Service Learning

Opportunities available for service learning

Service-learning is a teaching method designed to involve students in authentic and meaningful service to their communities. Service learning makes connections between the classroom and the community and provides structured time for students to reflect on their service experiences. It is intended to instill a sense of civic responsibility by encouraging students to access their impact on the community as active contributors to society. Students can engage in a variety of activities.

Service learning is encouraged for all FCPS students.  FCPS is documenting the successful completion of service learning projects for students in grades 6, 8, and 12. High school students may accumulate service hours leading to special recognition at graduation (i.e., service learning cord or Virginia diploma seal of excellence in civics). In order to qualify for the FCPS service learning cord a student must complete 40 hours of service learning over the course of four years of high school. To qualify for the Commonwealth Civic Seal a student must complete a total of 50 hours of service over the course of the four years of high school. The 40 hours used for the cords work toward the Seal as well. Students will verify their hours using the X2VOL tracking system. Students may access their X2VOL accounts by logging into Blackboard FCPS 24/7.

Download directions for setting up your x2VOL student account.

​​​​ VolunteerNow!:

Students can visit the  Volunteer Fairfax website  to volunteer. This leads students to the center’s volunteer database, which offers hundreds of volunteering opportunities with local nonprofits. Students can narrow their volunteering search by requesting a certain location, mission area, skill, or agency.

Youth Service-Learning Directory:

Volunteer Fairfax also offers a youth service-learning directory as well. This directory contains information related to youth volunteering such as getting started, how to research and find a nonprofit, and other helpful hints. Most importantly, the directory provides a list of local nonprofits looking for youth volunteers. Each entry includes the organization's location, minimum age, available times, mission, and opportunities. This resource is a great way for teens to find available causes they may be interested in.  Get started today !