全559件 (559件中 1-50件目)
by Kazuo Ishiguro”記憶”が唯一その”存在”を意味する。すごい映画やね。先週、夜に友達達と飲んだ後乗る電車を間違って降りる駅を乗越てしまった。特急電車が止まる駅で降りて向かえにあるホームを上がると偶然に甥がベンチに座っていた。父が亡くなる前だから、もう5年ほど会っていない。人の命を預かる仕事につくのだろうか阪大の医学部に通っているのを人伝えに聞いていた。私と同系統の顔なのと叔母である私が間違えることはない。私は名前を確認し呼び掛けたが彼は誰かと携帯電話で話ながら自分ではないと首を数度振り目を避けた。稚拙な対応がまだ指しゃぶりをしていた頃を思い出し”成人にもなって、自己否定するのか”と嘲笑と切なさが綯交ぜになった。が、それ以上掛ける言葉も見つからなかったので私は何も言わず彼の横に座り次に来る電車を待った。電車が来ても彼は一緒に乗ることはなかった。電車の窓から彼を再度見たがまだ携帯電話を離さず誰かと話しながら上目遣いで私が視界から消えるを待っていた。電車の中でボンヤリ、あの世という所があってもし父に私の名前を確かめるように呼びとめられたら私は同じようにその人は私でないと首を振るのかそれとも、あなたを知らないと私は首を振るのか、と思った。父へのセンチメンタルな辛い記憶と折り合いをつけながら人前で涙が溢れ出そうになるのを必死に押さえている自分にしばらく困惑した。刑事事件をやっていて思うんやが親とはたまたまこの世で偶然に出会った人なん違うかなぁと調停中に私の依頼した弁護士がふと私にもらした。そう、父の記憶の中には私はもういない。もうすべて終わったことなんだ。
by Makoto OzoneOutside the rain begins and it may never endSo cry no more on the shoreA dream will take us out to seaForever more forever moreClose your eyes and dreamAnd and you can be with me'Neath the waves through the caves of hoursLong forgotten nowWe're all aloneWe're all aloneClose the windowCalm the lightAnd it will be alrightNo need to bother nowLet it outLet it all beginLearn how to pretendOnce a story's toldIt can't help but grow oldRoses doLovers tooSo cast your seasons to the windAnd hold me dearOh, hold me dearClose the windowCalm the lightAnd it will be alrightNo need to bother nowLet it outLet it all beginAll's forgotten nowWe're all aloneoh-oh, we're all aloneClose the windowCalm the lightAnd it will be alrightNo need to bother nowLet it outLet it all beginOwe it to the wind, my love
Kazoo EnsembleHis name is Basil Brush.
ChopinをB?sendorferで弾く。BachをB?sendorferで弾くF?r EliseSteingraeberSteinwayLa Campanella B?sendorferSteinway念ずればかなう、かな?大橋のグランドを持っている人に偶然に出会った。以前から気になって連絡したかったピアノの調律師さんと話ができた。一緒に探してくれるといことなので早く、ピアノが見つかるといいなぁ。
CM出演しばらく見ない内にエライオジサンになりましたね。そういえばこの方もちょっと訛った普通語で同じCMに出演してます。お二人推薦のマッサージ機OSIMを自分の部屋の大きさを省みず思わず買いそうにななってしまいます。でも、Dick どんなに形を変えてもOlivia Ongワタクシあなたの曲は判かるんです、ハイ。
でも、やっぱりOzone は上手いなぁ~!Asian Dream綺麗な音がでるピアノ欲しい~っ!!
