FMS Transportation Procedures

April 29, 2019

Bus Ridership Requests

“n support of student safety and accountability, all bus riders are to get on and off their assigned FCPS bus at their assigned FCPS stop. In the event that a student wishes to go home with another student, a one-time pass can be issued to ride the friend’s bus as long as both parents/guardians provide the school with a written request. Emails are not accepted.

Notes should be turned into the office by 7:30 AM that day to ensure time for our staff to prepare passes. Any long-term requests for stop changes, bus route changes, or special requests should be forwarded to Area 3 Transportation at (703) 249-7000 .

Walkers and Bicyclists

All walkers should live within a 1 mile radius.

Students are expected to:

  • Cross Lees Corner Road at the intersection of Thorngate and Lees Corner; no exceptions (not even Old Dairy and Lees Corner)

  • Use the proper crosswalk, and walk their bike or carry their skateboard across the crosswalk

  • Continue to walk the bike or carry their skateboard while on school property

  • Use the bike racks

  • Wear their helmets

Student Drop-off

  • The bus loop and our parking lots are NOT drop-off points for students

  • Kindly follow the directions of staff for the Kiss ‘n’ Ride line 

  • Parents are permitted to park and walk with their child from the parking lots to the school to assist a child in need or for an office visit

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