, Willow Oaks and Gatehouse Admin Centers

"Thank you so much for making this year’s commencement exercises a huge success. We have been in unpredictable times and your leadership (and detail oriented approach) to support schools has been amazing. You pushed for information and decisions, while consistently communicating with principals and schools. You provided guidelines but also honored how each school/graduation is different and unique. You modeled and executed the exact support that schools needed. We are incredibly fortunate and grateful to have you and your team leading our division forward. Thank you for your leadership!"

-  Daniel Smith, Lake Braddock SS

Kelly Thomas, West Springfield ES

"I just wanted to acknowledge my daughter’s incredible Kindergarten teacher - Kelly Thomas. Throughout the entire school year, Mrs. Thomas went above and beyond every day to ensure each student felt heard and cared for. Her kindness, enthusiasm and patience were unlimited. Thank you so much, Mrs. Thomas - you are a rockstar!"

-  a West Springfield ES parent

Erin Wheeler, Canterbury Woods ES

"I need to give a shoutout to Ms. Wheeler for being such an amazing teacher and a bright light for our 5th graders in this challenging year. My daughter really struggled with the closing of school and being virtual in the fall, but Ms. Wheeler made the best of the situation every single day by building a positive, supportive, creative, and silly community in her virtual classroom. My daughter's favorite experience was when Ms. Wheeler said she was going to have a sub in the afternoon and logged off. A mystery man then logged on and the students all thought they had a sub named Mr. Botticelli... until the camera turned on. Ms. Wheeler was dressed in a chef's hat and coat (stuffed with a pillow) and a mustache, and she spoke with an ever-changing accent. The students had an afternoon of math with 'Mr. Botticelli' who used his restaurant menu as the inspiration for their math problems. I hadn't heard my daughter laugh that hard in months, and I'm still moved to tears thinking about how joyful that afternoon was. Ms. Wheeler made all of our lives better this year, and I will never be able to thank her enough. We love you, Ms. Wheeler!!"

- a Canterbury Woods ES parent

Selena Little, Lorton Center

"Ms. Little,   On behalf of our Burke School students and staff, I want to thank you for the love and caring you have for your bus riders this year. You showed up to our 8th grade promotion ceremony and gave your students flowers, balloons, words of wisdom and wished them well into the future. That shows how much you care and lets them know that there are good people in this world who will celebrate their successes and be with them when they are down. You spent a long time talking with one student who was struggling with the transition to high school, helping her to understand that it is a part of life and the importance of growth and development. With your words and flowers, she was able to comprehend and accept the idea that she is not losing her middle school family but gaining a new high school family. You also demonstrated that there are people in this world that you can depend on to help you when life seems to be overwhelming. You are truly an inspiration for others and we thank you for your efforts on behalf of the Burke School students as well as the many others whose lives you impact for the good, on a daily basis."

- Michael Craven, Burke School

Ephraim Hawkins and Jess Finley, Westfield HS

"These two incredible educators took time out of their very busy end of the year schedules to offer help and time to the tech team for laptop collection. Without being asked, these two saw a need, stepped in and helped with laptop collection. We so appreciate their help and kindness and thoughtfulness and recognize the time that this act took!!"

- Margaret Sisler, Westfield HS

Leslie Kendall, Bull Run Early Childhood Center

"Leslie always went above and beyond to engage with the children during the group sessions and the individual sessions with my child. She faced the great challenge of teaching children remotely with grace, patience, and perseverance. Her dedication to each child was amazing and she always customized her approach to the needs of the child and had very organized and engaging sessions.  Leslie has placed her heart in her work and it's clear that she truly loves children and that she strives to impact their success. She is a truly outstanding teacher and her sincerity is immensely appreciated."

- a Bull Run Early Childhood Center parent

Tania Tapia, Woodburn ES

"When there is incredible synergy between a teacher and student, it's amazing to see! Tania Tapia, a special education teacher at Woodburn ES, worked with my son virtually this school year and she was so amazing and intentional about designing lessons that were simultaneously relevant to his interests and valuable in helping him work on various skills. Ms. Tapia brings so much energy and enthusiasm to her lessons and her work with students! My son felt so much pride in sharing his work with Ms. Tapia because he recognized how much she cares about her students and wants them to succeed. Ms. Tapia was wonderful to collaborate with and she was especially encouraging in helping us to find ways to support our son in his learning at home. Ms. Tapia was so attuned to the needs of her students and she constantly found different and creative ways to help them work on their goals. She celebrated the accomplishments of her students and she created an environment in which they felt comfortable reflecting on their feelings. Ms. Tapia took a genuine interest in my son as a person as they shared meaningful aspects of their culture with each other and practiced conversation skills using their interests as conversation starters. We are so incredibly fortunate that Ms. Tapia was part of the Woodburn community this year and we are grateful to Ms. Tapia for all of the time and energy she spent to help our son have an amazing year in second grade!"

- a Woodburn ES parent

Siriwan Ruenruedeepanya ("Ms. Mint"), Lorton Center

"I am a Mantua Elementary parent and I would like to give accolades to the bus driver our students call 'Ms. Mint' on route MU05PMBOB. She is so deeply appreciated by the parents at our afternoon bus stop. We have had many dramatic obstacles come to our street during bus drop off time: wind storms that took down trees, downed power lines, accidents blocking traffic, and parts of the street blocked by landscaper trucks. Each time a new obstacle has presented itself on her route, she finds a way to keep the kids safe and make sure each student leaves safely with their parents. Even on 'normal' days without weather or traffic issues, she always checks that each kid goes with their parent and has whatever they came on the bus with when they leave. There are about 5 kids who get off at our afternoon bus stop, and the parents appreciate this driver so much for the way she cares about every kid on the bus. Thank you so much, Ms. Mint, for keeping our kids safe this year!"

- a Mantua ES parent

Ryan Mettinger, Westfield HS

"Mr. Mettinger has provided exceptional leadership to the Cat B team over the past semester. The particular experience for which I wish to recognize him is for his help with my end of year paperwork. His guidance through this process was truly helpful."

- Richard Strube, Westfield HS

Janette Probst and Imani Lassiter, Riverside ES

"This past year has been a challenging one especially for our youngest learners. Teaching our early childhood special education class virtually was a daunting task, but with the support of my instructional assistants, our students learned and made progress. They prepped activities the students could do at home.  They copied, cut, laminated, gathered materials, and put together so many crafts and activities which the students really loved. They also were present for virtual lessons and provided positive words of encouragement to each of our students. Janette was such a help as I navigated virtual learning for the first time. She had great enthusiasm and used positive reinforcement during sessions. Janette helped manage behaviors during morning meeting and provided productive feedback to the students as they worked on their art projects. She bought so many materials, activities, and toys that helped make our virtual learning more interactive and engaging. Janette had great ideas and made sure all the activities were ready for our class. She was very efficient and worked very hard to complete everything that we needed for virtual instruction. Janette even delivered some activities to families’ homes. Imani was a great support during our virtual sessions. She consistently attended virtual sessions and even some parent coaching sessions. Imani would greet each student and ask them questions to engage them in conversations. She made sure every student was recognized and felt welcomed. Imani was an active participant by singing our songs along with acting out the movements so the children could imitate her. Imani has a kind and positive energy and she built a good rapport with each student and family member. Imani’s joyful presence made our virtual sessions fun and I am so grateful she was part of them. Our class remained virtual all year and I could not have done it without the help of my instructional assistants."

- Christie Kwun, Riverside ES

Morgyn Hagy, Oak View ES

"Thank you so much for being there for the children. Thank you for being willing to teach in person. You were enthusiastic, inclusive, and made learning fun and interesting. We'll miss you next year. Best of luck in your new school."

- an Oak View ES parent

Kristin McDaniel, West Springfield ES

"Thank you to Mrs. McDaniel and the wonderful staff at WSES for the love and support you shared with our son throughout this monumental school year. We appreciate you!!"

- a West Springfield ES parent

Synthia Leninger, Lorton Station ES

"Mrs. Leninger is an awesome teacher!!! She helps everyone when they need help. She teaches us and makes us understand. I don't even want to move on to 3rd grade!! I will miss her."

- a Lorton Station ES student

Megan Pfiester, Lorton Station ES

"She is super fun and makes strings interesting and makes you look forward to it."

