Maintaining a Healthy Gut in Quarantine

Maintaining a Healthy Gut in Quarantine

f you have changed your schedule due to the pandemic and find yourself working from home or spending most of your time in the house, the basic principles of your health can sometimes be left by the wayside due to an increase of stress and anxiety along with a change in routine. Remember that your gut health is of the utmost importance as it controls how healthy the other parts of your body will function. We wanted to take it back to basics when it comes to getting a handle on your gut health.

Probiotics vs. Prebiotics and the Effects on Your Gut Health

Probiotics vs. Prebiotics and the Effects on Your Gut Health

Probiotics and prebiotics are often synonymous with the nutrients needed in a sensible diet. They are continually trending in the nutrition world and often used to market dairy products such as Greek yogurt or kefir. Although they seem pretty mainstream and similar in spelling, they are quite different in their function when it comes to balancing your gut health. Understanding the differences will allow you to make informed choices for your diet and choose options that work for your lifestyle.

Valentine’s Day Doesn’t Have to Be a Digestive Disaster

Valentine’s Day Doesn’t Have to Be a Digestive Disaster

Believe it or not, eating sugar can be part of a healthy diet. Sugar is a carbohydrate, one of the three major macronutrients we need to survive (the other two are protein and fat). Sugar is found naturally in all kinds of foods including grains, fruits, dairy, and some vegetables. Sugars found in whole foods are actually good and necessary for most people. The body takes longer to digest foods that contain natural sugar and in turn, they offer your body a steady supply of energy.

5 Thanksgiving Recipes Your Gut and Local Farmers Will Give Thanks For

5 Thanksgiving Recipes Your Gut and Local Farmers Will Give Thanks For

Thanksgiving is full of food that can have our tummies in a frenzy. Loads of sugar, unhealthy fat, and nutritionally-defunct foods mark many of our Thanksgiving favorites. By swapping a few side dishes for more gut-friendly alternatives, you can still enjoy the savory fall flavors of Thanksgiving without the regret when it comes time to digest all of that delicious food. Not to mention, instead of buying processed or premade versions of your fall favorites, you can find all of the ingredients right here in the greater Boston area!

Food Swaps for Better Digestion

Food Swaps for Better Digestion

Even the most delicious of foods can wreak havoc on our digestive systems. Once you identify which foods cause the most disruption to your digestion, you can try swapping out the culprit for an alternative that’s just as good, if not better! Here are 5 favorite foods (and drinks!) and a more digestive-friendly alternative:

4 Back-To-School Nutrition Tips for College Students

4 Back-To-School Nutrition Tips for College Students

Maintaining a healthy diet will do more than just fuel your body, it will fuel your mind too. Having a balanced digestive system has been linked to mental performance and the gut is being referred to with increasing frequency as “the second brain.” Give yourself an edge on that next exam with 4 easy strategies to eat healthy as you head back to campus this fall: