Drive Labels API

An API for managing Drive Labels


To call this service, we recommend that you use the Google-provided client libraries . If your application needs to use your own libraries to call this service, use the following information when you make the API requests.

Discovery document

A Discovery Document is a machine-readable specification for describing and consuming REST APIs. It is used to build client libraries, IDE plugins, and other tools that interact with Google APIs. One service may provide multiple discovery documents. This service provides the following discovery document:

Service endpoint

A service endpoint is a base URL that specifies the network address of an API service. One service might have multiple service endpoints. This service has the following service endpoint and all URIs below are relative to this service endpoint:


REST Resource: v2.labels

create POST /v2/labels
Creates a new Label.
delete DELETE /v2/{name=labels/*}
Permanently deletes a Label and related metadata on Drive Items.
delta POST /v2/{name=labels/*}:delta
Updates a single Label by applying a set of update requests resulting in a new draft revision.
disable POST /v2/{name=labels/*}:disable
Disable a published Label.
enable POST /v2/{name=labels/*}:enable
Enable a disabled Label and restore it to its published state.
get GET /v2/{name=labels/*}
Get a label by its resource name.
list GET /v2/labels
List labels.
publish POST /v2/{name=labels/*}:publish
Publish all draft changes to the Label.
updateLabelCopyMode POST /v2/{name=labels/*}:updateLabelCopyMode
Updates a Label's CopyMode .
updatePermissions PATCH /v2/{parent=labels/*}/permissions
Updates a Label's permissions.

REST Resource: v2.labels.locks

list GET /v2/{parent=labels/*}/locks
Lists the LabelLocks on a Label.

REST Resource: v2.labels.permissions

batchDelete POST /v2/{parent=labels/*}/permissions:batchDelete
Deletes Label permissions.
batchUpdate POST /v2/{parent=labels/*}/permissions:batchUpdate
Updates Label permissions.
create POST /v2/{parent=labels/*}/permissions
Updates a Label's permissions.
delete DELETE /v2/{name=labels/*/permissions/*}
Deletes a Label's permission.
list GET /v2/{parent=labels/*}/permissions
Lists a Label's permissions.

REST Resource: v2.labels.revisions

updatePermissions PATCH /v2/{parent=labels/*/revisions/*}/permissions
Updates a Label's permissions.

REST Resource: v2.labels.revisions.locks

list GET /v2/{parent=labels/*/revisions/*}/locks
Lists the LabelLocks on a Label.

REST Resource: v2.labels.revisions.permissions

batchDelete POST /v2/{parent=labels/*/revisions/*}/permissions:batchDelete
Deletes Label permissions.
batchUpdate POST /v2/{parent=labels/*/revisions/*}/permissions:batchUpdate
Updates Label permissions.
create POST /v2/{parent=labels/*/revisions/*}/permissions
Updates a Label's permissions.
delete DELETE /v2/{name=labels/*/revisions/*/permissions/*}
Deletes a Label's permission.
list GET /v2/{parent=labels/*/revisions/*}/permissions
Lists a Label's permissions.

REST Resource: v2.limits

getLabel GET /v2/limits/label
Get the constraints on the structure of a Label; such as, the maximum number of Fields allowed and maximum length of the label title.

REST Resource: v2.users

getCapabilities GET /v2/{name=users/*/capabilities}
Gets the user capabilities.