- a Lorton Station ES student

Willis Gardner, Justice HS

"Willis Gardner, Building Supervisor III, Justice High School, is an energetic, enthusiastic worker, manager, and leader. He possesses a broad range of skills. He is honest and straight forward. During the past 5 years, I have had the opportunity and pleasure to work with and learn from him.  For almost 20 years, Willis Gardner has demonstrated a high degree of loyalty and trustworthiness to Justice High School, and to his colleagues, and carries out his duties and obligations with vigor and resolve. He believes in giving an honest day’s work for an honest day’s pay…and then some.  The 2020-2021 school year has been challenging on many levels. Willis has adapted to meet those ever-changing challenges. He leads, manages, and mentors his staff so they can respond to new requirements and duties while allowing the seamless flow of Justice’s educational environment. To say Willis Gardner is value-added, an asset to Justice High School and Fairfax County Public Schools, is an understatement. Thank you, Willis."

- Luther Ivery, Justice HS

Lisa Gulbranson, Willow Oaks Admin Center

"Ms. Gulbranson took time to meet with the school team and attended an IEP meeting to support the FCPS team. Her knowledge and expertise provided support and facilitated a meeting that would have otherwise been difficult without her assistance. Her willingness to support and attend the meeting was appreciated and reminds us that it's a group effort when meeting the individualized needs of all our students."

- Veronica Del Bagno, Rolling Valley ES

Sofia Wainwright, Westfield HS

"Sofia took time out of her very busy end of the year schedule to offer help and time to the tech team for laptop collection. Without being asked, she saw a need, reached out and showed up to help with laptop collection. We so appreciate her help and kindness and thoughtfulness and recognize the time that this act took!!"

- Margaret Sisler, Westfield HS

Mark Crabill, Lewis HS

"Mark Crabill has been a consistent volunteer and supporter of Kings Park ES. His ties to the community run long and deep. As a past PTA president, parent and current community member, Mark continues to give of his time. Each year he supports by offering his amazing graphic design skills to highlight the exciting work of Kings Park ES. We remain grateful to his willingness to support on a dime and provide some much needed fun to teaching and learning at Kings Park ES."

- Dotty Lin, Kings Park ES

Lamar Hardy, Stone MS

"I've listed an experience date of 6/9/2021, but it should really be an experience date of 3/2/2021-6/11/2021. One of Mr. Hardy's many responsibilities at the school is to monitor the Kiss and Ride area each morning and afternoon. This might seem like a thankless task. If it is, though, then that's not evident in Mr. Hardy's behavior, as he seems to do this with a smile each day regardless of the time, regardless of the weather. Yes, he was wearing a mask, of course, but everything about his body language suggested a smile. Mr. Hardy literally sets the stage for all of Stone's Kiss and Ride students to have a great day. He closes out the day for them as well with smiles, waves, and friendly words. His friendly waving was not limited to the students either, as he also very often extended those greetings to the parents in the vehicles as well. Our classroom teachers are absolutely critical, but we also need to recognize the amazing role support staff like Mr. Hardy play in creating a warm, welcoming environment for the kids. He took it up a notch this spring when he started to bring music to the Kiss and Ride space. Talk about a great way to connect with your teenage audience! Connecting with a teenager can be a tall order, but it was clear to me that he knew what he was doing. It always put a smile on my face to see my son checking in with Mr. Hardy, and I felt it was an important point of reassurance and connection for all of us in this challenging pandemic year."

- a Stone MS parent

Mimi Lai Mayoral, Gatehouse Admin Center

"There are many moving parts to FCPS Honors and Mimi is one of the critical parts of the live event. Mimi unpacks and organizes all the plaques and Eddy’s for distribution. She checks and rechecks to be sure that everything is in order and follows the script. Mimi is organized, collaborative, kind, and caring individual who always has a smile and is happy to volunteer. Thank you, Mimi, for supporting the Employee Programs Team."

- Shelli Wayland, Gatehouse Admin Center

Carol Niaz and Aly Al-Shammari, Gatehouse Admin Center

"Carol and Aly went above and beyond last night at the FCPS Honors event. In addition to assisting with seating and program distribution, they also packed up all the extra food, utensils, and other items that were backstage. Because of their help, they made loading the cars and leaving the venue quicker and easier."

- Shelli Wayland, Gatehouse Admin Center

Lilly Shin, Greenbriar East ES

"The transition from elementary to middle can be hard for some students. On our end, we try to provide many opportunities for our future student to engage with our middle school, get to know staff members, and learn as much as they can before matriculating. We cannot do this without solid partnerships with our feeder elementary schools, and Lilly Shin at GBE is an amazing partner. Coordination of events and visits in the virtual/hybrid world is challenging, but Lilly has worked so hard this year to make life easy for stakeholders - student, staff and parents alike. She is professional, punctual, and positive in everything she does. KJMS is so lucky to have her as a partners, and so are her GBE students and 6th grade staff!"

- Kathryn Teague, Lanier MS

Emily Ripper, Glen Forest ES

"Emily has been an incredible support during a recent series of IEP meetings to support a family transitioning from preschool at Glen Forest to kindergarten at Kings Park. Emily was prepared, knowledgeable and professional during each meeting with the family and the school team. At various points during the IEP, there was a high level of contentiousness and Emily was nothing but professional. Ultimately, the family gave 100% consent to the IEP. From my professional opinion this was a result of the strong relationship Emily has established with the family throughout the year and her level of professionalism during the IEP. Emily is a tremendous asset to FCPS. Thank you, Emily, for your time, knowledge and professionalism."

- Scott Hawk, Kings Park ES

Kelly Conn-Reda, Willow Oaks Admin Center 

"I have a son who’s a senior with autism. I want to give special thanks to Kelly Conn-Reda, Multi-Agency Services Educational Support Liaison. Every IEP meeting is so important. Especially after virtual classes for more than a year, this IEP meeting gave me huge anxiety because it is so important for my son’s future after graduation. One concern to giving me anxiety was changing his standard diploma to a modified diploma. It meant it became another whole new world to me about how to support him. I didn’t have much information about job transition. Ms. Conn-Reda gave me great information to prepare for my son’s transition. She introduced great seminars, programs and conferences. That really helped me to prepare and understand our IEP meeting and my son’s job transition. She did her best to help me to find the right programs for my son’s needs. She never rushed and gave me enough time to research. It really made me feel we that have great IEP team for my son. Going through many IEP meetings, she made me feel we were more than an IEP team - she made me feel like I have a family in this country. Due to being a single mom, having full time job, no family support because I have no family in the USA, I always felt sorry for my son if my support was good enough and if I could guide him in a right path for his future…..Kelly really did her best to find right support and programs for my son. She really made me feel that I also have family here to help my son. Thank you so much everything you did for my son, Kelly!"

- a Fairfax County parent

Jenny Jung, Eagle View ES

"Ms. Jenny Jung always went above and beyond to make our son feel welcome in her class and to keep us informed of his progress. Above all, we are grateful for her fostering an enjoyable learning environment which has yielded dividends in our son’s increased attention span and eagerness to learn. We are very pleased with his progress across the school year. Thank you Ms. Jenny for everything this past year!"

- an Eagle View ES parent

Will Gideonse, Fairfax HS

"On 6/7/2021, Fairfax High School hosted the 2021 Justice High School Graduation Ceremony. Fairfax High School Safety and Security Specialist Will Gideonse’s involvement in all phases of this event started weeks earlier. He volunteered his time, and made himself available to meet with the Safety and Security Specialist from Justice High School to ensure the safe, secure, and successful 2021 Justice High School Graduation. Thank you. Will's efforts were invaluable to the success of this event.  It should be noted he never missed a beat working all phases of his daily Specialist job, while planning and coordinating the graduation ceremony for his own high school and assisting with the planning and coordinating of the graduation ceremony of another FCPS high school. His 35 plus years of experience and knowledge is evident. So is his professionalism and enthusiasm. To say Will Gideonse is value-added, an asset to Fairfax High School and Fairfax County Public Schools, is an understatement. Thank you, Will."

- Luther Ivery, Justice HS

Kyle Hall, Fairfax HS

"On 6/7/2021, Fairfax High School hosted the 2021 Justice High School Graduation Ceremony. Officer Kyle Hall, Fairfax City Police Department, School Resource Officer, Fairfax High School, was an integral part of the success of this event. His assistance as the liaison between Fairfax City Police Department, Fairfax High School Safety and Security Staff, and Justice High School Safety and Security Staff during the coordination and execution of the event, facilitated the outstanding support we received from the Fairfax City Police Department. Their support and contribution to the success of this event is greatly appreciated. Thank you, Officer Hall. Thank you, Fairfax City Police Department."

