Lake Braddock Science Fair


Science Fair Information

All high school science students are welcome to participate in this year’s science fair.  Due to COVID, our science fair will be virtual this year.  Any experimentation must be completed at home or at a research institute that is able support and supervise your experiment.  The presentation of your project and results will be done via video following the guidelines that will be put out by the county to align with county, state and International Fair expectations. 

If you would like to participate in the science fair this year, please reach out to your science teacher to arrange for a teacher mentor.  Information on additional support and deadlines will be provided through our Science Fair Google Classroom. You may join with this  link  or with this code:  vm2zuwk

You must also register for our online platform:  .  This website will make sure all forms are completed and approvals are communicated with the students. 

Optional support meeting will be held at least once a month through Google Meets during the club time on Mondays. If you have any questions, please contact  Maureen Goble , Lake Braddock High School  Science Department Chair. 

Links for helpful information (must be signed into account to access)

  1. Science Fair Timeline
  2. Science Fair Handbook
  3. ISEF rules

Join Our Science Fair Google Classroom