Valse romantiqueRonde dans le parc
Ave Maria BWV 972_1BWV 972_3
去年の12月に顎関節炎になってお口が全く開かなくなった。歯医者で治療を受けマウスピースを1ヶ月はめていたので今は完治している。音楽好きの歯医者さんなのでBachのピアノ曲を聞きながらの治療です。”これ、エエやん、誰?”というと前回、私が持参した珍しいCziffraと判り自分の音楽のなかなかのセンスに感心しました。その歯医者さんから”ピアノで弾くポリーニの平均律がホンマにエエでぇ、いっぺん聞いてみぃ。"とのことだったのでMaurizio Pollini 1 Maurizio Pollini 2 ホンマ、ええやんかいさぁ。久しぶりにCD買って一票入れようかなぁ~。
年末に運転免許書を失くした。警察には届けたけれどまだ出てきていない。友達がメガネを失くして冷蔵庫から出てきたというのでしばらくは再発行手続きをせずに免許書が現れるのマタイ受難曲聞きながら待っている。難解な曲だけど大阪弁だとなんと判りやすいか。”来なはれ、イトはん 一緒に嘆こやないかい””見てみぃ””誰をやねん””花婿はんを””見てみぃ””どないやんねん””子羊みたいやでぇ!””見てみぃ””誰をやねん””花婿はんを””見てみぃ””どないやんねん””子羊みたいやでぇ!””おお、罪のない子羊””来なはれ、イトはん 一緒に嘆こやないかい””十字架に掛けられて殺されてしもた””誰をやねん?””花婿はんを””見てみぃ””どないやんねん””子羊みたいやで!””十字架に掛けられて殺されてしもた””誰をやねん?””花婿はんを””見てみぃ””どないやんねん””子羊みたいやで!””見てみぃ””何をかいな?””あの辛抱を””見てみぃ””何をかいな?””あの辛抱を””いっつも辛抱してはる””あの辛抱を見なはれ””どないにアホ扱いされても””あの辛抱を””どないにアホ扱いされても””見てみぃ””何をかいな?””あの辛抱を””どないにアホ扱いされても””見てみぃ””何をかいな?””あの辛抱を””どないにアホ扱いされても””見てみぃ””何をかいな?””あの辛抱を””見てみぃ””何をかいな?””あの辛抱を””見てみぃ””何処をやねん?””わてらの罪を””見てみぃ””何処をやねん?””わてらの罪を””あんさんはわてらの罪を全部負わはった””あんさんはわてらの罪を全部負わはった””見てみぃ””何処をやねん?””わてらの罪を””せやなかったら、わてらは絶望してしまうで””見てみぃ””何処をやねん?””わてらの罪を””見なはれ、愛と慈しみのために””十字架を担がはるお方を!””おぉ、イエスはん、わてらを憐れんでください””おぉ、イエスはん、わてらを憐れんでください””見なはれ、愛と慈しみのために””十字架を担がはるお方を!””見なはれ、愛と慈しみのために””十字架を担がはるお方を!””来なはれ、イトはん 一緒に嘆こやないかい””見てみぃ””誰をやねん””花婿はんを””見てみぃ””どないやんねん””子羊みたいやで!””子羊みたいやでぇ!”
Natalie & Nat King Cole Unforgettable, that's what you areUnforgettable though near or farLike a song of love that clings to meHow the thought of you does things to meNever before has someone been moreUnforgettable in every wayAnd forever more, (And forever more,)that's how you'll stay (that's how you'll stay)That's why, darling, it's incredibleThat someone so unforgettableThinks that I am unforgettable tooNo never before, has someone then moreUnforgettable (Unforgettable) in every way (in every way)And forever more, (And forever more)that's how you'll stay (that's how you'll stay)That's why, darling, it's incredibleThat someone so unforgettableThinks that I am unforgettable tooThanks Dad!
スーパーに買い物に行くとやたらローストチキンが土用のうなぎのように並べられています。落ち着いて、俄かクリスチャンよ騒ぐでない!静かに家族でイヴを過ごしましょう。on HarrodsChristmas prepareChristmas partyThe Christmas songChestnuts roasting on an open fireJack Frost nipping at your noseYuletide carols being sung by a choirAnd folks dressed up like EskimosEverybody knows a turkey and some mistletoeHelp to make the season brightTiny tots with their eyes all aglowWill find it hard to sleep tonightThey know that Santa's on his wayHe's bringing lots of toys and goodieson his sleighAnd every mother's child is gonna spyTo see if reindeer really know how to flyAnd so I'm offering this simple wishTo kids from one to ninety-twoAlthough it's been said many times many waysMerry Christmas to youAnd every mother's child is gonna spyTo see if reindeer really know how to flyAnd so I'm offering this simple wishTo kids from one to ninety-twoAlthough it's been said many times many waysMerry Christmas Merry ChristmasMerry Christmas to youMerry Christmas to you
1. Jingles by Wes Montgomery 2. Epistrophy by Thelonious MonkTin Tin Deo
海莉翻著古老的相片簿 對著總是總是在心中鼓勵著我的人 囁囁著謝謝兩個字晴空翊爽也好 大雨滂沱也罷那時時刻刻浮現的笑容即使回憶已遠離褪色 我依然追尋絲絲影跡當他甦醒時總讓我 涙光閃閃對著第一顆升起的星星祈? 已經變成我的習慣在黄昏時仰望的天空裡 滿心尋找?的蹤跡悲傷落涙也好 歡喜雀躍也罷?的笑容總會浮上心頭我相信從?所在的地方看得到我也相信我們總有重逢的一天而活著晴空翊爽也好 大雨滂沱也罷那時時刻刻浮現的笑容 即使回憶已遠離褪色如此孤單 如此眷戀對?的思念讓我涙光閃閃想見?一面 想見?一面對?的思念讓我 涙光閃閃
