Compute Engine for Google Ad Manager

Compute Engine lets you use virtual machine (VMs) instances hosted on Google's infrastructure for your real-time bidding logic. The service provides a great experience for hosting bidding logic for Google Ad Manager , but you can use it to host bidders for other exchanges too.

This feature allows users who are currently hosting bidder logic on physical infrastructure to be able to host the same logic in the Google Cloud, on virtual machines provided by Google. Compute Engine offers many advantages for hosting your bidder logic:

  • In general, Google Ad Manager customers using Compute Engine should experience significantly lower latency during bid computation. Depending on where you are bidding, you should create your virtual machine instances in the corresponding regions:

    Desired bidding location Compute Engine region to host your instances
    North America (West Coast) us-west1
    North America (Central) us-central1
    North America (East Coast) us-east4, us-east1
    Europe europe-west1
    Asia Pacific asia-east1
    Tokyo, Japan asia-northeast1
  • Using Compute Engine allows you to place your bidding logic close to other Google Cloud services that can be used to augment your bidding logic.

  • Benefit from all of the standard Compute Engine features, including:

    • Start fast-booting, customizable virtual machine instances that are consistently high performance.
    • Choose from a variety of Linux and Windows OS images .
    • Pick the block storage option that best fits the price, performance, and durability requirements of your workload or application.
    • Expose your virtual machine instances to the Internet safely through an easily configurable firewall .
    • Manage your instances and infrastructure through a simple REST API , robust command-line tool , or a simple yet powerful web-based Google Cloud console .

To sign up for Compute Engine for Google Ad Manager, you must have:

Users of Google Ad Manager and Compute Engine should experience lower latency when you bid to a Google Ad Manager bidding location (described above). There are no additional steps to enable Compute Engine for Google Ad Manager.


Standard Compute Engine rates apply.

Getting started

After you have Compute Engine and Google Ad Manager accounts, you can start using the service by:

Google also offers an open-source real-time bidding infrastructure software that you can use to create your own bidding logic. For more information, see Open Bidder .