School Counseling Services

Counseling services at Lake Braddock Secondary School is an integral part of the total educational program. A staff of professional counselors, under the leadership of Directors of Student Services, provides student services which include individual and group conferences, academic planning, career awareness, individual assessment, school/family conferences, and referrals.

Counselors work with teams at the middle school and individual teachers at the high school to meet the needs of individual students and to provide classroom guidance activities to help students with self-awareness, career development, interpersonal relationships, problem-solving techniques, and decision-making skills.

Middle School Student Services

Middle school counselors are in their offices at 7:30 each morning. Students are welcome to see their school counselor before or after school, between classes, or during lunch.  If a student needs to see their counselor during class time, they must first check in with their teacher to receive a pass.  If a counselor is not available, students may complete a  Can We Talk?  form in Student Services and leave it in their counselor's mailbox.  The  Can We Talk?  form is also available online through the Student Services Google Site. Parents/guardians can make appointments by calling the counselor's direct phone line or through email.

If students have an urgent matter during the school day, they can also seek assistance through their subschool office. 

High School Student Services

High school counselors are in their offices 7:30 each morning, and available for appointments daily. Students without appointments should see their counselor before school, during lunch, or after school. Students should remain in class during instructional time, unless they have an appointment, a pass to see their counselor, or it is an emergency. Students can also leave a Student Concern Form  in their counselor's door mailbox. Parents/guardians can make appointments by calling the counselor's direct phone line or through email. 

If students have an urgent matter during the school day, they can also seek assistance through their subschool office. 

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