Policies and Front Office Procedures


Absences and Late Arrivals

Please report absences and late arrivals by calling the Attendance Line at: (703) 904-5151 or emailing [email protected] by 9:00 AM. You may also use the Online Attendance Form located on the Franklin Middle School website . Please do not use the attendance line to request early dismissal.

Early Dismissals

To minimize disruptions to the classroom learning environment, please have your student bring a note to the main office before school starts detailing the student name, date, time you will pick up your student and the reason for the early dismissal. A pass will be issued to your student to be released from class, and your student will be in the office at the scheduled release time. A parent must come into the office to sign the student out.  Please be prepared to show a picture ID. Any person not listed on the Emergency Care Card may not pick up a student from school without written permission from the parent.  Please do not use the attendance line to request early dismissal. Print your own Early Dismissal Notes here .

Pre-Arranged Absences (3 Days or More)

For prearranged or preplanned absences of three days or more, please contact the Attendance Office at 703-846-8888 for further instructions, or complete the FCPS Request for Prearranged Absence Form at least two weeks prior to the absence. This form is required to be completed by the parent. The student is responsible for obtaining teacher recommendations and signatures. This form can then be submitted to the main office for approval.


Bus Riders

In support of student safety and accountability, all bus riders are to get on and off their assigned FCPS bus at their assigned FCPS stop. In the event that a student wishes to go home with another student, a one-time pass can be issued to ride the friend’s bus as long as both parents/guardians provide the school with a written request. Emails are not accepted. Notes should be turned into the office by 7:30 AM that day to ensure time for our staff to prepare passes. 

Any long-term requests for stop changes, bus route changes, or special requests should be forwarded to Area 3 Transportation at (703) 249-7000 .

Walkers and Bicyclists

All walkers should live within a 1 mile radius.

Students are expected to:

  • Cross Lees Corner Road at the intersection of Thorngate and Lees Corner; no exceptions (not even Old Dairy and Lees Corner)

  • Use the proper crosswalk, and walk their bike or carry their skateboard across the crosswalk

  • Continue to walk the bike or carry their skateboard while on school property

  • Use the bike racks

  • Wear their helmets

Student Drop-off

  • The bus loop and our parking lots are NOT drop-off points for students

  • Kindly follow the directions of staff for the Kiss ‘n’ Ride line 

  • Parents are permitted to park and walk with their child from the parking lots to the school to assist a child in need or for an office visit

Backpacks and Lockers

  • All students have a locker.

  • Students should leave their backpacks in their lockers during the school day. Some teachers allow backpacks in their classrooms.

  • Purses and cases for personally owned devices are permitted.

Cell Phones and Earbuds

The expectation is that students have phones and electronic devices (including earphones) put "away for the day."

  • In a locker is considered put away

  • Earphones/buds should not be visible  

The administration will be contacted if students become defiant about shutting down or turning over a cell phone. Cell phones are prohibited at lunch. However, cell phones may be used for instructional purposes in the classroom setting.

Lunch and Recess

Lunch is available for purchase daily in the cafeteria. Students are not permitted to order food delivery. Please do not deliver forgotten/special occasion lunches, water bottles or snacks. Families who may qualify for free or reduced price meals are encouraged to complete an application online .

Students have a 15 minute recess each day. They can bring sports equipment to play with during recess, but equipment must stay in their locker at all other times during the day.

Forgotten Items

Teachers understand when students forget homework or musical instruments. Please do not drop off forgotten items as we cannot guarantee they will get to the student’s classroom.


If a student is not feeling well during the school day, they may get a pass from their teacher and report directly to the clinic. Students are not permitted to use their phones to call home during the school day.


All students receive a laptop and charger at the beginning of the year. Students are expected to charge their laptop nightly and check their Schoology and school email daily. They can also use SIS StudentVUE to keep track of their grades.