V4 signing process with your own program

This page describes an algorithm for implementing the V4 signing process so that you can create Cloud Storage RSA key signed URLs in your own workflow, using a programming language of your choice.

Before you begin

Before creating a program that implements the V4 signing process, you must complete the following steps:

  1. Create a service account . If you already have a service account, you can skip this step.

  2. Give the service account sufficient permission such that it could perform the request that the signed URL will make.

    For example, if your signed URL will allow a user to read object data, the service account must itself have permission to read the object data.

  3. If the signing algorithm you intend to use is not built into Google Cloud, generate a new private key , or have an existing private key for the service account. The key can be in either JSON or PKCS12 format.

Algorithm for signing URLs

Your program should include the following steps:

  1. Construct the canonical request as a string. The canonical request defines elements that users must include in their request when they use your signed URL.

    See Canonical Requests for details about the parts and format required.

  2. Construct the string-to-sign . The string-to-sign is the basis for creating a signature and includes within it the hex-encoded hash value of the canonical request.

    See Signatures for details about the format of the string-to-sign.

  3. Sign the string-to-sign using an RSA signature with SHA-256. The result of this signing is your request signature . There are several options for signing:

    • You can use the IAM signBlob method provided by Google Cloud.

    • You can use a programming language that has a library for performing RSA signatures.

  4. Construct the signed URL by using the following concatenation:

    + "&X-Goog-Signature=" + REQUEST_SIGNATURE 

    The signed URL has the following components:

    • HOSTNAME : This should be https://storage.googleapis.com .

    • PATH_TO_RESOURCE : This should match the value you used in constructing the canonical request.

    • CANONICAL_QUERY_STRING : This should match the values you used in constructing the canonical request.

    • REQUEST_SIGNATURE : This is the output from using an RSA signature in the previous step.

    Here is a sample completed URL:


Python sample program

You can use the Cloud Storage client libraries to create signed URLs for many common programming languages. See V4 signing process with Cloud Storage tools for examples.

The following sample shows an implementation of the algorithm for signing URLs that does not use the Cloud Storage client libraries. The sample uses the Python programming language but can be adapted to the language of your choice.

 import binascii
import collections
import datetime
import hashlib
import sys
from urllib.parse import quote

# pip install google-auth
from google.oauth2 import service_account

# pip install six
import six

def generate_signed_url(
    if expiration > 604800:
        print("Expiration Time can't be longer than 604800 seconds (7 days).")

    escaped_object_name = quote(six.ensure_binary(object_name), safe=b"/~")
    canonical_uri = f"/{escaped_object_name}"

    datetime_now = datetime.datetime.now(tz=datetime.timezone.utc)
    request_timestamp = datetime_now.strftime("%Y%m%dT%H%M%SZ")
    datestamp = datetime_now.strftime("%Y%m%d")

    google_credentials = service_account.Credentials.from_service_account_file(
    client_email = google_credentials.service_account_email
    credential_scope = f"{datestamp}/auto/storage/goog4_request"
    credential = f"{client_email}/{credential_scope}"

    if headers is None:
        headers = dict()
    host = f"{bucket_name}.storage.googleapis.com"
    headers["host"] = host

    canonical_headers = ""
    ordered_headers = collections.OrderedDict(sorted(headers.items()))
    for k, v in ordered_headers.items():
        lower_k = str(k).lower()
        strip_v = str(v).lower()
        canonical_headers += f"{lower_k}:{strip_v}\n"

    signed_headers = ""
    for k, _ in ordered_headers.items():
        lower_k = str(k).lower()
        signed_headers += f"{lower_k};"
    signed_headers = signed_headers[:-1]  # remove trailing ';'

    if query_parameters is None:
        query_parameters = dict()
    query_parameters["X-Goog-Algorithm"] = "GOOG4-RSA-SHA256"
    query_parameters["X-Goog-Credential"] = credential
    query_parameters["X-Goog-Date"] = request_timestamp
    query_parameters["X-Goog-Expires"] = expiration
    query_parameters["X-Goog-SignedHeaders"] = signed_headers
    if subresource:
        query_parameters[subresource] = ""

    canonical_query_string = ""
    ordered_query_parameters = collections.OrderedDict(sorted(query_parameters.items()))
    for k, v in ordered_query_parameters.items():
        encoded_k = quote(str(k), safe="")
        encoded_v = quote(str(v), safe="")
        canonical_query_string += f"{encoded_k}={encoded_v}&"
    canonical_query_string = canonical_query_string[:-1]  # remove trailing '&'

    canonical_request = "\n".join(

    canonical_request_hash = hashlib.sha256(canonical_request.encode()).hexdigest()

    string_to_sign = "\n".join(

    # signer.sign() signs using RSA-SHA256 with PKCS1v15 padding
    signature = binascii.hexlify(

    scheme_and_host = "{}://{}".format("https", host)
    signed_url = "{}{}?{}&x-goog-signature={}".format(
        scheme_and_host, canonical_uri, canonical_query_string, signature

    return signed_url 

What's next