Blog by Carol Chrest
CC (aka Carol Chrest) is a bitter old spinster living in Los Angeles. When she’s not working ridiculous hours at her cruddy day job, she writes screenplays. She drinks. Read her current blogs below.
By CC THE TRAINED MONKEY. February 4, 2013, was a great day. Why? It w... more
By CC THE TRAINED MONKEY. Spartainaires. It was an ensemble group, ha... more
By CC THE TRAINED MONKEY. Missoula has changed over the years. To mak... more
By CC THE TRAINED MONKEY. It's my High School Reunion this year. I went to a school called Sentinel High. One of my sisters went to Hellgate, one went to Loyola Sacred Heart and one used to ditch school with h... more
By CC THE TRAINED MONKEY. So here it is, June, already. Not much happens in June. There are no federal holidays. Lots of weddings though. You always hear people talking about June brides. Is that supposed ... more
By CC THE TRAINED MONKEY. How could there be no drill team at Sentinel? There were two of them when I went there? Yes, I was proud to be in Orchesis. We were the best drill team in the state--for sure we were ... more
By CC THE TRAINED MONKEY. I was in the car the other day, stuck in traffic, as usual, and I heard something interesting on the radio about California. It appears that for the first time ever in the history of... more
By CC THE TRAINED MONKEY. Don’t you just love movies? I do. I’ve seen a ton of movies. It helped that when I was in high school I worked at a movie theater called The Fox.... more
By CC THE TRAINED MONKEY. Valentine’s Day plays as much a role in my life as hitting myself in the head with a hammer does. It’s bad enough just being a regular loser 364 days of the year, I gotta be SUPE... more
By CC THE TRAINED MONKEY. I read somewhere that a memory becomes solidified thanks to a burst of adrenaline in our systems at the time of the incident. I totally call BS on that. Why would the sight of my de... more
By CC THE TRAINED MONKEY. Here’s a little weather trivia for you - January is traditionally the coldest month of the year. At the time I’m writing this, it’s 36 degrees in Missoula. In L.A. it’s 80, ... more
By CC THE TRAINED MONKEY. Hello, and welcome to Lesson One of “2011: A Course For Beginners.” Please open your text books to the first chapter entitled “New Years Resolutions.” ... more
By CC THE TRAINED MONKEY. I was in the grocery store the other day and there was this kid who was pitching a fit because his mother wouldn’t buy him a package of liverwurst.... more
By CC THE TRAINED MONKEY. So, Thanksgiving is coming up. I usually spend it with friends because I’ve never had any family out here in Los Angeles – that is, until recently when my niece came to town to st... more
11/09 Blog Post by CC The Trained Monkey. So, hunting season is here. Guys in L.A. don’t know that though because men here don’t hunt. Occasionally they’ll troll -- for chicks. Or stalk. Lot of stalk... more
10/25 Blog by CC the Trained Monkey. But, that still leaves me with the romantic memory task, which I’m not quite clear on -- you mean like boys and stuff? ‘Cuz I don’t think I have any of those. I did... more
Blog by CC The Trained Monkey. Editor's note: We asked CC to recall her most romantic memory of Missoula and she wrote a thousand words about the zombie apocalypse. Seems about right. Whether you love zombies ... more
By Carol Chrest I live in Los Angeles, so I’m allowed to poke fun at it. It’s like having three sisters. Most of the time they drive you crazy, because they spend too much time in the bathroom, or steal yo... more
Blog by CC the Trained Monkey. I loved growing up in Missoula and if I had children, I would definitely choose to raise them there as opposed to Los Angeles, because let’s face it, kids are trouble. The big... more