って、私が言ったのではありましぇん。10歳の時、ニューヨークフィルとの最年少の共演、11歳で世界的なクラシックマネジメント会社IMGと最年少で契約という実績等からです。御歳、19歳。R.Schumann No.1 Widmung Jiyong 金
とは言いうもののStravinsky Petrushka Christopher 朴オルグル チョワヨ。
当たり前、であろう!この方達をどなたと心得る。Ravel - Jeux d'eau CziffraさまとBach - Partita No. 2 Martha Argerichさまでござるよ。
W & Whale
The choir now sing " The Lord bless you and keep you " by Britsh composer John RutterThe Lord bless you and keep you,The Lord make his face to shine upon youto shine upon you and be graciousand be gracious unto you.The Lord bless you and keep you,The Lord make his face to shine upon youto shine up-on you and be graciousand be gracious unto you.The Lord lift up the light of his countenance upon you,The Lord lift up the light of his countenance upon you.And give you peace, and give you peace.And give you peace, and give you peace.Amen, amen, amen, amen, amen, amen, amen.
小野麗莎My cherie amour, lovely as a summer dayMy cherie amour, distant as the milky wayMy cherie amour, you're the only one that I adoreYou're the only one my heart beats forHow I wish that you were mineIn a cafe or sometimes on a crowded streetI've been near you, but you never noticed meMy cherie amour, won't you tell me how could you ignoreThat behind that little smile I woreHow I wish that you were mineMaybe someday, you'll see my face among the crowdMaybe someday, I'll share your little distant cloudOh, cherie amour, you're the only one that I adoreYou're the only one my heart beats forHow I wish that you were mineLa la la la la la, La la la la la la laLa la la la la la, La la la la la la laMaybe someday, you'll see my face among the crowdMaybe someday, I'll share your little distant cloudOh, cherie amour, you're the only one that I adoreYou're the only one my heart beats forHow I wish that you were mineLa la la la la la, La la la la la la laLa la la la la la, La la la la la la laMy Cherie Amour
Tom JonesPlushenkoIt's not unusual to be loved by anyoneIt's not unusual to have fun with anyonebut when I see you hanging about with anyoneIt's not unusual to see me cry,oh I wanna' dieIt's not unusual to go out at any timebut when I see you out and about it's such a crimeif you should ever want to be loved by anyone,It's not unusual it happens every day no matter what you sayyou find it happens all the timelove will never do what you want it towhy can't this crazy love be minewhoa oh oh oh oh It's not unusual, to be mad with anyoneIt's not unusual, to be sad with anyonebut if I ever find that you've changed at anytimeit's not unusual to find out that I'm in love with youwhoa oh oh oh oh whoa oh oh oh oh
Gal Costa Se voc? disser que eu desafino, amorSaiba que isto em mim provoca imensa dorS? privilegiados tem ouvido igual ao seuEu possuo apenas o que Deus me deuSe voc? insiste em classificarMeu comportamento de antimusicalEu, mesmo mentindo devo argumentarQue isto ? bossa nova, que isto ? muito naturalO que voc? n?o sabe, nem sequer pressente? que os desafinados tamb?m tem um cora??oFotografei voc? na minha RolleiflexRevelouse a sua enorme ingratid?oS? n?o podera falar assim do meu amorEste ? o maior que voc? pode encontrar, viuVoc? com a sua m?sica esqueceu o principalQue no peito dos desafinadosNo fundo do peito bate caladoQue no peito dos desafinadosTamb?m bate um cora??oO que voc? n?o sabe, nem sequer pressente? que os desafinados tamb?m tem um cora??oFotografei voc? na minha RolleiflexRevelouse a sua enorme ingratid?oS? n?o podera falar assim do meu amorEste ? o maior que voc? pode encontrar, viuVoc? com a sua m?sica esqueceu o principalQue no peito dos desafinadosNo fundo do peito bate caladoQue no peito dos desafinadosTamb?m bate um cora??o
