Support Cedar Lane Students

Help Support Cedar Lane School

Cedar Lane is a small, structured, and nurturing public day school servicing students grades 9-12. The mission of Cedar Lane is grounded in Excellence, Equity and Opportunity in an environment that supports the academic, social-emotional, vocational, and behavioral growth of each student. We believe that every student deserves the opportunity to reach their full potential, regardless of their background or circumstances. We are dedicated to creating a learning environment that is inclusive, supportive, and challenging for all students. 

Cedar Lane School is not a “traditional high school”, therefore is not privileged to the funding, opportunities or supports that other high schools have. We believe that every child should have equal experiences and opportunities as students who attend base high schools and we strive to provide this in an environment where students can thrive academically, emotionally, and socially.

Your contribution will go a long way in making a tangible difference in the lives of our students and staff. Here are just a few examples of how your donation can create a lasting impact:

  1. After School Activities and Enrichment Programs:Please help support our ESPORTS program at Cedar and the Cedar Lane Boxing Club. We believe in the power of extracurricular activities to broaden our students' horizons and develop their talents. However, due to financial constraints, we are unable to offer a wide range of enriching programs. We would like to offer after school tutoring, coding club, and a host of other experiences.  By contributing to our campaign, you can help us provide opportunities for our students to explore their interests and discover new passions.
  2. Prom, Graduation and Senior Trip:Cedar Lane is a small school, but we want our seniors to have a memorable graduation and prom here at Cedar Lane. Like other high schools, we would also like to offer our seniors, a senior trip. Your donation could help us make these experiences possible and amazing for our students. 
  3. Cedar Corner-  This year, Cedar Lane started a food pantry and clothing closet for our students with the support of the Young Men’s Service Leagueand Food for Others.  Donations to our campaign will help to keep our pantry stocked with clothes and food and help purchase items that may not be provided.  
  4. Educational Field Trip Experiences and  Resources:With limited funding, we struggle to provide our students with experiences outside of Cedar Lane and the up-to-date technology, and classroom supplies they need. Your donation will enable us to enhance their learning experiences and provide them with life changing opportunities to explore and engage in exhibitions of learning. 
  5. Building Wide Positive Behavior Support System-Cedar Lane has a PBIS system, in which students are able to earn rewards for positive behavior and choices. Your donation can help support the PBIS program at Cedar Lane, as the students thrive with this intervention. 
  6. Beautification:Throughout the year we want to enhance the look/features of our building.  Funds are needed to beautify the grounds and to ensure our students are proud to walk into Cedar Lane on a daily basis.  Your donation could help keep the outside learning space clean and garden a usable space, the grounds nice and clean, offer the opportunities to purchase up to date benches and furniture for our building. 

No donation is too small, and every contribution counts. Your generosity will not only change the lives of our deserving students but also contribute to the betterment of the entire Fairfax community. On behalf of Cedar Lane,  I extend my heartfelt gratitude for your consideration and support. Together, we can make a significant difference in the lives of our children and empower them to achieve their dreams. Thank you for being a beacon of hope and inspiration in our community. Please use the link above or  below to Support Cedar Lane School