Dual-region storage


A dual-region is a storage location type that specifies two regions within the same continent. Objects stored in buckets that use dual-regions are replicated in each of the regions that make up the dual-region. The time it takes an object to be replicated between the two regions is determined by the bucket's replication setting .

Benefits of dual-region storage

Dual-regions provide the following benefits:

  • Provides redundancy across regions in support of business continuity and disaster recovery architectures.

  • Gives users the control to store their data in geographic regions closest to their processing workloads for higher performance.

  • Gives users the power to choose where their data is stored to help address compliance requirements. For example, addressing industry-specific requirements regarding the physical distance between copies of the data.

Restrictions and limitations

  • Not all regions are available to use in a dual-region, and not all pairings are valid. For a list of available region pairings, see the dual-region availability table . Attempting to create a bucket using an invalid pairing, such as regions in separate continents, returns an error.

    • If the regions you want to pair are not available as a dual-region, consider creating a separate bucket in each region and using Storage Transfer Service Event-driven transfers to keep the buckets in sync.
  • A bucket's geographic location is set at bucket creation and cannot be changed at a later time. If you want to use a dual-region for data presently stored in a region or multi-region, you must first transfer the data to a dual-region bucket. For more information, see Move and rename buckets .

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