Apache Flink

This document describes how to configure your Google Kubernetes Engine deployment so that you can use Google Cloud Managed Service for Prometheus to collect metrics from the Flink exporter. This document shows you how to do the following:

  • Set up the Flink exporter to report metrics.
  • Configure a PodMonitoring resource for Managed Service for Prometheus to collect the exported metrics.
  • Access a dashboard in Cloud Monitoring to view the metrics.
  • Configure alerting rules to monitor the metrics.

These instructions apply only if you are using managed collection with Managed Service for Prometheus. If you are using self-deployed collection, then see the Flink documentation for installation information.

These instructions are provided as an example and are expected to work in most Kubernetes environments. If you are having trouble installing an application or exporter due to restrictive security or organizational policies, then we recommend you consult open-source documentation for support.

For information about Flink, see Apache Flink .


To collect metrics from the Flink exporter by using Managed Service for Prometheus and managed collection, your deployment must meet the following requirements:

  • Your cluster must be running Google Kubernetes Engine version 1.21.4-gke.300 or later.
  • You must be running Managed Service for Prometheus with managed collection enabled. For more information, see Get started with managed collection .
  • To use dashboards available in Cloud Monitoring for the Flink integration, you must use flink version 1.17 or later.

    For more information about available dashboards, see View dashboards .

Flink exposes Prometheus-format metrics when configured with metrics.reporter.prom.factory.class: org.apache.flink.metrics.prometheus.PrometheusReporterFactory .

If you deployed Flink with the official getting started manifests , add this new option to the ConfigMap:

apiVersion: v1
  kind: ConfigMap
    name: flink-config
      app: flink
    flink-conf.yaml: |+
  +   metrics.reporter.prom.factory.class: org.apache.flink.metrics.prometheus.PrometheusReporterFactory

If you deployed Flink with the official operator , add this new option to the FlinkDeployment's spec.flinkConfiguration field:

apiVersion: flink.apache.org/v1beta1
  kind: FlinkDeployment
    name: basic-example
    image: flink:1.17
    flinkVersion: v1_17
      taskmanager.numberOfTaskSlots: "2"
  +   metrics.reporter.prom.factory.class: org.apache.flink.metrics.prometheus.PrometheusReporterFactory

Alternatively, you can specify the Prometheus reporter as a default option within the Flink operator configuration .

To verify that the Flink exporter is emitting metrics on the expected endpoints, do the following:

  1. Set up port forwarding by using the following command:

    kubectl -n NAMESPACE_NAME 
    port-forward POD_NAME 
  2. Access the endpoint localhost:9249/metrics by using the browser or the curl utility in another terminal session.

Define a PodMonitoring resource

For target discovery, the Managed Service for Prometheus Operator requires a PodMonitoring resource that corresponds to the Flink exporter in the same namespace.

You can use the following PodMonitoring configuration:

 # Copyright 2024 Google LLC
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

apiVersion: monitoring.googleapis.com/v1
kind: PodMonitoring
  name: flink
    app.kubernetes.io/name: flink
    app.kubernetes.io/part-of: google-cloud-managed-prometheus
  - port: 9249
    scheme: http
    interval: 30s
    path: /metrics
      app.kubernetes.io/name: flink 
Ensure that the values of the port and matchLabels fields match those of the Flink pods you want to monitor. Flink exposes metrics on port 9249 by default when metrics are enabled.

To apply configuration changes from a local file, run the following command:

kubectl apply -n NAMESPACE_NAME 

You can also use Terraform to manage your configurations.

Define rules and alerts

You can use the following Rules configuration to define alerts on your Flink metrics:

 # Copyright 2024 Google LLC
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

apiVersion: monitoring.googleapis.com/v1
kind: Rules
  name: flink-rules
    app.kubernetes.io/component: rules
    app.kubernetes.io/name: flink-rules
    app.kubernetes.io/part-of: google-cloud-managed-prometheus
  - name: flink
    interval: 30s
    - alert: FlinkHighJVMMemoryNonHeapUsage
        description: |-
          Flink high jvm memory non-heap usage
            VALUE = {{ $value }}
            LABELS: {{ $labels }}
        summary: Flink high jvm memory non-heap usage (instance {{ $labels.instance }})
      expr: (flink_jobmanager_Status_JVM_Memory_NonHeap_Used/flink_jobmanager_Status_JVM_Memory_NonHeap_Max) >= 0.9
      for: 5m
        severity: critical
    - alert: FlinkHighJVMMemoryHeapUsage
        description: |-
          Flink high jvm memory heap usage
            VALUE = {{ $value }}
            LABELS: {{ $labels }}
        summary: Flink high jvm memory heap usage (instance {{ $labels.instance }})
      expr: (flink_jobmanager_Status_JVM_Memory_Heap_Used/flink_jobmanager_Status_JVM_Memory_Heap_Max) >= 0.9
      for: 5m
        severity: warning 

To apply configuration changes from a local file, run the following command:

kubectl apply -n NAMESPACE_NAME 

You can also use Terraform to manage your configurations.

For more information about applying rules to your cluster, see Managed rule evaluation and alerting .

You can adjust the alert thresholds to suit your application.

Verify the configuration

You can use Metrics Explorer to verify that you correctly configured the Flink exporter. It might take one or two minutes for Cloud Monitoring to ingest your metrics.

To verify the metrics are ingested, do the following:

  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Metrics explorer page:

    Go to Metrics explorer

    If you use the search bar to find this page, then select the result whose subheading is Monitoring .

  2. In the toolbar of the query-builder pane, select the button whose name is either MQL or PromQL .
  3. Verify that PromQL is selected in the Language toggle. The language toggle is in the same toolbar that lets you format your query.
  4. Enter and run the following query:
    up{job="flink", cluster=" CLUSTER_NAME 
    ", namespace=" NAMESPACE_NAME 

View dashboards

The Cloud Monitoring integration includes "Prometheus" dashboards. Dashboards are automatically installed when you configure the integration. You can also view static previews of dashboards without installing the integration.

To view an installed dashboard, do the following:

  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Dashboards page:

    Go to Dashboards

    If you use the search bar to find this page, then select the result whose subheading is Monitoring .

  2. Select the Dashboard List tab.
  3. Choose the Integrations category.
  4. Click the name of the dashboard you want to view.

To view a static preview of the dashboard, do the following:

  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Integrations page:

    Go to Integrations

    If you use the search bar to find this page, then select the result whose subheading is Monitoring .

  2. Click the Kubernetes Engine deployment-platform filter.
  3. Locate the Apache Flink integration and click View Details .
  4. Select the Dashboards tab.


For information about troubleshooting metric ingestion problems, see Problems with collection from exporters in Troubleshooting ingestion-side problems .