7 Acid Reflux Friendly Foods and Drinks

When it comes to having acid reflux, it can be a headache to try and figure out what foods and drinks you can enjoy without flare-ups or regrets afterward. The good news is, there are plenty of delicious options you can enjoy while also being mindful of your acid reflux. Add these top 7 choices to your go-to list when it comes to eating (and drinking) with acid reflux. Remember: a diet with the right balance of protein, fruits, and vegetables is the goal to keep your reflux at bay .

1. Chicken Breast.

When choosing a healthy protein option, feel free to opt for a lean chicken breast. Be sure to choose the skinless version as it is significantly lower in fat. Avoid frying, instead, select a baked or grilled version of this protein-packed goodness.

2. Melon.

What’s more refreshing on a hot summer day than a big bite of watermelon? This summer staple is safe to enjoy with acid reflux. Also consider digging your teeth into other melon slices, like honeydew or cantaloupe. The low acidity levels in melons make them the perfect fruit option. The next time you make a smoothie swap out berries for melon, it’s not only delicious but way more acid-reflux friendly. 

3. Sweet Peppers.

An ideal side to a grilled chicken breast or salad, peppers are flavorful and mild on your stomach and palate. Add a handful to your next dish or snack on them raw after a nice workout.

4. Oatmeal.

Curb your morning hunger with a bowl of oatmeal. This breakfast staple is not only great on your stomach, to fight off acid reflux, but it is filling too. Mix in some low acid fruit options to kick it up a notch and start your morning on the right foot.

5. Ginger tea.

Ginger is a great herb for an upset stomach and also perfect for those who suffer from acid reflux. Enjoy your tea hot or iced to soothe an achy belly or heartburn. 

6. Bananas.

If you’re looking to up your fruit intake, bananas are a great way to do that. This low-acid fruit is filly and delicious. It is also versatile and can be added to any meal of the day or enjoyed alone as an afternoon snack.

7. Yogurt.

Dairy staples have been shown to reduce symptoms associated with acid reflux. Enjoy yogurt in your smoothie or on its own for an enjoyable snack. Opt for the plain variety and add a touch of honey to sweeten it up as needed. Flavored yogurts can increase heartburn depending on the mix-ins. 

There is a variety of foods and drinks you can enjoy as part of your balanced diet that can lower acid reflux symptoms or help to eliminate them when you are experiencing a flare-up. Continue to avoid high-acidity fruits and vegetables, caffeinated beverages, carbonated beverages, and citrus juices that may cause your acid reflux to become worse after intake. Don’t let acid reflux hold you back from adding variety to your plate. Enjoy these foods that taste good and are good for you.