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Want to create a new Google Ads account?

You’re about to create a new Google Ads account. You can create multiple campaigns in the same account without creating a new account.

" cta-start-now=" " logged-in-url="//ads.google.com/signup" mock-api-data="" modal="{"copy":"You’re about to create a new Google Ads account. You can create multiple campaigns in the same account without creating a new account.","cta":[{"aria_description":"Cancel","chatbot_agent_id":null,"chatbot_context_id":null,"default_subid_position":null,"emphasis":"inline","gtm_cta_name":"gads-sso-modal-cancel","hide":false,"icon":null,"icon_id":null,"label":null,"reversed":null,"special_triggers":null,"text":"Cancel","url":null},{"aria_description":"Create New account","chatbot_agent_id":null,"chatbot_context_id":null,"default_subid_position":"sso","emphasis":"inline","gtm_cta_name":"gads-sso-modal-create-new-account","hide":false,"icon":null,"icon_id":null,"label":null,"reversed":null,"special_triggers":null,"text":"Create New Account","url":"//ads.google.com/nav/selectaccount?dst=/aw/campaigns/new/express"}],"headline":"Want to create a new Google Ads account?"}" module-name="gads-mega-nav-v2" profile-alt-text="Selected Google account:" profile-cta-name="gads-sso-profile-avatar" profile-image-placeholder="https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/oYxNIQPGGWUY4qLqdE_E6o1pPutQy1G9kl2K0vx3Zk2ADOOrJT9dIO-Guy9bhiD5WCvfUhrjug2id_kdKWivyoalvHxWZjCYgGniMNO1bM0Cukluo9M" type="desktop">

Want to create a new Google Ads account?

You’re about to create a new Google Ads account. You can create multiple campaigns in the same account without creating a new account.

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Work together with Google’s AI-powered ad solutions to find new customers, unlock additional performance opportunities, and accelerate your business growth.

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Multiply your customer connections
Multiply your expertise

Multiply your results

Drive profitable growth

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Multiply your customer connections

Find your highest value audiences

Combine your knowledge with Google’s consumer insights to stay on top of fast-changing trends and meet customers where they are.

Multiply your expertise

Make Google’s AI technology work for you

Your expertise is more important than ever. Combine your business knowledge, strategy, and creativity with Google’s AI to maximize your results.

Grow your business with Google’s AI-powered ad solutions

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Discover other solutions that can help your business

Google Ads’ solutions can help you achieve your goals with campaigns that help you find customers across all of Google, accurate measurement, and actionable insights about your performance. Learn more about setting goals for your chosen marketing objective.

Partner with a Google Ads expert to set up your first campaign

  • We’ll get you up to speed on the latest platform updates
  • We’ll design a media plan that makes the most of your budget
  • We’ll help you launch your first campaign with hands-on guidance
Start now

What AI technology empowers marketers to do now…

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  • Unlock new value and performance opportunities

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