IAM authentication

Google Cloud offers Identity and Access Management (IAM), which lets you give access to specific Google Cloud resources and prevent unwanted access to other resources. This page describes how Cloud SQL is integrated with IAM and how you can use IAM for managing access to Cloud SQL resources and for database authentication. For a detailed description of Google Cloud IAM, see IAM documentation .

Cloud SQL provides a set of predefined roles designed to help you control access to your Cloud SQL resources. You can also create your own custom roles , if the predefined roles don't provide the sets of permissions you need. In addition, the legacy basic roles (Editor, Viewer, and Owner) are also still available to you, although they don't provide the same fine-grained control as the Cloud SQL roles. In particular, the basic roles provide access to resources across Google Cloud, rather than just for Cloud SQL. For more information about basic Google Cloud roles, see Basic roles .

You can set an IAM policy at any level in the resource hierarchy : the organization level, the folder level, or the project level. Resources inherit the policies of all of their parent resources.

IAM references for Cloud SQL

IAM authentication concepts

When using IAM authentication, permission to access a resource (a Cloud SQL instance) isn't granted directly to the end user. Instead, permissions are grouped into roles , and roles are granted to principals . For more information, see the IAM overview .

Administrators who have users log in through IAM database authentication can use IAM authentication to centrally manage access control to their instances using IAM policies.

IAM policies involve the following entities:

  • Principals. In Cloud SQL, you can use several types of principals: a user account , a service account (for applications), or a group . For more information, see Concepts related to identity .
  • Roles. A role is a collection of permissions. You can grant roles to principals to provide them with the privileges required to accomplish specific tasks. For example, with IAM database authentication, a principal requires the cloudsql.instances.login permission to log in to an instance, which is included in the Cloud SQL Instance User role. To get the permission, you bind the user, service account, or group to the predefined Cloud SQL role or a custom role that includes the permission. For more information about IAM roles, see Roles .
  • Resource. The resources that principals access are Cloud SQL instances. By default, IAM policy bindings are applied at the project-level, such that principals receive role permissions for all Cloud SQL instances in the project.

IAM database authentication

Database authentication is the process of verifying the identity of a user who is attempting to access databases. In Cloud SQL, you can use the following types of database authentication for database users:

  • The database's built-in authentication uses a username and password to authenticate a database user.
  • IAM database authentication uses IAM to authenticate a user by using an access token.

Compare database authentication options

The following table compares different database authentication methods for Cloud SQL.

Feature Built-in database authentication IAM database authentication (individual) IAM group authentication
Authentication method
Password Temporary authentication token Temporary authentication token
Network traffic encryption
SSL not required SSL required SSL required
User management
Manual Centralized through IAM Centralized through IAM and Cloud Identity groups

IAM group authentication

IAM group authentication lets you manage Cloud SQL users at a group level. An example of a group includes a Cloud Identity group . This feature simplifies database user management. You can manage the Cloud SQL IAM role or permissions for multiple accounts at once instead of having to update each user or service account individually. You can also grant and revoke the database privileges for a Cloud Identity group. Any new accounts that you add to the Cloud Identity group inherit the privileges of that group.

With IAM group authentication, you can do the following:

  • Add a user to a group and have the user inherit their IAM roles and database privileges automatically.
  • Remove a user from a group to remove their login access and database privileges from Cloud SQL databases.
  • Grant login or database privileges to a group a single time instead of having to grant the same privileges multiple times to different users.
  • Remove login permissions or access to a database object for a group all at once.

Even though IAM roles and permissions are assigned at the group level, users and service accounts use their individual IAM accounts and credentials and not a shared group account to log in. Cloud SQL creates a database account on the instance for that user or service account after their first login.

Individual login and database activity for each user or service account appears in audit logs. For auditing purposes, you get the benefit of viewing which account performed which action in your database.

For more information about working with Cloud Identity groups, see the Overview of Cloud Identity .

When you add a user or service account to a group, the following changes in Cloud SQL occur:

  • If you have already given IAM login permissions to the group, then the user or service account gains the ability to log in to the Cloud SQL instance because the user or service account belongs to the group.
  • The user automatically inherits any database privileges that have been granted to the group.

When you remove a user or service account from the group, the following changes in Cloud SQL occur:

  • The user loses any database privileges that were previously inherited by being a member of the group.
  • The user might still be able login if they receive IAM login permissions for the Cloud SQL instance through other group memberships. However, the user won't have database privileges from their former group membership upon logging in.

IAM group authentication best practices

  • When you revoke the login permission ( cloudsql.instances.login ) for an IAM group in Cloud Identity, make sure that you also delete the group from the Cloud SQL instance.
  • When you delete a group from a Cloud Identity, make sure that you also delete that group from the Cloud SQL instance.
  • Use groups to configure role-based access control in your database. Always provide the least required privileges to the group.
  • Don't grant IAM group authentication roles to built-in users. For example, if you have a built-in user, user-a and create an IAM group authentication user, user-b@example.com , then don't grant the user-b@example.com role to user-a .

