
Music at the elementary level is part of the total educational experience of every child.  General music is taught for every students K-6 with opportunities in the upper levels for strings, band, and chorus.

General Music

Students in grades K-6 receive music instruction with a General music teacher that provides the core of musical skills and concepts.  Instruction includes listening, moving, creating, performing, reading, and interpreting music.  There is a strong emphasis on participation at all levels.  The recorder is introduced at the 3 rd grade level and incorporated throughout the elementary experience.  Orff instruments are used at every level of instruction.   Students are introduced to diverse methods of instruction to give them a balanced foundation in music.  Where feasible, within the music curriculum, other disciplines are incorporated within the music environment.


Students in fifth and sixth grades also have the opportunity to participate in chorus. Students learn how to sing in unison, canons and partner songs. These students will also sing as soprano and alto parts, as well as there being opportunities for solo sections. Students learn to follow the conductor, listening to each other and applying music knowledge to their singing such as tempos and dynamics. Both recorded and live accompaniment is used to enhance the choral performance experience.


Your 5 th or 6 th grade child is invited to participate in the Orange Hunt band program! Free class instruction is provided on flute, clarinet, oboe, saxophone, trumpet, French horn, trombone, baritone, tuba, and percussion.  Band classes meet once a week during the regular school day; no prior musical experience is necessary—students start right from scratch!  The band performs throughout the year, and is an integral part of the school. Our band is one of the largest in the county, with between 150-180 students, on average.


Your 4th, 5th or 6th grade child is invited to participate in the Orange Hunt strings program! Free class instruction is provided on violin, viola, cello, and bass.  Strings classes meet once a week during the regular school day; no prior musical experience is necessary—students start right from scratch!  The orchestra performs throughout the year, and is an integral part of the school.

Our Music Staff