- Luther Ivery, Justice HS

Paul  Agyeman, Lorena Amaya, Julia Brizuela,  Blanca Caballero, Ernesto Escalante Castillo, Arcides Lazo Iraheta, Yoselin Martinez,  Maria Moreno,  Diep Nguyen, Dinora Oviedo,  Bola Shehata,  Hanh Tran, and Tri Vo, Fairfax HS

"On 6/7/2021, Fairfax High School hosted the 2021 Justice High School Graduation Ceremony. The Fairfax High School Custodial Team was an integral part of the success of this event. They coordinated with and assisted the Justice High School Custodial Team with the setup, break down, and cleanup of the graduation area. Their contribution to the success of this event is greatly appreciated. The Fairfax High School Custodial Team is an asset to Fairfax High School and Fairfax County Public Schools. Thank you, Team."

- Luther Ivery, Justice HS

Tom Horn, Fairfax HS

"On 6/7/2021, Fairfax High School hosted the 2021 Justice High School Graduation Ceremony. Fairfax High School Graduation Coordinator Tom Horn’s efforts greatly contributed to the success of this event. His knowledge and experience planning, coordinating, and executing graduations was value added. Tom’s behind-the- scenes involvement during the coordination and the day of the event is greatly appreciated. Fairfax High School Graduation Coordinator, Health and Physical Education Teacher, Tom Horn is an asset to Fairfax High School and Fairfax County Public Schools. Thank you, Tom."

- Luther Ivery, Justice HS

Bianca Bennett, Fairfax HS

"On 6/7/2021, Fairfax High School hosted the 2021 Justice High School Graduation Ceremony. Community Use Administrative Assistant Bianca Bennett’s efforts greatly contributed to the success of this event. Her efforts while assisting TEAM FAIRFAX - JUSTICE during the coordination and the day of the event is greatly appreciated. Community Use Specialist Bianca Bennett is an asset to Fairfax High School and Fairfax County Public Schools. Thank you, Bianca."

- Luther Ivery, Justice HS

Gisele Gray, Fairfax HS

"On 6/7/2021, Fairfax High School hosted the 2021 Justice High School Graduation Ceremony. Community Use Specialist Gisele Gray’s efforts greatly contributed to the success of this event. Her relationships with the community and willingness to share those relationships, made the coordination and execution of this event a joy.  Her support during the event is also appreciated. Community Use Specialist Gisele Gray is an asset to Fairfax High School and Fairfax County Public Schools. Thank you, Gisele."

- Luther Ivery, Justice HS

Rick Freeman, Fairfax HS

"On 6/7/2021, Fairfax High School hosted the 2021 Justice High School Graduation Ceremony. SSO Rick Freeman’s efforts greatly contributed to the success of this event. His knowledge and experience were valuable as he shared information from past graduations during the planning phase. He discussed available assets, and options for their use. Rick’s positive attitude and team player spirit were on display “game day”. SSO Rick Freeman is an asset to Fairfax High School and Fairfax County Public Schools. Thank you, Rick."

- Luther Ivery, Justice HS

Sue Payne, Fairfax HS

"On 6/7/2021, Fairfax High School hosted the 2021 Justice High School Graduation Ceremony. SSO Sue Payne’s efforts greatly contributed to the success of this event. Her 40 years of experience was evident as she easily anticipated any issue that may arise during the ceremony, shared them with the Justice Staff and provided options for managing them, thereby allowing them to be addressed in a timely manner. Her willingness to help and positive attitude were on display that day. Sue is a real team player. SSO Sue Payne is an asset to Fairfax High School and Fairfax County Public Schools. Thank you, Sue."

- Luther Ivery, Justice HS

Ian Salvary, Fairfax HS

"On 6/7/2021, Fairfax High School hosted the 2021 Justice High School Graduation Ceremony. SSO Ian Salvary's efforts greatly contributed to the success of this event. He demonstrated his initiative and situational awareness by locating and distributing water to the graduates seated on the field, dressed in dark colored robes, in the sun. His experience, willingness to help, and positive attitude were evident that day. SSO Ian Salary is an asset to Fairfax High School and Fairfax County Public Schools. Thank you, Ian."

- Luther Ivery, Justice HS

Luciana DiValentin, Stonecroft Transportation Center

"She is such a kind and caring bus driver and person. Every day she has a smile (behind her mask!), greets us, and asks about siblings she used to drive to school and is just very warm. She wears fun themed masks, and in previous years dressed up for Halloween. She’s also always on time and a fantastic person all around. FCPS is lucky to have her."

- a Churchill Road ES parent

Manda Tirado, Hunters Woods ES

"Mrs. Tirado has become an invaluable member of our school community.  She became our APE teacher late into 1st quarter and immediately began making connections with her students. She organized lunch bunches, activity challenges, wellness checks, and offered help with assignments all with new students in a virtual setting. During Physical Education classes (both face to face and virtual) she always touched base with not only her students but others in the class as well. Mrs. Tirado is an energetic, fun and caring teacher who always makes time for her students and is willing to help colleagues anyway she can.  I am grateful she was able to work with us this school year."

- Brian Silva, Hunters Woods ES

Lili Kennington, Great Falls ES

"As a parent, you always hope your children are placed with 'good teachers'. Over the past 10 years, my three children have been fortunate to have predominately good, even great teachers in FCPS. A few have stood out as exemplary. I am writing today to share my gratitude and appreciation for the wonderful Ms. Lili Kennington, or Kennington Sensei as she is known by her students. Collectively my children have spent 5 years in the classroom with Kennington Sensei who has taught them math, science, and Japanese language. My children have all blossomed under her care. What makes Kennington Sensei a truly exceptional teacher is her ability to connect with her students on a personal level. My three children are very different students and learners, but Kennington Sensei was able to motivate, inspire, and engage each of them. My oldest was timid and unsure of her mathematical abilities. She left Kennington Sensei’s class confident and pondering a career as a math teacher. My middle child was a solid student but had some rough social emotional challenges and Kennington Sensei was always ready with praise and support for both my child and me. And my youngest has a learning disability and Kennington Sensei has yet again proven she is willing and able to put in the extra effort to support my child so that he can shine academically and emotionally. Kennington Sensei has given all 3 of my children confidence and helped them achieve to their highest potential. For that I am extremely grateful. Thank you Kennington Sensei for being a truly amazing teacher. We will miss you next year!"

- a Great Falls ES parent

Donny Haller, Sprague Technology Center

"FCPS Fine Arts & the Cappies NCA program would like to extend a huge shout out and thank you to Donny Haller for all of the time, energy, and professionalism he provided in the creation and editing of our 2021 Cappies Virtual Gala. Donny spent many hours, hours which included weeknights and weekends, collaborating with team members, going to various locations for filming, and creating and editing media in the making of this project.  A project that represented the work of over 50+ FCPS and local high schools from across the National Capital Area, as well as theatre graduates, Broadway Stars, and local superintendents and arts leaders. Donny's objective was always to best serve, care, and represent our students, event participants, and programming both in process and product. Donny's calm and kind demeanor were an incredible asset over these many months and provided charismatic leadership and comradery during a very difficult year. The amount of time and care Donny put into this project is a testament to his professionalism and passion for supporting our FCPS programs, administrators, teachers, and students. It is always a pleasure to work with Donny and a great value to have a colleague who is collaborative, passionate, and possesses so much institutional knowledge and field expertise. Check out Donny's and our theatre students' and teachers' work over this past year on Apple 21, FCPS YouTube, or Cappies NCA YouTube by searching the 2021 Cappies NCA Virtual Gala. Thank you for your continued support and dedication to our FCPS Theatre Arts and Cappies NCA programs, Donny! You and your work are greatly appreciated!"

- Tara Taylor, Willow Oaks Admin Center

Patti Vollmer, Stonecroft Transportation Center

"Patti has been a very successful mentor for FCPS drivers. Patti has helped so many team members and supervisors of Team 36 that she is almost an unsung hero. She has organized multiple events in the past, held various positions of leadership in transportation, and has worked in Administration for years before becoming a bus driver. She also is the head liaison for anything related to the Student Patrol Program at many of our schools. Patti was a former BDAAC as well. Patti never asks for anything in return but I would like to see her recognized by FCPS for the versatility that she brings to the job. Her assistance and attitude make it a joy to come to work with her. During COVID, Patti worked in more than 2 schools helping them prepare for RTS children."

- Elizabeth Katherine Murphree, Stonecroft Transportation Center

Lisa Williams, Lake Braddock SS

"Ms. Williams, thank you for your thoughtful and important Civics lessons - lessons that are so critical for our kids to learn especially during this time in our history. Thank you for making learning meaningful this year, especially as our daughter attended virtually."

- a Lake Braddock SS parent

James Mroz, Lake Braddock SS

"Thank you Mr. Mroz for clearly dedicating your heart to our kids this year. You succeeded in making meaningful learning experiences for our daughter even though she was attending virtually. You have been an inspiration and we are so grateful to you!"

