
Digital Librarian

    Library Resources

    Find and access books using the library catalog

    Use the library catalog, which is called  Destiny to search for books in the FCAHS library collection. Remember to login once you're on Destiny, so that your searches are limited to just the Non-Region Schools collection, and so that you can actually open and read any of the ebooks you find. 

    Visit the Library Catalog to access eBooks, Audiobooks, Librarian-curated collections, and Learning Resources, such as Rosen Learning Center, Pebble Go, Noodle Tools, MyOn, MackinVia, and FCPS databases. Watch the video below to learn how to log into the library catalog

    Directions for logging into our Destiny Library Catalog :

    1. Click the link for Destiny .
    2. Login using the button at the top right-hand corner, where it says "Login"
    3. Click "Sign in with Google"
    4. Choose your account