IAM group authentication restrictions

  • When using IAM group authentication, if you have a Cloud SQL instance with read replicas, then you must log in to the primary instance first before logging in to the read replica instance. After your first login to the primary instance, the group user information is replicated to the read replicas. For subsequent logins, you can log in directly to the read replica.
  • You can add a maximum of 200 IAM groups to an instance.
  • You can't add individual IAM user or service accounts that belong to a group on the same instance. In other words, you can't add an account with the type CLOUD_IAM_USER or CLOUD_IAM_SERVICE_ACCOUNT if an identical account with type CLOUD_IAM_GROUP_USER or CLOUD_IAM_GROUP_SERVICE_ACCOUNT already exists.
  • If an individual account already exists on an instance with the type CLOUD_IAM_USER or CLOUD_IAM_SERVICE_ACCOUNT , then the account can't be used for IAM group authentication. These user types don't inherit IAM roles and database privileges from a group.

    To fix this issue and use the account with IAM group authentication, remove the individual IAM user or service account.

    For more information, see An existing IAM user or service account isn't inheriting the database privileges granted to their group .
  • Changes to Cloud Identity group membership, such as the addition of an account, take about 15 minutes to propagate. This is in addition to the time required for IAM changes .

Automatic versus manual IAM database authentication

Cloud SQL for PostgreSQL has two options for IAM database authentication: automatic and manual.

Automatic IAM database authentication

Automatic IAM database authentication lets you hand off requesting and managing access tokens to an intermediary Cloud SQL connector , such as the Cloud SQL Auth Proxy or one of the Cloud SQL Language Connectors. With automatic IAM database authentication, users need to pass only the IAM database username in a connection request from the client. The connector submits the access token information for the password attribute on behalf of the client.

Automatic IAM database authentication requires the use of a Cloud SQL connector and is supported by the Cloud SQL Auth Proxy , the Go connector , the Java connector , and the Python connector .

For the most secure and reliable experience, we recommend you use automatic IAM database authentication. IAM database authentication uses OAuth 2.0 access tokens, which are short-lived and valid for only one hour. Cloud SQL connectors are able to request and refresh these tokens, ensuring that long-lived processes or applications that rely on connection pooling can have stable connections. Automatic IAM database authentication is strongly recommended over manual authentication.

For more information, see Log in with automatic IAM database authentication .

Manual IAM database authentication

Manual IAM database authentication requires the IAM principal to explicitly pass the access token for the password attribute in the client connection request. Principals must first log in to Google Cloud and explicitly request the access token from IAM.

Using the gcloud CLI , you can explicitly request an OAuth 2.0 token with the Cloud SQL Admin API scope that is used to log in to the database. When you log in as a database user with IAM database authentication, you use your email address as the username and the access token as the password. You can use this method with either a direct connection to the database or with a Cloud SQL connector.

Logging in with IAM database authentication can only be performed over an SSL connection.

For more information, see Logging in with manual IAM database authentication .

To provide users and service accounts access to databases on an instance using IAM database authentication, you need to add them to the instance or add them to a group that has access to the instance. For more information, see Add a user or service account that uses IAM .

If you use the Google Cloud console to add users or service accounts, Cloud SQL asks you to add the "Cloud SQL User" role to the user. This role is required for users to log in to the instance.

If you add users using gcloud or the API, you need to grant login privileges manually. Use the PostgreSQL GRANT command to grant database privileges .

Instance configuration for Cloud SQL IAM database authentication

You can enable IAM database authentication on an instance using the cloudsql.iam_authentication flag. Once you enable this flag, the instance enables logins from accounts that are configured for IAM database authentication.

This flag is required for IAM group authentication and IAM database authentication.

Setting the flag does not prevent existing, non-IAM users from using their usernames and passwords to log in. However, if you disable this flag on the instance, any user that you previously added using IAM database authentication loses access to the instance. For more information, see Configuring instances for IAM database authentication .

Cloud SQL IAM database authentication for different instance scenarios

Read replicas IAM database authentication is not enabled in a read replica automatically, even when it is enabled on the primary instance. After you create a read replica, you need to add IAM database authentication. For more information, see Configure read replica logins for IAM database authentication .
Restored instances If an instance was previously backed up and later restored to the same or a different instance in the same project, the current user login authorizations apply. If you restore a backup to a new instance in another project, you need to set up the user authorizations for the new instance. For more information, see Add a user or service account that uses IAM database authentication .

About IAM Conditions

IAM Conditions lets you grant roles based on a variety of attributes. For example, you can allow access only at certain dates and times or grant access only to Cloud SQL resources with certain names.

For more information about IAM Conditions, see the Overview of IAM Conditions page. You can also learn more about Using IAM Conditions with Cloud SQL, including examples.

Work with Cloud Audit Logs

To keep records of data access, including logins, you can use audit logs. Cloud Audit Logs is turned off, by default. You need to turn on Data Access audit logs for login tracking. Using audit logging for this purpose incurs costs for data logging. For more information, see Audit Logs , Configuring Data Access audit logs and Pricing for logging data .


  1. The login for an IAM database authentication user account must be all lowercase. For example, example-user@example.com . Example-User@example.com is not allowed.
  2. For security, logins using IAM database authentication are only available on an SSL connection. Unencrypted connections are rejected.
  3. There is a per-minute login quota for each instance, which includes both successful and unsuccessful logins. When the quota is exceeded, logins are temporarily unavailable. We recommend that you avoid frequent logins and restrict logins using authorized networks . The quota for authorization of logins is 12,000 per minute, per instance.

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