- a Lake Braddock SS parent

Kelly Sheers, West Springfield ES

"Leadership is key in a time of crisis, and Dr. Sheers gave our school and community the educational (and at times parenting!) leadership we all needed during such uncertain times. Our teachers were able to provide for our students thanks to her leadership and support, as well as her transparency and openness with communication. With so many questions and unknowns, Dr. Sheers always gave parents and the community the information and space to process together – further building our strong sense of connectedness and community during challenging times. I’m not sure where the #StrongerTogether came from, but it has been a real motto and great message for our kids and community this year. Thank you Dr. Sheers for being the kind of leader we all needed in such stressful times. We are so thankful our kids are students at WSES, and know they will have many fond memories of elementary school that go beyond a year of a pandemic!"

- a West Springfield ES parent

Jennifer Quinn, West Springfield ES

"There aren’t many words to summarize this past year, and the challenges we all have experienced. However, extreme recognition is warranted for our teachers. Our kids have persevered because of their brave efforts to take on never before fathomed teaching challenges, on top of their own personal challenges during a pandemic. Our kids would never know the work that has gone on behind the scenes for all for them, but I want our teachers to know that we as parents see it all. The structure, support, care, love, dedication, organization, communication, patience, and passion Mrs. Quinn showed to our son this year really helped him persevere on the hardest days. The 3 short months he’s had in-person has made up for many of the virtual months, and we are so thankful for Mrs. Quinn. We feel grateful for our son’s 3rd grade experience in light of this entire year. Consistency is key for our kids, and Mrs. Quinn and WSES gave them the structure they needed to be able to focus on growing as learners – emotionally and academically. What a way to welcome a teacher new to FCPS this last year! Mrs. Quinn was put through more than the ringer, and she FAR exceeded expectations. We appreciate you and hope you have a restful summer."

- a West Springfield ES parent

Kelly Thomas and Janet Woolf, West Springfield ES

"There aren’t many words to summarize this past year, and the challenges we all have experienced. However, extreme recognition is warranted for our teachers. Our kids have persevered because of their brave efforts to take on never before fathomed teaching challenges, on top of their own personal challenges during a pandemic. Our kids (and much of the public) would never know the work that has gone on behind the scenes for all for them, but I want our teachers to know that we as parents see it all. Virtual Kindergarten is not something many could imagine being successful in any sort of meaningful way over a year ago – but Mrs. Thomas from day one made it exactly what our kids needed and MORE! We are so thankful for her love, energy, PATIENCE, kindness, diligence, organization, communication, care, dedication, and passion for teaching our youngest minds. Success was also made possible thanks to the supports of Mrs. Woolf as well. We are so happy our son got to experience “real” in-person Kindergarten, and know the 3 short months he has had with you all was worth 9. We will forever remember our kids Kindergarten experiences, and we can’t thank Mrs. Thomas and Mrs. Woolf enough for all they’ve done for our kids this year! We will miss them so much and wish we could have them again next year!"

- a West Springfield ES parent

Jason Skerker, Bonnie Brae ES

"I would like to take a moment to recognize my principal, Jason Skerker. Jason has done an incredible job as a first year principal during an unprecedented school year. I appreciate his attention to detail, regular and informative communication with staff and the community, and his desire to grow our school. I am looking forward to working with him more in the year(s) to come!"

- Jessica Warr, Bonnie Brae ES

Rory McGlinnen and Julie Keeder, Westfield HS

"These two incredible educators took time out of their very busy end of the year schedules to offer help and time to the tech team for laptop collection. Without being asked, these two saw a need, reached out and showed up to help with laptop collection. We so appreciate their help and kindness and thoughtfulness and recognize the time that this act took!!"

- Margaret Sisler, Westfield HS

Bryan Case, Liberty MS

"I want to thank Mr. Case for all he does for the students at Liberty Middle School. He goes above and beyond to create a welcoming and exciting environment for students to learn and grow. My son has had all wonderful teachers at Liberty and we are grateful for all of them, but Mr. Case was his teacher for both years and was a constant when these two years have been anything but normal. Mr. Case has put in many, many hours helping his chorus students. The hours it takes to put together each individual singer's video and make them all sync up to create a beautiful song must be immense. He does it with a smile and makes each singer feel important and valued because they were part of the chorus and they can hear their voices shine. He knows each student's interests and talents and shows them he cares. He jokes with the students and makes his classroom a place where my son looked forward to coming. Thank you Mr. Case!"

- a Liberty MS parent

Christopher Flores, Gatehouse Admin Center

"Christopher is amazing. He has been extremely responsive to supporting us at all hours during our hiring process. He has been helpful with prioritizing support whenever needed. We couldn't have made it through this crazy time without his ongoing support and problem-solving approach. He truly represents the caring culture of FCPS and we greatly appreciate him."

- Stephanie Jerauld and Jennifer Lempp, Willow Oaks Admin Center

Megan Pfiester, Lorton Station ES

"Ms. Pfiester has consistently been dedicated to the development of young string musicians. She organized a wonderful music performance with her students, and motivated them to perform both in Lorton Station Elementary school as well as Hayfield Senior school with outstanding string experiences for both the students and participants each year. This year, in the midst of all odds, Ms. Pfiester been motivating and encouraging them to continue playing instruments and producing live as well as recorded instructions for students. On behalf of the students, I would like to extend my appreciation for her extraordinary effort to ignite the passion for playing and developing the ability to play music into musicians. I also thank the school administration for their effort to make the strings program possible. Thank you again for all you do for the students."

- a Lorton Station ES parent

Anne Buttarazzi, Terraset ES

"My son who is 4 years old started preschool earlier this year and has improved more than I could hope for. He has gone from barely speaking at all to speaking constantly, and most of the words are starting to be understood clearly. I am very grateful for the efforts Anne Buttarazzi has made to teach my son, and make it fun for him so he is always eager to get ready for school in the morning. I have also spoken with Anne on several occasions, and I can tell she cares a lot to help my son improve. It makes me extremely happy to see there are good teachers for my kids."

- a Bull Run Early Childhood Center parent

Leslie Kendall, Bull Run Early Childhood Center

Starting this year, my 3-year-old son has been getting online lessons with Leslie Kendall. I am very thankful for all the effort she has made, and I can see the improvements already. My son can be very stubborn, but Leslie was able to get him to cooperate over time. I look forward to seeing what else can be done in the next school year.

- a Bull Run Early Childhood Center parent

Joy Fouche, Fort Hunt ES

To say Mrs. Fouche is an outstanding teacher would be an understatement. She goes above and beyond to support her students and will not tolerate a student saying "I can't". We have been nothing but impressed with her teaching and are so grateful our son was able have her as his teacher this year!

- a Fort Hunt ES parent

Betsy Sweet, Oak View ES

"A lighthouse has been used throughout the ages to symbolize many different ideas and positive character traits. In reflecting back upon this school year, the most important theme that stands out so vividly is that as educators we serve as a beacon of light for our students, colleagues, families, and communities. And when I think of a highly effective teacher, who has shone brightly as a beacon of light for all stakeholders this year, I think of our music teacher, Betsy Sweet. Just as a lighthouse shines brightly, Ms. Sweet shines as a ray of hope for all to see. A lighthouse stands tall and proud, close to the sea to help guide ships to a safe harbor, especially during stormy weather. It is no mystery that FCPS and our communities have weathered several storms over the past year. And yet there are strong and proud teachers who offer a beam of hope for all of us to see. Numerous times this year, Ms. Sweet has greeted the transitions and changes of this year with steady willpower and a positive attitude. As we learned we would start off this year in an all virtual environment, Ms. Sweet asked, “What can I and the other specialists do to help with Mondays? How can we offer students a variety of musical, artistic, and movement opportunities?” As we planned to bring students back into the building for in-person learning, Ms. Sweet asked, “How can I help with this? Where do you need me?” As we identified students in need of academic and engagement intervention opportunities on Mondays, Ms. Sweet offered, “please utilize me in the best way possible to help our students.” One might argue Ms. Sweet is like a lighthouse keeper, making sure that we stand strong and guide others safely to shore. Just like a lighthouse, Ms. Sweet has a strong foundation, firmly planted in the ground. She is ready to navigate through the school year, remaining vigilant that we find ways to improve our practice to help students succeed. She offers hope to our new teachers on staff, welcoming and supporting them through a new school year. A kind of hope that we all can work together to make all things right for students. People are drawn to lighthouses because they are a symbol of strength. As we navigated through this school year, the phrase “One Oak View” came up from time to time. Ms. Sweet has used her talents and her strengths this year to make sure there were inclusive opportunities for all of Oak View to join together and finish the school year strong. There are some who, despite their love for Oak View, are ready for this school year to be over so we can start fresh…Five for Fall next school year. Not Ms. Sweet. She has powered through every day with a smile with the attitude that “it’s not over until it’s over!” And even more…"What can we do to make a memorable end to the school year?” A schoolwide masked singer contest was Ms. Sweet’s answer to this challenge. Kudos for Ms. Sweet revitalizing teachers as they shed their required masks and donned on a variety of costumes and masks to entertain. Kudos for Ms. Sweet for continuously finding ways to build community and engage all of our students each morning during the last few weeks of school. If you are waiting for the great reveal…you will have to tune in and wait a day or two! Ms. Sweet, thank you for embodying the strength, resilience, and hope that a lighthouse symbolizes. Thank you for being a beacon of light for our Oak View community."

