Technology at Bailey's Upper

Students at Bailey’s Upper have access to technology at any time during the school day when it is appropriate for their learning. We are very fortunate to have so much technology available to our students. Teachers continue to create lessons that use technology in ways that work to ensure all students reach our portrait of a graduate standards (Creative and Critical thinker, Collaborator, Communicator, Ethical and Global citizen, and a Goal Direct and Resilient Individual)



  • All of our 3rd -5th grade students are in a 1:1 laptop learning environment during the school day.


  • Our Music department has a class set of iPads for instruction
  • ESOL and Special Education teachers have iPads available if needed as instructional resources to support students and their learning
  • The innovation center is equipment with a set of iPads for students to use when exploring in the innovation center.

Interactive Projectors

  • All classrooms have an interactive projector: Teachers can project lessons for students to view and interact. The projection displays on the wall where students can click and drag to manipulate items to enhance and demonstrate their learning in a meaningful way

Document Cameras

  • All classrooms have a document camera which allows teachers to share live examples for students to view, share students samples and demonstrate experiments or ways to use manipulates through this live camera.

Links to FCPS Technology Information that applies at Bailey’s Upper:

Google Workspace for Education  -FCPS Google Workspace is an integrated productivity, communication, and collaboration solution hosted by Google and managed by FCPS.

Bring your Own Device (BYOD)

Technology@Home - This program enables FCPS students and staff to purchase technology products at discount rates