Setting up a Google Wallet API Issuer account

A Pass Issuer is any person or company that uses the Google Wallet API to issue any type of pass to Google Wallet users. Before you can create and issue passes, you must sign up for a Google Wallet API Issuer account. Pass Issuers who want to use the Google Wallet REST API must additionally enable the Google Wallet API in the Google Cloud console.

A Google Wallet API Issuer account lets you create passes and issue them to Google Wallet users. An Issuer Account also gives you access to the Google Wallet API Dashboard in the Google Pay & Wallet console , where you can manage your account.

To sign up for a Google Wallet API Issuer account, do the following:

  1. Go to the Google Pay & Wallet console and sign in with a Google Account you want to have the 'Admin' role for your Issuer account.
  2. Complete the form to provide the public business name for your Issuer account, and agree the Google Wallet API Additional Terms of Service and the Google privacy policy.
  3. On the Google Pay & Wallet Console dashboard, click the 'Create a pass' button in the 'Google Wallet API' card.
  4. Click the 'Build your first pass' button.
  5. Review and agree to the Google Wallet API Terms of Service to create your Issuer account.

After your Google Wallet API Issuer account is created, you'll be taken to the Google Wallet API Dashboard.

Demo mode

Note that all new accounts are in 'demo mode'. In demo mode, you can create passes, but you won't have publishing access. This means the passes you create can only be issued to users who have the 'Admin' or 'Developer' role, or who have been added as a test account to your Issuer account. To enable publishing access, follow the steps under 'Get publishing access' in the Google Wallet API Dashboard.