- Lora Adams, Oak View ES

Susan Sullivan, Oakton HS

"Ms. Sullivan has been an amazing and understanding teacher throughout the entire year and has made this challenging year easier for her students!"

- an Oakton HS student

Betsy Rogers, Lake Braddock SS

"Betsy Rogers joined us in October as a long term substitute school counselor for our middle school student services. She jumped right into this role, emailing the Purple Pride team to schedule and conduct a Bullying & Harassment Prevention Lesson. She navigated the students questions with care, respect and compassion. These attributes continued as the year went on and dare I say, got even more hectic! Betsy was prompt, professional and patient when orchestrating schedules (virtual, hybrid, concurrent, 4 day in person, etc.), including the wants/needs of students, parents, and peers. Whenever I needed support with a schedule change, she'd let me know immediately that she'd received my inquiry (a HUGE bonus) and to top it off, get back to me with a solution within 24 hours! Betsy coordinated and will lead us in our Purple Pride celebration on June 10, focusing on student success, but I wanted to take this time to also celebrate Betsy and all the endeavors she flawlessly took on this year, seen and unseen. The Purple Pride MVP goes to Betsy Rogers, an absolutely imperative addition to the team."

- Meagan Tubbs, Lake Braddock SS

Betsy Rogers, Lake Braddock SS

"On behalf of the entire Student Services Department, we'd like to recognize Betsy for the commitment, initiative, and extremely hard work she's put into her role as school counselor this year. She came to us in a substitute role back in the fall and transitioned in seamlessly as she built strong relationships with her students, collaborated well with her teachers, and became a strong support for her families. Betsy has become an invaluable part of our department and it is as if she's been with us for years. Her ability to intuitively know how to approach a situation is outstanding and rarely seen in a new counselor. In a role where student safety can be at stake, having someone on board with excellent instincts and judgment is critical and Betsy has been able to handle crisis situations with ease. Her great resourcefulness ability has encouraged other, more seasoned counselors to go to her for recommendations. Betsy does not limit herself to what has been done in the past. She finds a way to help a student no matter what, forging new paths that we all benefit from. Betsy's warm, calm demeanor allows her to build trust quickly and easily with her students and families and has led to student growth and success. The teachers that work with Betsy report that she has been a great asset to them and their students, especially in this year full of change and an unknown future. Betsy leads with her heart and has the skills and strength to get the job done fantastically. We have been extremely fortunate to have Betsy with us during this difficult year and greatly appreciate everything she has given to us and our students."

- Tracey Butler-Johnson, Lake Braddock SS

Janene Pack, Lake Braddock SS

"Our whole family has benefitted from the knowledge and expertise offered by Mrs. Pack. She’s been an amazing guidance counselor to both our children. We will miss her madly."

- a Lake Braddock SS parent

Carmen Andersen, Laurel Ridge ES

"Mrs. Carmen Andersen is an amazing teacher, and it is evident in her care/concern for her students! She took the time to really get to know each student personally as evidenced by her personal notes of encouragement throughout the school year. I thought her personal note to each student prior to SOL exams was a really nice touch. Additionally, based on our personal experience this year, she went above and beyond to help my 5th grade son who was really struggling during the virtual learning environment!  He was struggling to complete assignments in all of his classes, and his behavior was poor. Mrs. Andersen saw through all the negativity coming from him. She reached out to engage/encourage and personally work with him in areas where he was struggling, while providing opportunities to challenge him where he excelled. Thanks to her care and encouragement, my son finished the school year strong despite all the challenges this school year has presented."

- a Laurel Ridge ES parent

Vicki Johnston, Kings Glen ES

"Vicki Johnston, 6th grade teacher, is truly deserving of this award. My daughter was remote all year and learned a lot of amazing skills to get her ready for middle school and she was more than prepared for her SOLs. Ms. Johnston taught them some incredibly useful skills such as working efficiently in groups, voicing opinions tactfully, and using their creativity to accomplish great things. We are so glad that our daughter had the guidance of Ms. Johnston to prepare her for middle school. Thanks to Ms. Johnston and Kings Glen for providing an excellent foundation for our daughter."

- a Kings Glen ES parent

Diana Dickerson, Herndon HS

"Diana Dickerson and her staff have been working to ensure the Herndon High students as well as 26 other schools throughout the Herndon Area receive meals whether by Meal Kits, Bus routes and/or In-Person over the last 16 months. She has maintained the same level of customer service to all when the cafeteria, serving line /kitchen area and the loading dock were under construction at Herndon HS. When the food services operations was moved to another location, there was no change or alterations in service. Diana is committed to ensuring the best for all the families and students in the Herndon Area and especially students at Herndon High."

- Teresa Hinds, Energy Zone

Suzanne Corcoran, Key MS

"Key Middle School had a virtual honor roll ceremony. Being one of the presenters at any awards ceremony is always nerve-wracking in pronouncing student's names properly. We always want to respect students and honor them. Ms. Corcoran is such a caring counselor, she contacted individual families over the weekend to check for proper name pronunciation. This is just an small example of the distance she will go to ensure proper recognition of our students' hard work and the caring culture we have at Key MS!"

- Daisy Gomes, Key MS

Sue Kalbaugh, Gatehouse Admin Center

"Sue Kalbaugh is the financial analyst for our school, and she is ALWAYS so quick to respond and helpful. Whenever I have a question or an issue, she immediately responds. During this time of year, when I'm sure all of the analysts are super busy closing out the year, her time and attention to our needs is extremely appreciated."

- Suzy Martin, Quander Road ES

Kizzy Carter, Stonecroft Transportation Center

"Kizzy Carter, Area 4 Transportation, and her entire staff at the office, as well as all of the bus drivers have been EXCELLENT supporting the students meal deliveries over this school year and all during the pandemic. When there was a request for any type of change, it was always accomplished. When a student needed a special request, it was taken care of. When food services needed to change location s and move meals from one location to another, it was taken care of. When a bus driver, attendant or food services staff needed help or support, it was accomplished. Ms. Carter, staff and drivers are all top notch. They help where and when they can. They are get it done kind of people. They take care of carrying students as well as making sure they are receiving meals. Thank you, Area 4 Transportation."

- Teresa Hinds, Energy Zone

Elyssa Dunn and Elizabeth Beavers, Kings Park ES

"Our daughter has been a virtual student in the 2nd grade classroom of this amazing team for the entire year. Regardless the challenge, Ms. Dunn and Mrs. Beavers have leaned on their remarkable collaborative teamwork to deliver meaningful instruction in the way that is best for each of their learners. Our family has been endlessly impressed by their kindness, patience, creative problem solving and adaptability.  Whatever the need, each student in their care received attentive and differentiated assistance and guidance. Our daughter will go confidently into third grade knowing she can do whatever she puts her mind to, because her second grade team supported that growth. We could not have dreamed that this year would have been so successful, and we owe a debt of gratitude to these amazing teachers that we will never be able to repay. Thank you so much for making a hard year fun!"

- a Kings Park ES parent

Connie Gibson, Saratoga ES

"I just wanted to take a moment to send a message of appreciation for Connie. She went above and beyond when my daughter had a personal issue at school. She reached out to me and let me know what was going on, which broke my heart for her embarrassment. She let my daughter stay with her until I was able to pick her up. She talked with her and made her feel comfortable and not embarrassed for what happened. She took the time and had such compassion for my daughter. As her mother, my heart broke for my daughter and her embarrassment, but when I went to pick her up she was smiling. Connie consoled her and made her feel comfortable. That night after dinner my daughter asked if we were able to go get Connie a present. We went out and got her a beautiful plant for her office and card to let her know how much we appreciated her. Thank you for loving my daughter."

