School Innovation and Improvement Plan

Outcome goals for this academic school year

  • 2023-2024

  • Region IV

  • Justin Simmons, Principal

English Language Arts 

Outcome:By June 2024, the percentage of students with disabilities and English learners demonstrating proficiency on grade level Reading Standards of Learning End of Course tests will increase by at least ten percent.

Strategy 1

  • Increase opportunities to explicitly teach vocabulary using evidence-based methods (i.e. semantic feature analysis, analyzing word parts, Frayer model, defining words in context, semantic mapping, etc.)

Strategy 2

  • Increase the frequency of formative integrated reading and writing tasks (i.e. reading responses, annotations)

Strategy 3

  • Increase explicit routines, structures, and opportunities for students to build a community of readers, writers, and thinkers and to apply SEL skills


Outcome: By June 2024, the projected enrollment of ESOL and Hispanic students for 2024-2025 in Algebra I and Algebra I Honors will increase by 5% in each subgroup over 2023-2024 enrollment.

Strategy 1

  •  Increase school communication about open enrollment to ensure all school staff (including elementary schools) communicate a shared message around open enrollment and mathematics course pathways.

Strategy 2

  • Improve academic advising processes to encourage students to open enroll in Math 7 Honors or Algebra 1/H.

Strategy 3

  • Increases students' self-efficacy around the ability to be successful in mathematics.

Student Attendance and Absenteeism Rates

Outcome:By June 2024, South County Middle School's chronic absenteeism rate will reduce by at least three percent (from 15.2% to 12.2%) as measured by the Chronic Absenteeism Dashboard.

Strategy 1

  • Strengthening messaging to staff, students and families around attendance to school. Each stakeholder should be able to understand how daily attendance matters, not only for academic success, but because school offers an opportunity to develop social and emotional skills such as listening, paying attention, problem-solving and self-regulation, all which are needed to grow and learn.

Strategy 2

  • Create a school culture of engagement & belonging for students and families. Every staff, student, and family will feel safe and connected to the school community.

Strategy 3

  • Strengthen school team practices to monitor attendance data and determine need for intervention and additional support.