Sweety in EnglishSweety in Korean (I like that)It feels like summer breezeWhen I wake up in the morningLet me tell that my life has begunI want to love you moreEveryday and every momentPromise me you'll never leaveYeahI know we'll be okayCause I know you will be aroundJust want to tell youYou like my brightening starI feel my heart with youI can't stop thinking about youLet me tell you once again I'm in love with youIt feels like summer breezeWhen I wake up in the morningLet me tell that my love has begunI want to know you moreEveryday and every momentPromise you will never leaveYeahI know we'll be just fineCause you know I will love you moreJust want to ask you Can you be my loving soI feel my heart with you I can't stop dreaming about youLet me say it one more timeI'm in love with youYou fill my heart and soulI'm in loveYou don't know how I feel when you Smile at me like thatCan you see that you are the one To bring me back to lifeHumm(I like that)It feels like summer breezeWhen I wake up in the morningSmiling shining loving that's what we areLove that you give to meIs like a little whisperWill you ever sing with meYeahI know we'll be alrightCause we know we will be in loveJust want to let us Have time of are livesIt's time for you and meCome cause now we are deep in love Come and take a walk with meI'm in love with youI'm in loveYou don't know how I feel when youSmile at me like thatCan't you see that you are the one To bring me back to lifeHummEvery time you come aroundEvery time you smile at meEvery time you come aroundCan you tell me you love meEvery time you come aroundEvery time you smile at meEvery time you come aroundYou love me You love meAha
Jimmy CliffI can see clearly now the rain is goneI can see all obstacles in my wayGone are the dark clouds that had me blindIt's gonna be a bright (bright) bright (bright) sunshinin' dayIt's gonna be a bright (bright) bright (bright) sunshinin' dayOh yes, I can make it now the pain is goneAll of the bad feelings have disappearedHere is the rainbow I've been praying forIt's gonna be a bright (bright) bright (bright) sunshinin' dayLook all around, there's nothing but blue skiesLook straight ahead, there's nothing but blue skiesI can see clearly now the rain is goneI can see all obstacles in my wayHere's the rainbow I've been praying forIt's gonna be a bright (bright) bright (bright) sunshinin' dayIt's gonna be a bright (bright) bright (bright) sunshinin' dayReal, real, real, realBright (bright) bright (bright) sunshinin' dayIt's gonna be a bright (bright) bright (bright) sunshinin' dayIt's gonna be a bright (bright) bright (bright) sunshinin' dayIt's gonna be a bright (bright) bright (bright) sunshinin' day
