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「はちきん」は初めて聞く言葉です。どんな意味なんでしょうか? どうも、高知の女性の県民性を形容する土佐弁だそうです。話し方や行動などがはっきりしており快活、気のいい性格で負けん気が強く、怠け者と言われている高知県男性のお尻を叩いて動かす敏腕家だそうです。後ろを振り返ることなく前進し続けるといった頑固さや行動力あふれる点で、土佐の男性と共通するところもあるようです。
I found a word “Hachikin” which is a new Japanese word for me, on the explanation board of Kochi Tram.
I wonder what the meaning of "Hachikin" is. It seems to be the character of the women of Koch prefecture. The following article will help you understand the meaning.
“You can see many Hachikin in Kochi’s history, such as “ Sakamoto Otome”, the older sister of Sakamoto Ryoma. She was famous for raising the blubberer Ryoma into a strong man. She liked studying and martial arts rather than cooking, or sewing. Another famous Hachikiin was Kusunose Kita who joined “the Freedom and People’s Rights Movement” in Meiji era. She was the only woman who acted for women’s right of voting with men. Actually, thanks to their efforts, Kochi’s women got the right to vote first in the world.”
真っ白になった富士山 2024.11.22 コメント(2)
今朝の富士山 2024.11.09