- a Saratoga ES parent

Jordan Citron, Herndon MS

"Mr. Citron consistently engages and motivates students in all he does. During virtual instruction, Mr. Citron demonstrated equity in the classroom by ensuring every student received art supplies and came up with creative, engaging and multidimensional ways of art techniques using these tools, as well as leveraging different computer programs that all students had access to. He was very conscious that no student would be left out. Mr. Citron uses a differentiated learning approach to engage all learning styles. His lessons consist of videotaped step by step directions, visual examples, Google slides with each step clearly identified, many examples of final products, and he walks through each step as he demonstrates techniques. This was especially helpful to my child as not only was the technique clearly laid out, but also the expectation for each assignment, so there was no uncertainty or doubt. Mr. Citron also has encouraged differentiation in product to allow students to pick one of the demonstrated techniques and apply it to create their own piece. This was especially motivating to my child as she now has many wonderful art pieces around the house that are meaningful to her. Mr. Citron has student learning and success at the forefront and students are encouraged to ask questions, and he is excited to share his passion with others. In particular, Mr. Citron conferences with each student individually in a break out room to discuss their assignment, progress, and encourages the student to finish any incomplete or missing assignments. This is much appreciated at the middle school level when students might be apprehensive asking questions in the larger class. His feedback is carefully constructed to motivate and encourage students. Students know their interactions will be met in a caring, calm, and encouraging manner every time. Through Mr. Citron’s teaching, my child not only gained amazing skills and techniques in art, but also developed confidence, self-advocacy skills, and his teaching has helped her become a more critical and creative thinker. Thank you, Mr. Citron!!"

- a Herndon MS parent

Lydia Alexander, Brookfield ES

"Miss Alexander went beyond what a teacher is expected to do for her students. I’m a single parent who had to go to work in the middle of the pandemic. While my daughter had to be virtual for school, my older son was working from home, but could not keep track of my daughter. That’s when Miss Alexander came in and took the time to monitor my daughter and made sure she did her work and turned it in. I will always be so grateful for that. Thank you, Miss Alexander, for everything you did."

- a Brookfield ES parent

Bryan Buser, Gatehouse Admin Center

"We are very grateful to Bryan for his hard work and dedication to helping our schools make their websites great. His expertise has been invaluable on the FCPS and school websites since we moved to a new system a few years ago. He participated in the project from RFP through complete implementation for 200+ schools and has continued to support the schools over the years, including this past year of the pandemic. The importance of the school websites as a communication tool can't be overrated and Bryan's support has been invaluable."

- Nancy Moy, Gatehouse Admin Center

Karen Smith, Canterbury Woods ES

"I have worked with Karen as a fellow classroom monitor. Karen has embodied the flexibility and grace required to adapt to ever-shifting job needs. She's always there for the kids, an adult who is there in the room for them, and always ready to welcome more. When the monitoring group transitioned from 2 days in the classroom to 4 days in the classroom, the class list was in total flux. Karen handled the situation by adding new desks as each kid walked through the door, making space for all at a safe social distance. She's always been there for me as a fellow monitor when I needed information or anything else. It's been great to work with her this spring."

- Kathleen Friesen, Canterbury Woods ES

Kathleen Gilfoil, TSRC-Vienna

"Kathleen is a problem solver. And there were a lot of problems to solve this year! She has knowledge in many practical aspects of life whether it is to find a resource, solve a tech problem, or to recognize that a student needs glasses or food and make it happen despite the obstacles. She is also very efficient and quick. Kathleen lifts spirits up with her cheerful attitude, infectious laugh, and free spirit jokes. She plays a big part in creating of a family like atmosphere - a community, a true team of teachers and students."

- Inna Winchell, TSRC-Vienna

Maria Pike, Kent Gardens ES

"Mrs. Pike is a phenomenal educator. She uses innovative, real life examples to help teach the kids, (such as TED talks) to draw them into valuable discussions full of real-life lessons. She is willing to go the extra mile to make each child feel cared for, especially during this difficult (COVID) time. Postcards, small gifts, occasional fun movies or board game days are just a few examples. Most importantly she listens to students and parental concerns, taking even the unbelievable ones seriously. She handles the concerns with reserve when requested and swiftly when warranted (in conjunction with the student and parent). She is kind and caring but also able to firmly correct when necessary. In an age where addressing student misbehavior is a balancing act between correcting disruptive and inappropriate behavior while trying not to discourage parents, this is a gift that should not be taken lightly. It's such a challenge these days and she is able to maintain connection with students and families while promoting a high moral standard for future generations. I wish I could give more details but I think due to privacy concerns, I will refrain and hope that this description gives you a glimpse into our experience with Mrs. Pike. She will be greatly missed as she takes some time for herself to ensure her teaching stays top notch. Thank you Mrs. Pike!"

- a Kent Gardens ES parent

Katie Tardiff, Bull Run Early Childhood Center

"Ms. Katie has been amazing. She worked miracles with my son, even with virtual learning. I don't know where he would be without her weekly care and support."

- a Bull Run Early Childhood Center parent

Kelly Petty, Willow Oaks Admin Center

"Kelly Petty is the incredible PSL for our Westfield Pyramid. While she is consistently spectacular, she has really been shining over the past couple of weeks. As we moved through staffing season and started looking towards the arrival of some new students next year, Kelly has been an integral part of our planning team. She is incredibly responsive has made herself available to talk through some challenging issues. During our work, Kelly always provides unique insight that helps shape our thinking and action. She is truly an asset and the Westfield Community is better off for having her as a partner."

- Tony DiBari, Westfield HS

Bryan Buser, Gatehouse Admin Center

"I'd like to recognize the tireless and continuous work performance Bryan is providing in launching the new Employee Hub. In a time when our Employee Wellness team is tasked with sharing timely and various resources to support employees in maintaining a work-life balance, Bryan has ensured that our Employee Assistance Program materials were transferred to the new platform expeditiously and without interruption.  I can personally attest to his consistent dedication from his 'all hours of the day' emails which included tutorial videos and suggestions to help our webpage be as user-friendly as possible. I have worked with Bryan since his first year with FCPS when he was instrumental in my previous role in TAM. His assistance with our recruitment efforts for bus drivers helped us fill our training classes; and he has never skipped a beat ever since. I am thankful and honored to work with someone that displays a work ethic to emulate and inspire others. Please share my deepest gratitude and I look forward to future opportunities to collaborate with Bryan in supporting our FCPS mission."

- Helen Canepa, Gatehouse Admin Center

Ketki Sheth, Fairhill ES

"Mrs. Sheth is the best! We are thankful to have my son in her class. She is so caring and welcomed him wholeheartedly when he switched into her class this year, and my son is so happy to have her. Thank you so much!"

- a Fairhill ES parent

Mary Ellen Doherty, Fairhill ES

"We are really thankful to have Mrs. Doherty as my son's teacher. I am impressed with how encouraging she is and how she cares so much about all the students. Even though it's virtual, my son has learned so much in kindergarten and he feels so happy to be in her class. Thank you Mrs. Doherty!"

- a Fairhill ES parent

Courtney Korb, Fairhill ES

"Long overdue shout out to Mrs. Korb. I was really thankful to Mrs. Korb one day when she called me to answer some questions I had about the SOL's. I had emailed her and rather than just reply with a yes or no, she took the time to call me speak to me about it. I really appreciated that! Thanks Mrs. Korb!"

- a Fairhill ES parent

Kellie Rodriguez-Lee, Hayfield SS

"I can't say enough about Ms. Rodriguez-Lee. She was the push that my son needed to complete his requirements for graduation. This year of virtual instruction and numerous pivots within FCPS has affected everyone in some way. This was my son's senior year and he struggled greatly. So much so that his opportunity to graduate was at risk. Ms. Rodriguez-Lee nudged him constantly from the beginning of the year until the end. She called me to check in on him and she sent numerous emails encouraging him to continue pushing towards his goal. From the beginning, she let it be known that there was no other expectation than for him to complete his requirements and graduate. I began to doubt that this goal was achievable, but Ms. Rodriguez-Lee never wavered in her hope and she never backed off of him! My son is the only one that struggled. I am sure there are others. Knowing Ms. Rodriguez-Lee's care and concern I am sure that she went to bat for them all. Thank you Ms. Rodriguez-Lee for hanging in there and never giving up hope!"

- a Hayfield SS parent

Amanda Moreland, Lake Braddock SS

"Ms. Moreland has been an exceptional Geosystems teacher and advisor for my son this year. If we needed assistance with anything, she was incredibly responsive and helpful. Her love of teaching and positive attitude helped make Geosystems one of my son's favorite subjects this year. Thanks for all your hard work and your excellence in teaching, Amanda Moreland, in what was certainly a challenging year for everyone."

- a Lake Braddock SS parent

Toshieba Ragland, Lake Braddock SS

"Ms. Ragland did an amazing job teaching her cooking class virtually and motivating her students with her positive, upbeat attitude. My son had an excellent experience in her class, and he now can cook. I'm forever thankful to Ms. Ragland."

