Drama Class at Bailey's Upper

The students at Bailey’s Upper have the opportunity of integrating both drama standards and the standards of integrated subjects focusing on improvisation, storytelling, and performance . The drama program at Bailey’s Upper partners with classroom teachers to deliver engaging and meaningful learning experiences that reinforce core curriculum through drama. The theatre program at Bailey's Upper Elementary School also produces a daily morning news program called Bailey's News Network (BNN).  This news show enables students to use their creativity to contribute to the culture of the school through daily positive programing highlighting social-emotional learning, the word of the day in multiple languages, the weather, important updates for students, and much more!  In addition to the drama program offered during the school day, Bailey’s PTA provides students with the opportunity to participate in an after-school drama program called Bailey’s Imagination Theatre Company (BITCO).  This after school program offers enriching play production experiences for all of our young actors.  Bailey’s Upper Elementary School continuously strives to provide an inclusive community with equity at the center.  Our drama program supports the mission of our school, bringing theatre arts opportunities to all students!

Please reach out to our Drama Teacher,  Kim Mann  for further information.