Physical Activity and GI Health: How to Stay Active and Maintain A Healthy Gut

The weather is getting warmer and the days are getting longer. During the summer months, it is so beneficial to spend time outside and keep your body moving. Activity levels spike during the warmer months because the weather is far more enjoyable and families often have more time together. Sometimes, though, our own physical ailments can get in the way of the active lifestyle we want to live. The good news is that physical activity helps you maintain a healthy gut. By exercising often, you gain more control over regulating your gut and digestive system.

Active Lifestyles Lead to Active Intestines

The more we move our bodies the more regular our bowels are. In short, exercise keeps our bodies regular. Daily exercise keeps our digestive system active allowing our intestines to pass waste through our system more efficiently.  Some of the best forms of exercise to keep us moving are cardiovascular exercises, walking, running or yoga. Add 30 minutes of exercise to your routine 5x a week and feel the change in your gut instantaneously. 

Bye-bye Sickness 

Did you realize that a large part of our immune defense system can be found in our gut? By maintaining a healthy gut, through consistent exercise, we diffuse the likelihood of sickness. Exercise allows us to regulate the amount of good bacteria found in our gut which, in turn, prevents us from contracting various diseases altogether. Talk about a powerful gut! 

Consistent Exercise + Healthy Nutrients = A Regulated Gut  

Balance is key to anything good, right? Consistent exercise is imperative to a healthy gut, but a healthy diet high in fiber is essential to overall gut health as well. Be mindful of the nutrients you take in and what you fill your plates with at the summer barbeque. Respect your GI health by consuming foods that are rich in fiber and good bacteria. Avoid refined sugars, overly processed foods and excessive dairy or red meat in your diet. Consciously choosing options that make a positive impact on your gut health, along with regular exercise, will give you the balance you need. 

Timing is Everything

Aim for at least 30 minutes of active exercise daily. Always make sure to discuss your fitness plans with your doctor prior to beginning a new exercise regime as the amount of time spent on exercise can depend on your overall health and wellbeing. For most individuals, 30 minutes is the golden ticket. Bonus points if you track your workouts using a fitness watch or journal.

Get Moving!

You don’t have to be a fitness expert to get in your 30 minutes a day. Moving your body is the goal. Don’t worry about whether or not you have a gym membership or workout equipment at home. Some of the best exercises can be achieved with none of the above. Go for a hike at a nearby mountain. Take a walk around the neighborhood with a friend. Go on a bike ride with your partner. Go for a swim. Move along with a yoga video online. There are so many options to get your body in motion. Choose what workouts fit into your lifestyles and interests and give them a go.

Maintaining your gut health is important for optimal overall health. The two pillars that equal a healthy gut are a nutritious diet and an active lifestyle. If you are not incorporating a fitness routine into your daily life, consider adding one and start moving your body- your gut will thank you.