Guidelines for Discipline

Discipline in all Fairfax County Public Schools is governed by the  Student Rights and Responsibilities  booklet. It is important that parents and students read this document, which is distributed to all students during the first month of school.

We have defined two primary goals for discipline at Lake Braddock Secondary School. The first goal is to provide a safe and secure environment for students and faculty. The second goal is to have students show respect for self, others, and property.

The faculty and staff at Lake Braddock Secondary School are committed to helping students make good choices about their behavior. If students make poor decisions, they will receive appropriate consequences for inappropriate behaviors. Discipline is a process which may include teacher intervention, team intervention, counseling, conflict resolution, and finally administrative intervention. Violations of Student Responsibilities and Rights will be handled by the student's administrator. Specific action may range from counseling to detention, suspension or ultimately a recommendation for expulsion. Refer to the Rules of Conduct and Disciplinary Procedures for more details.

Rules of Conduct and Disciplinary Procedures

Disciplinary actions taken by an administrator are based on the premise of progressive discipline . Interventions without suspension are authorized by the principal as deemed appropriate. Other interventions include, but are not limited to, admonition and counseling, detention, suspension of privileges (including afterschool and extracurricular activities), probation, community service, Saturday Detention, removal from class, and restorative justice. Suspensions, of less than 10 days, may be appealed in writing within two days. The written notice must include the reasons the suspension should be reversed or otherwise modified.

INFRACTIONS: Students and parents are expected to know FCPS' student disciplinary rules as set forth in the current version of Reg. 2601.P which is distributed annually. Each consequence depends on the severity of the infraction.

TEACHER ACTION: As appropriate, teachers are the first level in progressive discipline.

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