【前回の単語】 12月13日の「spurious」 (Some of the arguments in favour of shutting the factory are questionable and others downrightspurious.) いかがでしたか?
spuriousの意味は、 偽の、見せ掛けの、 false and not what it appears to be, or (of reasons and judgments) based on something that has not been correctly understood and therefore false、 という意味です。
【Bon appetit!】
Medical groups representing US fertility experts advised limiting the number of embryos(胚)implanted in women undergoing in-vitro fertilization(体外受精). More than 1/3 of pregnancies conceived using assisted reproductive therapies result in a multiple birth(多胎), which has helped to drive up the rate of US babies born prematurely each year to 12.5%, according to the March of Dimes.