私の父は3年前、83歳の誕生日を迎える数日前に他界した。亡くなった年の夏は今年と同じように暑い日が続いていた。その暑い日を無事に乗り越えてくれるよう祈ったが亡くなった日から1週間経過して妹達から不可解な内容の父の死亡通知がメールで届いた。父の死亡通知を遅らせた理由として私が父が亡くなるまで何ら介護・協力も行わず土地の権利を要求し、その上に父が銀行に対して自分で依頼したキャシュカードの再発行の手続きに関して父が認知症であり判断能力がないと根も葉もない虚偽の事実を行員に告げたという事が父の怒りをかい父の強い意思で知らせなかったというのである。そして主治医の診断書が添えられていた。病名は肝臓癌で一貫して認知症が認められなかったという内容である。父が認知症であるかどうかも判らないのに私が何の為に会ったこともない銀行員に虚偽事実を言わなければならないのか私自身、全く意味不明の事であったが銀行員の出現が自分達の相続財産の確保の重要な局面を向かえている時期だったので、自分達の財産確保の正当性を父が私への怒りと言う言葉ですり替えただけの話である事と後で判った。時が経過すれば色々な事が判ってくる。本人には最後まで癌告知のないまま最初から父親の財産の狙っていた私達夫婦には父親の病状をは無論知らせることはなく(というより、この時も私 は行方不明であった。)妹達とその夫達だけがその事実を知り肝臓障害による肝性脳症を併発していたにも関わらず一貫して認知症が認められなかったと提出先も知らせず主治医に診断書を書かせているのは滑稽な事ではある。安物の弁護士にカモられるのは勝手である。人は人を呼ぶので、始めからそれ以下はあってもそれ以上のものはないのは当然のことだ。人として未熟な者達が自分達のやった事をどんな言葉や行為を尽くしても私と私の家族に対して正当化する事はできない。
MC Sniper Seven Samurai
Paula Morelenbaum Chegou, sorriu, venceu depois chorouEnt?o fui eu quem consolou sua tristezaNa certeza de que o amor tem dessas fases m?sE ? bom para fazer as pazes, masDepois fui eu quem dela precisouE ela ent?o me socorreuE o nosso amor mostrou que veio pr? ficarMais uma vez por toda a vidaBom ? mesmo amar em pazBrigas nunca maisChegou, sorriu, venceu depois chorouEnt?o fui eu quem consolou sua tristezaNa certeza de que o amor tem dessas fases m?sE ? bom para fazer as pazes, masDepois fui eu quem dela precisouE ela ent?o me socorreuE o nosso amor mostrou que veio pr? ficarMais uma vez por toda a vidaBom ? mesmo amar em pazBrigas nunca maisDepois fui eu quem dela precisouE ela ent?o me socorreuE o nosso amor mostrou que veio pr? ficarMais uma vez por toda a vidaBom ? mesmo amar em pazBrigas nunca maisBrigas nunca maisBrigas nunca maisby Tom Jobim
10ccI'm not in love So don't forgetIt's just a silly phase I'm going throughAnd just because I call you upDon't get me wrongDon't think you've got it madeI'm not in loveNO noIt's because..I'd like to see you but then againIt doesn't mean you mean that much to meSo if I call youDon't make a fussDon't tell your friends about the two of usI'm not in loveNo noIt's because(Be quiet...big boys don't crybig boys don't crybig boys don't crybig boys don't cry..)I keep your picture upon the wallIt hides a nasty stain that's lying thereSo don't you ask me too give it backI know you know it doesn't mean that much to meI'm not in loveNo noIt's because..Ooh, you'll wait a long time for meOoh, you'll wait a long timeOoh, you'll wait a long time for meOoh, you'll wait a long timeI'm not in love so don't forgetIt's just a silly phase I'm going throughAnd just because I call you upDon't get me wrongDon't think you've got it madeI'm not in loveI'm not in love
Diana KrallNow you say you're lonely You cry the long night throughWell, you can cry me a riverCry me a riverI cried a river over youNow you say you're sorryFor being so untrueWell, you can cry me a riverCry me a riverI cried a river over youYou drove me, nearly drove me, out of my headWhile you never shed a tearRemember, I remember, all that you saidTold me love was too plebeianTold me you were through with me andNow you say you love meWell, just to prove that you doCome on and cry me a riverCry me a riverI cried a river over youYou drove me, nearly drove me, out of my headWhile you never shed a tearRemember, I remember, all that you saidTold me love was too plebeianTold me you were through with me andNow you say you love meWell, just to prove that you doCome on and cry me a riverCry me a riverI cried a river over youI cried a river over youI cried a river over youI cried a river over you