- a Lake Braddock SS parent

John Graham, Lake Braddock SS

"Mr. Graham went above and beyond this school year to make sure I was given the opportunity to be challenged and expand my repertoire and leadership skills by offering me an Independent Study and a Teaching Assistant position in his Guitar 2 class. I am a violinist in the Symphony Orchestra and the Guitar Ensemble class met at the same time so I could not enroll in it to advance my playing skills. Studying with Mr. Graham has made me a better overall musician. I was able to delve into different genres such as rock, blues, jazz, and flamenco with guitar. My final project was to submit and present five videos of different types of music and explain why I chose those particular songs to the class. It was a behind the artist type of project and it was a lot of fun. Thanks for your support and feedback this year, Mr. Graham. Every student should have the opportunity to work with such an amazing teacher."

- a Lake Braddock SS student

Darin Byrd, Lake Braddock SS

"Mr. Byrd did an outstanding job this year going above and beyond to prepare his math students for the SOLs. He is truly an exceptional teacher."

- a Lake Braddock SS parent

Dani Sayre, Lake Braddock SS

"Dani has gone above and beyond to make me feel welcome and has been so crucial in helping me learn the ins and outs of my new position here at LBSS. She's included me in every communication that needs to happen so I can learn the correct process and the "Lake Braddock way". She's also remained very patient with my never-ending barrage of questions and I'm feeling a little more confident that I'll be able to do this every day that passes. I really appreciate all she's doing to make me feel like part of the finance team and I feel very lucky to have her as an associate/mentor! You rock Dani!"

- Chris Goodey, Lake Braddock SS

Carla Falconi, Gatehouse Admin Center

"This whole school-year, 20-21, a difficult year, one anchor was Carla Falconi, who showed up thick or thin, rain or shine, for my couple of families whose children required coaching in Spanish this year. Carla interpreted everything I said, professionally and not skimping on words or meaning, throughout this school year, twice a week for each family. Mrs. Falconi not only created bonds between the parent and teacher, but also, through her interpreting, allowed better outcomes for some of our students, through modeling professionalism, through her sharing of resources and ideas, and through always being at each session on time. I appreciate Mrs. Carla Falconi’s work and hope her families appreciate her as much as I do."

- Nadine Bolkhovitinov, Aldrin ES

Theresa White, Canterbury Woods ES

"As a classroom monitor this year I have had the opportunity to see Ms. White in action as a STEAM teacher. Of all the specials my monitoring students have gotten to participate in during their in-person days, she has made STEAM a decided favorite. Her projects are so engaging that they all want to show her and everyone else what they have made. The students also voluntarily chose to go back and work on their STEAM work after they completed other independent assignments - her tasks are that interesting. It was a pleasure to see how much joy she brought students this year!"

- Kathleen Friesen, Canterbury Woods ES

Brittani Ko, Canterbury Woods ES

"As a classroom monitor, I have been delighted to watch Ms. Ko work her magic as an art teacher this year. Her classroom management skills are impeccable. Her art projects are interesting. She encourages the kids to try, fail, and try again. One day one of my students told me, "I have been telling myself all morning that I get to see Ms. Ko today!" The excitement she inspires in kids is all summed up in that statement."

- Kathleen Friesen, Canterbury Woods ES

Jaime Carroll, Canterbury Woods ES

"My child recently brought home a fun project to make a time capsule of her school year for her high school graduation. I asked her what she wanted to include in her time capsule. She said, Mrs. Carroll. To her, first grade was simply her amazing teacher. First of all Mrs. Carroll taught her class of first graders to navigate the technology they needed to learn remotely during the part of the year where FCPS was all-remote. Then she taught them the content they needed to learn via that technology - even differentiating math online to provide extra challenges! When the class returned to school she re-acclimated them all seamlessly to the school environment after a year away. I never thought I'd cry for joy over a paper math test, but when Mrs. Carroll found a way to give one to my child despite being concurrent, I definitely shed happy tears. When the class was able to return to only in-person learning Mrs. Carroll found ways to review the learning from the year, provide practice to finish up anything unfinished, and generally make sure her students were ready for second grade. Through all of it - in every mode - Mrs. Carroll made each and every subject come alive. Have you ever seen a kid excited to explain our nation's symbols or rattle off the name of the five regions of Virginia? I have. When talking about a beach trip recently, my child said, "Oh, the beach is in the coastal plain!" When asked what she learned yesterday, my child launched into an in-depth discussion of the cicada life cycle from science class. A few weeks ago her highlight was using scales to have a hands-on representation of how to balance equations in math. My child learned to write fiction, poetry, and the basics of research this year. Mrs. Carroll somehow managed to know how to make any and everything interesting. She is a wonder."

- a Canterbury Woods ES parent

Julie VanSteenwyk, Virginia Early Childhood Center

"From the start, Ms. Julie has gone above and beyond to help my daughter succeed. She has been so incredibly patient, kind, and understanding. My daughter was not receptive to virtual learning at the start of the year, which made things very difficult. Ms. Julie quickly picked up on my daughter's interests and formatted her teaching style to make virtual learning an easier transition. She went at my daughter's pace and was always willing to change up the planned daily activity at the drop of a hat if she noticed my daughter wasn't interested. Additionally, the growth we've seen in my daughter this year is unbelievable. She has gained so much confidence this year and is thriving. We are so thankful for all the love and support Ms. Julie has given us. She is an absolute superstar, and it’s obvious she has a genuine love for helping children grow."

- a Virginia Early Childhood Center parent

Rahima Safi, Cooper MS

"Rahima has always been quick to help. Yesterday, she was invaluable when testing a student with limited verbal skills. Her kind, professional manner is always appreciated."

- Anne Marie Aschenbrenner, Graham Road Community Center

Stacy Mitchell, LaToya Prescod-Williams, and Beth Hayes TSRC Fairfax

"Ms. Mitchell, Ms. Prescod, & Ms. Hayes were so gracious and helpful when I told them we had a last-minute senior who needed an SOL. They worked together to get in touch with the student, schedule the test, arrange transportation, and prep the student. I am so grateful to have such hard-working colleagues who are willing to do whatever is necessary to support students."

- Ashley Quinn, TSRC Fairfax

Katie Tardiff, Bull Run Early Childhood Center

"Honestly, I don't even know where to start, but I will say this: There is no survey submission that can adequately express just how fantastic our experience has been with Katie. My daughter, Autumn, absolutely adored her. Katie was beyond patient, kind, and caring from the very beginning. Her dedication and love for what she does, shines through with every session we would have with her - the passion behind each one of these sessions was very much appreciated!! My daughter would tend to be shy and reserved when meeting new people, especially if she was "put on the spot" with needing to talk. Katie's gentle guidance really helped Autumn feel comfortable and confident, and from there Autumn was able to continue growing and strengthening her skills. As a mother, it warms my heart to know that my little girl is feeling safe and having fun! Katie is awesome!"

- a Bull Run Early Childhood Center parent

Lauren Tredinnick, Canterbury Woods ES

"I wanted to take the opportunity to express my deep gratitude for Mrs. Tredinnick. It is so meaningful to know that my son (and my daughter before him) had a teacher that so sincerely had his best interest at heart. Colleen and I know there is a lot of really hard work and fine-tuning involved with getting virtual teaching where you want it to be. Mrs. Tredinnick adapted under the worst of circumstances and cared for each child in her class. I received numerous late-night emails from her with very detailed/specific messages regarding my son. I am sure she did the same for her other students. I often sat and listened to her class. Her sincere love and devotion, gentle tone, and caring nature were demonstrated every day with her students.  She deserves an award for her work this year. THANK YOU Mrs. Tredinnick for the instruction and love you gave my son this year (and also my daughter previously). You are such an asset to FCPS!"

- a Canterbury Woods ES parent

Darlene Engdahl, Groveton ES

"I am a school counselor who was tasked with coding and recording nearly 250 students at my school who had more than 5 unexcused absences for the year and given a very short timeline to do so. While I had the info, I did not have access to the necessary SIS tabs. Our Student Information Assistant had access but was too overwhelmed with other work to log all the numbers I gave her. Darlene Engdahl, our Office Assistant, stepped in and saved us both by volunteering to enter data AND got the job done in record time. This is typical of Darlene, who routinely goes above and beyond for our Groveton staff, students and families. She always wears a friendly smile, demonstrates kindness, and is respectful even to those who may not offer it to her in return. Darlene is a blessing who deserves to be recognized."

- Kristine Griswold, Groveton ES

Isabel Oliver and Elaine Stottlemyer, Kings Glen ES

"Just wanted to say thank you for the caring, compassionate, and extremely kind dedication for these two wonderful employees. They have gone far and beyond assigned duties, in making sure children are cared for and provided positive opportunities. This year hasn’t been easy, but my hat off to both for exemplary professionalism, that goes beyond what words can express."

