Attendance Form

Submit an absence, late arrival, or early checkout online!

Submit an absence using our attendance form below or by calling the attendance line at 703-262-2727  or the main office at 703-262-2700 .

When reporting a child's absence, please be specific about the reason. If the student is ill, please indicate any of the symptoms that are listed in the "reason for absence, late arrival, or early checkout" portion of the form.

This attendance form is to be submitted by the parent/legal guardian only.
Are you submitting a full day absence, a late arrival, or early checkout?
Please check this box if you wish to report consecutive day absences.
Please list the specific consecutive dates of the absence.
Please check the student in at the attendance office when you arrive to the building.
Please make sure that you come into the main office of the building, present a valid ID, and sign the student out.
Will the student be returning to school?
Please check the student in at the main office when you arrive to the building.
If reporting an ill student, include symptoms, especially if they have fever, nausea, vomiting, sore throat, and/or cough. If your student has a diagnosis from a healthcare provider, please include that information.

Parent/Guardian Contact Information

Not required.
Please use the email address registered through SIS.