夏川りみてぃんさぐぬ花や爪先(ちみざち)に染(す)みてぃ 親(うや)ぬ寄(ゆ)し事(ぐとぅ)や 肝(ちむ)に染(す)みり天(てぃん)ぬ群(ぶり)星(ぶし)や読(ゆ)みば読(ゆ)まりゆい親(うや)ぬ寄(ゆ)し事(ぐとぅ)や読(ゆ)みやならん夜(ゆる)走(は)らす舟(ふに)や子(に)ぬ方(ふぁ)星(ぶし)見当(みあて)ぃ我(わん)産(な)ちぇる親や我どぅ見当(みあて)ぃ行(い)ち足(た)らん事(くぅ)や一人(ちゅい)足(た)れい足(だ)れい互(たげ)に補(うぎぃ)年(とぅし)や寄(ゆ)ゆる誰(たる)が上(い)になてぃん志(し)情(なさき)どぅ頼(たの) 情(なさき)無(ね)ん浮世(うちゆ)渡(わた)い苦(ぐ)りしゃ宝玉(たからだま)やてぃん磨(みが)かにば錆(さ)びす朝夕(あさゆ)肝(ちむ)磨(みが)ち浮世(うちゆ)渡(わた)ら誠(まくとぅ)する人や後(あとぅ)や何時(いち)迄(までぃ)ん思(うむ)事(くとぅ)ん叶(かな)てぃ千代(ちゆ)ぬ栄(さか)い成(なし)ば何事(なにぐぅと)ん成(な)いるる事(くぅと)やしが成(な)さぬ由(ゆ)しからど成(な)らぬ定(さだ)み
Jong MianLullaby of birdland, that's whatI always hear when you sighNever in my woodlandCould there be words to revealIn a phrase how I feelHave you ever heard two turtle dovesBill and coo when they loveThat's the kind of magicMusic we make with our lipsWhen we kissAnd there's a weepy ol' willowHe really knows how to cryThat's how I cry in my pillowIf you should tell meFarewell and goodbyeLullaby of Birdland whisper lowkiss me sweet and we'll goFliyin' high in BirdlandHigh in the sky up aboveAll because we're in loveAnd there's a weepy ol' willowHe really knows how to cryThat's how I cry in my pillowIf you should tell meFarewell and goodbyeLullaby of Birdland whisper lowkiss me sweet and we'll goFliyin' high in BirdlandHigh in the sky up aboveAll because we're in love
Living with windWhatever we become残像
Visiting Korean educaitonCenterVisiting JAICA in TashkentNaitonal musseum of Uzbekistan
korean education Center in TashkentUzbekistan CafeMarket in Old townKolkhoz
Almaty-TashikentCity loopsUndergrounds
Green marketMeeting with sutudents and teachers of Korean and Japanese Department(President Central Hospital)Dinner in Alamaarsan
National museumMedeo,chimbulak mountainDinner in Yuruta restaurant(Kazakh food)Kokutube
UstobeMemorable places of the deported Koreans
The old square-Celeblation's day of pepole unity in KZVisiting Korean HouseLectture of Prof.German KimThe Museum of Kazakh Naitonal music instrumentsThe Monument of GloryVisiting JAICA of Almaty
今天是一天、我的媽媽出生和到了天堂。紅顔自閉去母親喪禮決不要風 ?怕生寶不怕講?無眼涙卻觀看別人盡情在哭訴 擔心?無法瀉出悲訴 人紅著眼根本再不需説話 有某些難過再無法假 童年時?默不似是?巴 永不想講親?媽 唯一隻次知? 曾經出意外 社交不愛 唯有守候在家内内心早緊閉 而溝通障礙 靠畫筆去 畫遍心聲的記載 ?母親走了也不要慌 從前身世不怕講 習慣孤單?只?只要大門願開放 只知? 畫了畫 一屋放 童年自閉不?説想講説話 卻似天才毎晩畫畫 有這個症自少困在家 明日定是畫家唯一只知? 曾經出意外 社交不愛 唯有守候在家内内心早緊閉 而溝通障礙靠畫筆去 畫遍心聲的記載童年舊友 應該也只得我? 我老早迷上?純潔? ?縦帯笑 内心卻在葬花 ?日夜畫媽媽 我多麼了解? 無需説話 我喜歡了畫個畫像屬於我 我一暗戀?無需暗示 我愛的?言語都恐解説錯 我喜歡? 任?表達未清楚 墓非墓愛真愛 無需多説話 我喜歡? 任?講不講愛我
言葉はいらない もう少し このままで話をしようできるだけ声を 聞いていたいから閉上了眼晴 夜深入己静従没有過這感應?的温柔声音表情在脳海里如比鮮明悲しい時も 嬉しい時もずっと 支え合えるように握?的手 手と手を就様握起?的手/繋(つな)いたら昨天己走遠這一片藍天無限漫延我們眼前言葉を 言不由衷もしも探して迷うなら/就算迷惘找不到的理由把心給我 心を 触れ合えるだけでいい/能感受彼此温度就足多句風がほら 遠くから季節を運び新しい夢の つぼみがほころぶ風吹過天際盛開草原裡 那朶花?来訊息?會告訴我的花語多麼熟悉難以忘記無論悲傷或歓喜一路上有我陪?我相信 我相信在我們心底暖暖回應目と目で 从?的眼気持ち伝えよう/感受到永遠明日からもあなたのそばにいることを言不由衷 言葉を別担心就算迷惘找不到理由/探して迷うなら一個笑容 笑顔で 能交会?我之間就足多句/見つめ合うだけでいい陪在我左右 二人で用生命歌頌 歌う編成一首 穿越時空的melody/未来へと続いてくmelody を牽?的手 手と手を默默地牽起?的手/繋(つな)いたら這一片天空在不久以后/いつの日かこ空が会緊緊地包圍?我/ひとつになるでしょうここから 从今以后時を重ねて育でよう/譲時間緩緩指引我們向前走多麼感動 僕らの用這?天長地久来愛?/深い思いを愛に用這?天長地久来愛?/深い思いを愛に
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