- a Kings Glen ES parent

Patrick Stoner, Mason Crest ES

"Mr. Stoner took the time to ensure that my child was indeed ready to return to school. He walked me through every little detail to ensure our success in a COVID environment. Mr. Stoner took great care to provide follow-up check-ins. Thank you for making Mason Crest the best elementary school, you embody the spirit of the school."

- a Mason Crest ES parent

Katie Tardiff, Bull Run ES

"Ms. Tadiff words cannot express how incredible you are with our son. We will miss you. Thanks for all the little tips and all the songs and the lessoning skill that you ordered us and for including his cousin in his section to help him thank you. You're EXCELLENT and AMAZING. We'll miss you."

- a Bull Run Early Childhood Center parent

Suzanne Thompson and Michael Donaldson, Mountain View AIM

"We would like to take this time to recognize two of our colleagues who have, once again, gone above and beyond to support the academic, social, emotional, and physical needs of our students. A student at Mountain View AIM shared with his ESOL teacher, Suzanne Thompson, that he was experiencing intense dental pain. After talking with him, she realized he did not have a dentist or dental insurance. Ms. Thompson contacted the school social worker and the AIM program manager, Mike Donaldson, about resources for getting the student the care he desperately needed. After going to one dentist and getting an estimate of $3,000 to complete the necessary dental work, the student was despondent. He felt like his only option was to drop out of school to work more hours to pay for the needed care. Mr. Donaldson, who also coaches football at South County High School, reached out to one of his coaching colleagues, who is a dentist. Mr. Donaldson’s contact agreed to see and treat the student at no charge. Mr. Donaldson drove the student to and from appointments and helped him fill out the paperwork. If not for the advocacy and support of Ms. Thompson and Mr. Donaldson, the student might not have received the care he needed. Ms. Thompson and Mr. Donaldson have made a huge impact in the life of this student. Thank you!"

- Eileen Mary Delaney, Willow Oaks Admin Center

Kylie Eldredge, Westfield HS

"Kylie has been a tremendous leader for the special education department throughout the 2020-2021 school year. Kylie ensures timelines are met for the hundreds of meetings being held each year and does so with such a positive attitude. She is a forward thinker who communicates with all stakeholders to problem solve complex situations. She manages the large department with grace and ease and is a pleasure to work with! Thanks for all you do Kylie! Westfield is lucky to have you!"

- Kelly Petty, Willow Oaks Admin Center

Maria Filgueria, Deer Park ES

"Maria has been an exceptional special education lead teacher during the 2020-2021 school year. She is organized, communicative, and a wonderful addition to the special education team. She can often be found working late in the evenings and on the weekends to ensure timelines are met. She organizes special education team meetings and ensures policy and processes are followed. Maria never hesitates to reach out with a question or to collaborate on a case. She is a valuable asset to the team and is a pleasure to work with! Thank you, Maria!"

- Kelly Petty, Willow Oaks Admin Center

Mary-Elizabeth Hagaman, McNair Primary School

"Mary is new to FCPS this year and has been an absolute joy to work with! She immediately became a leader and took an active role in the special education team at McNair Primary Elementary School. She is quick to collaborate and to problem solve unique situations. Working with Mary has been a pleasure this year and we are lucky to have her!"

- Kelly Petty, Willow Oaks Admin Center

Derek Knizner, Max Ruth and Kristina Culkin, Robinson SS

"Carol, Debbie, and Suzanne at Robinson Secondary would like to express our appreciation for Derek Knizner, Max Ruth, and Kristina Culkin. Not only are they tremendously good at their job as TSPEC’s, but they also go above and beyond to help students and staff. They are very knowledgeable, helpful, friendly, and ready to resolve any tech problems in a timely manner when we call them. We appreciate their help and kindness toward us. Robinson is fortunate to have them in the school. It has been an unusually rough year, all you do to support the students and staff, and the many hours you dedicate to us is greatly appreciated. Thank you!"

- Carol Buschman, Robinson SS

Kirsten Habib, Washington Mill ES

"Ms. Habib takes teaching personally. Her work as a teacher goes way beyond an 8 hour day or getting kids to the next grade. This is evident not just in all the time and activities she is a part of at Washington Mill but in who the students are when they graduate from her class. One particular strength we've noticed as parents is that her students foster a creative work ethic. In her class, kids strive to further develop their inquisitive minds. Her kids put hard work into appreciating different perspectives. They ponder and learn about different ways of life. Both of our children she's taught started the year with a mind focused inward and finished with an outward stance towards life and others. Thank you, Ms. Habib!"

- a Washington Mill ES parent

Tara Boone, Rose Hill ES

"Tara consistently goes above and beyond. She is there to assist, coordinate, and support wherever needed with all grade levels and staff members. She promotes strong, positive relationships with students and staff alike. She is part of Rose Hill's foundation that encourages collaboration and fosters an inclusive learning community!"

- Tamara Karas, Rose Hill ES

Rena Rose, Dranesville ES

"Mrs. Rose was my daughter's 2nd-grade teacher (she is now getting ready to go to middle school) but she kept in touch with us throughout the years. As you know, this was an unprecedented year and it came with lots of challenges for all students and staff. Mrs. Rose made sure to not just care for her students but also remembered my daughter and that small gesture made a huge impact in our lives. I had to choose 1 day as the date of the experience but in reality, Mrs. Rose made sure to check how my daughter was doing throughout the school year."

- a Dranesville ES parent

Kimberly Cox, Lake Braddock SS

"Mrs. Cox has been an amazing AA. This year has been a unique year where we all had to learn and adapt to many things. Coming into work, Mrs. Cox always has a smile on her face (even though it is behind a mask, you can tell it is there). For she is the first person some of the classroom monitors see in the day. She always starts amazing conversations to get us excited for the day and can create a “we can do this atmosphere” every morning! Mrs. Cox is also a very caring person; she always makes sure that the Classroom Monitors can obtain a break and always goes out of her way to help anybody who is in need. Thank you for being an amazing AA!"

- Haider Humadi, Lake Braddock SS

Beth Egbert and Debbie Schrank, Halley ES

"Our son and our entire family have been so fortunate to have two such amazing teachers working with him this year. Beth Egbert and Debbie Schrank have gone above and beyond to support and teach him in the most loving environment both virtually and in person. His huge gains this year are the result of their hard work and dedication. Additionally, they even went out of their way to include his little sister in their virtual classroom making her feel a part of the group. I have been so impressed by their full family involvement approach from the first day our son joined their class. I recognize how much has been asked of teachers and staff this year to meet the needs of their students in the midst of a pandemic, and I am in awe on a daily basis of what they provide to our children in their classroom. I know this year has created many challenges, but I wanted to take the time to share the amazing experience we have had this year having our son in Beth and Debbie's class and being a part of the Halley ES community."

- a Halley ES parentnt

Meg Baber, Cooper MS

"Ms. Baber always finds ways to gently and authentically encourage her students. She is intuitive and empathetic; she recognizes difficult peer situations and rises to diffuse conflict effectively. She has inspired my daughter to enroll in both theatre class AND theater club next year at Langley. We will miss her next year and feel (as a family) that her efforts deserve to be recognized as an outstanding educator. Thank you!"

- a Cooper MS parent

Esther Ferrell, Carson MS

"I emailed Ms. Ferrell to make sure my 7th grader selected the right elective for the upcoming year and also shared that my child's Algebra grade dropped drastically to 93.5% when he did not perform well in a recent test. I was anxious to find any available option for my child if he did not do well again in the next test. Ms. Ferrell took the time to review my child's grade book and calmed me down with a few follow-up emails. It really warms my heart to know that I can always go to her and she is there for us."

- a Carson MS parent

Jacquie Diggs, King Park ES

"We wanted to take a moment to give a shout out to Mrs. Diggs. It’s been an extraordinarily difficult year for so many, but we think we won the lottery when our son was assigned to her class. He has simply lit up since beginning at Kings Park! Yesterday my husband asked him how school is, to which he replied “Awesome!”  He talks about so many friends and we see a lot of great math, writing, and art in his school bag. Our son is reading more on his own and is thriving. Additionally, as a new family at the school, we have asked Mrs. Diggs SO MANY QUESTIONS, and she is incredibly responsive and understanding."

- a Kings Park ES parent

Margaret Veenstra, Lake Braddock SS

"Margaret Veenstra has been a wonderful counselor for my child through my child's high school career. Margaret has helped my student navigate her way through tough times and has been exceptional at providing positive assistance during these last days of my student's senior year. Thank you so much for all that you have done for us."

- a Lake Braddock SS parent